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Cordova plugin to add mobile SDK into your ionic mobile app

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Ionic Cordova Native Plugin for PayHere Payment Gateway

This plugin can be used to add native behaviour of PayHere mobile SDK into your Ionic cordova project. Plugin supports two platforms Android & IOS



Add the plugin and type definitions to your project

    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-payhere@0.0.10
    npm install types-payhere@0.0.5 --save

It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )

    cordova plugin add


Note: This is only if you need plugin to support ios platform

CocoaPods is a dependency manager used in ios projects. We need to add PayHere's native ios SDK dependancy to our project.

You can install CocoaPods with the following command, ignore if CocoaPods already installed on your computer

$ gem install cocoapods

Follow these teps to payhereSDK into your ios project

  • Go to platform/ios folder in your ionic project
  • Open Podfile inside ios folder. If Podfile not available. Simply run the command pod init on that folder
  • Now you need to add two line to the pod file use_frameworks! & pod 'payHereSDK' , '2.0.0' -- example podfile
platform :ios, '11.0'
target '<your project name>' do
	project '<your project name>.xcodeproj'
	pod 'payHereSDK', '2.0.0'
  • Now run following command to install all dependancies
$ pod install
  • That's all. Now all dependencies are installed on your ios project


Add the plugin to app's provider list

import { PayHere } from "types-payhere/ngx";

  imports:  [ ... ],
  declarations: [ ... ],
  providers: [..., PayHere],
export class AppModule {}

In your page

Checkout Payment Request:

import { PayHere, CheckoutRequest, Currency } from "types-payhere/ngx";

constructor(private payhere: PayHere) { }


const checkoutRequest: CheckoutRequest = {
        sandboxEnabled:true, // default is false
        merchantId: "11111",
        merchantSecret: "<Add your app at Settings > Domains & Credentials, to get this>",
	      notifyURL: "",
        amount: 100.00,
        currency: Currency.LKR,
        orderId: "123",
        itemsDescription: "Item Desc",
        custom1: "",
        custom2: "",
        customer: {
          firstName: "Nipuna",
          lastName: "Harshana",
          email: "",
          phone: "0712345678",
        billing: {
          address: "No 127, Street name",
          city: "Colombo",
          country: "Sri Lanka",
        shipping: {
          address: "Park Street",
          city: "Colombo",
          country: "Sri Lanka",
        items: [
            id: "1",
            name: "My first item name",
            quantity: 1,
            amount: 10.0,
            id: "2",
            name: "My second item name",
            quantity: 1,
            amount: 20.0,

this.payhere.checkout(checkoutRequest).then((response:any) => {
 // handle response
}, (err) => {
 // Handle error

PreAproval Payment Request:

import { PayHere, PreApproveRequest, Currency } from "types-payhere/ngx";

constructor(private payhere: PayHere) { }


const preApproveRequest: PreApproveRequest = {
        sandboxEnabled:true, // default is false
        merchantSecret: "<Add your app at Settings > Domains & Credentials, to get this>",
	      notifyURL: "",
        merchantId: "11111",
        currency: Currency.LKR,
        orderId: "123",
        itemsDescription: "Desc",
        custom1: "",
        custom2: "",
        customer: {
          firstName: "Nipuna",
          lastName: "Harshana",
          email: "",
          phone: "0712345678",
        billing: {
          address: "No 127, Street name",
          city: "Colombo",
          country: "Sri Lanka",
        items: [],

this.payhere.preApprove(preApproveRequest).then((response:any) => {
 // handle response
}, (err) => {
 // Handle error

Recurring Payment Request:

not supported yet

PayHere API & SDK reference

See Android SDK, iOS SDK


  • Add support for Recurring Payment Request
  • Add browser support
