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This repository contains testcases for converting OpenStreetMap data into GIS world formats.

Each test has its own directory containing numbered osm/osc files and the expected results after each step in different output formats.
After each step only the output of one OSM object is relevant. Which object is the one to be checked depends on the kind of testcase.

Individual testcases:

1. Output by closed ways:
 In all of these testcases the output generated by a single closed way is checked. 
 If you want to check for numerical equality you may want to give a reasonable epsilon, 
 since the reference output was calculated in google mercator projection and reprojected to lat/lon.
 So there are small rounding differences beween input and reference output.
 Each test contains:
    0.osm: The Input .osm file
    0_output.svg: The expected output geometry represented as svg image. This file is intended for visual control by the developer.
    0_output.wkt: The expected output geometry represented as wkt.
    0_output.wkb: The expected output geometry represented as wkb.
    0_output.result: a text file containing ether "valid" for valid input or "invalid geometry" for invalid input
    README: Explanation of the test for the developer

2. Output by multipolygon relations
 In all of these testcases the geometry output generated by a single relation is checked.
 If you want to check for numerical equality you may want to give a reasonable epsilon, 
 since the reference output was calculated in google mercator projection and reprojected to lat/lon.
 So there are small rounding differences beween input and reference output.
 Each test contains:
    0.osm: The Input .osm file
    0_output.svg: The expected output geometry represented as svg image. This file is intended for visual control by the developer.
    0_output.wkt: The expected output geometry represented as wkt.
    0_output.wkb: The expected output geometry represented as wkb.
    0_output.result: a text file containing ether "valid" for valid input or "invalid geometry"/"invalid roles" for invalid input
    README: Explanation of the test for the developer


Test suite for converting OSM-Data into gis world






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