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Welcome to GameHub!

GameHub is the React course project designed to showcase the integration of modern web technologies and APIs to create a dynamic and engaging web application. This project was developed following two parts of the comprehensive React course by Code with Mosh.

About the Project

GameHub is a web application that allows users to browse and discover video games across multiple platforms. The project leverages the RAWG Video Games Database API to fetch game data, ensuring users have access to vast and up-to-date information.

Getting Started with GameHub

To get a local version of GameHub up and running, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Begin by cloning this repository to your local machine. This will give you a copy of the codebase. git clone [repository-url]

  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate into the project directory and run the following command to install the necessary dependencies: npm install

  3. Start the Development Server: Launch the project locally by running: npm run dev