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FriCAS package: fricas_snark

Automated Theorem Prover for FriCAS (based on SNARK).

Dedicated to the memory of Mark E. Stickel (1947-2013)


The folder sphinx contains the sphinx sources of the manual while the compiled HTML files are in docs. There is an online version served by GitHub pages (master branch /docs folder).

Documentation and detailed information about SNARK:

SNARK tutorial:
SNARK paper:
SNARK home:
SNARK author:

SNARK will now be automatically installed from the quicklisp repository.

Quick start

We assume Quicklisp is installed.

  1. Add the following code to your ~/.fricas.input:
)set mess type off
quickLoad(p) ==
  systemCommand("lisp (load _"~/quicklisp/setup_")")
  systemCommand(concat ["lisp (ql::quickload _"",string p,"_")"])
)set mess type on

whereby assuming your Quicklisp home is ~/quicklisp. Otherwise adjust the path in the function defined above.

  1. Clone to ~/quicklisp/local-projects, that is:

    cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects
    git clone
  2. Start FriCAS and issue::

    quickLoad fricas_snark


If you start fricas without the -nosman option then you have to use

)frame next

in order to see the function quickLoad (This is because .fricas.input is read into frame initial - use )frame names to see a list of all frames. If you do not like to use a startup file then you can use the lisp commands of course:

)lisp (load "~/quicklisp/setup")
)lisp (ql:quickload :dform)

The function quickLoad will compile everything once (src) and when called next time the binaries are loaded (lib). If you want to recompile the sources then either delete everything in lib or use:

)lisp (compile-prop)


There is a test file test_prop.input in folder test which can be run either by the function:


when installed using Quicklisp, or manually by:

)read test_prop

as usual. Note that a )clear all will be issued!

In the folder input are some other examples and test files.


The folder sphinx contains the sources of the documentation. To rebuild the HTML files or even building other formats (e.g. LaTeX) you will need a Sphinx installation:

make html

To change the style you have to edit


Principal inference rules are resolution and paramodulation. Some distinctive features of SNARK are its support for special unification algorithms, sorts, answer construction for program synthesis, procedural attachment, and extensibility by Lisp/SPAD code. SNARK has been used as the reasoning component of SRI's High Performance Knowledge Base (HPKB) system, which deduces answers to questions based on large repositories of information, and as the deductive core of NASA's Amphion system, which composes software from components to meet users' specifications, e.g., to perform computations in planetary astronomy. SNARK has also been connected to Kestrel's SPECWARE environment for software development.

The language

The language:

variables, terms ......  Expression(T), where T has Comparable

/\      ...............  logical conjunction (and)
\/      ...............  logical disjunction (or)
>>      ...............  implication (implies, =>)
<<      ...............  implied by (implied-by, <=)
~       ...............  logical negation (not)
all     ...............  forall quantifier
ex      ...............  exists quantifier

=       ...............  equality predicate (eq)
<       ...............  less than predicate (lt)
>       ...............  greater than predicate (gt)
<=      ...............  less than or equal predicate (leq)
>=      ...............  greater than or equal predicate (geq)

true(), false(): constant propositions

pred    ...............  builds predicates of any order
                         pred('P,[x,y,z]) -> P(x,y,z)

Example (input/ex2.input)

An example from group theory

)clear all

X ==> EXPR INT  -- Terms
P ==> PROP INT  -- Propositions

-- Group

* : BOP:=operator 'op  -- group multiplication
/ : BOP:=operator 'inv -- inverse element

e:X -- unit element

-- Axioms
leftId := all(x,(e*x=x)$P)   -- left unit element
leftInv := all(x,(/x*x=e)$P) -- left inverse
assoc := all([x,y,z],(x*(y*z)=(x*y)*z)$P)  -- associativity of (*)

-- Hypotheses
leftCancel := all([x,y,z], (x*y=x*z)$P >> (y=z)$P)
rightId := all(x,(x*e=x)$P)
rightInv := all(x,(x*/x=e)$P)
rightInvUnique := all([x,y],(x*y=e)$P >> (y=/x)$P)
invInvolution := all(x, (/(/x)=x)$P)
invProd := all([x,y],( /(x*y)=(/y)*(/x))$P)

-- Init/prove



(Row 1
   (= (op e ?X) ?X)
(Row 2
   (= (op (inv ?X) ?X) e)
(Row 3
   (= (op ?X (op ?Y ?Z)) (op (op ?X ?Y) ?Z))
(Row 6
   (= (op (inv ?X) (op ?X ?Y)) ?Y)

)show PROP

(24) -> )show P
Proposition(Integer) is a domain constructor.
Abbreviation for Proposition is PROP
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------

?/\? : (%,%) -> %                     ?<<? : (%,%) -> %
?>>? : (%,%) -> %                     ?\/? : (%,%) -> %
?^? : (%,%) -> %                      assert : % -> SExpression
assume : % -> SExpression             coerce : % -> OutputForm
convert : % -> InputForm              false : () -> %
getOption : String -> SExpression     initialize : () -> SExpression
printAgenda : () -> SExpression       printOptions : () -> SExpression
printRows : () -> SExpression         printSummary : () -> SExpression
printTPTP : () -> SExpression         prove : % -> SExpression
reset : () -> SExpression             runTimeLimit? : () -> SExpression
true : () -> %                        useParaModulation? : () -> Boolean
useResolution : Boolean -> Boolean    useResolution? : () -> Boolean
~? : % -> %
?<? : (Expression(Integer),Expression(Integer)) -> %
?<=? : (Expression(Integer),Expression(Integer)) -> %
?=? : (Expression(Integer),Expression(Integer)) -> %
?>? : (Expression(Integer),Expression(Integer)) -> %
?>=? : (Expression(Integer),Expression(Integer)) -> %
all : (Expression(Integer),%) -> %
all : (List(Expression(Integer)),%) -> %
ex : (Expression(Integer),%) -> %
ex : (List(Expression(Integer)),%) -> %
getCurrentOptions : () -> Table(String,String)
getDefaultOptions : () -> Table(String,String)
ppOptions : Table(String,String) -> Void
pred : (Symbol,List(Expression(Integer))) -> %
printRow : PositiveInteger -> SExpression
prove : (%,List(%)) -> SExpression
prove? : (%,List(%),%) -> SExpression
reset : Table(String,String) -> SExpression
runTimeLimit : PositiveInteger -> PositiveInteger
setOption : (String,String) -> SExpression
useHyperResolution : Boolean -> Boolean
useHyperResolution? : () -> Boolean
useParaModulation : Boolean -> Boolean

Tested OS/Lisp

)lisp (lisp-implementation-version)
Value = "2.48 (2009-07-28) (built on win32)"
)lisp (lisp-implementation-type)
Value = "CLISP"
)sys uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 ajax 1.7.32 i686 Cygwin

)lisp (lisp-implementation-version)
Value = "1.2.16"
)lisp (lisp-implementation-type)
Value = "SBCL"
)sys uname -a
Linux helix 3.13.0-49-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP


Automated Theorem Prover for FriCAS (based on SNARK)







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