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moving configs
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niquola committed Jul 4, 2016
1 parent f2eed65 commit a73e06b
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Showing 9 changed files with 107 additions and 154 deletions.
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions sample/config.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
#:pg{:users #:users{:usr/replication #:usr{:password "secret"}}
:hba [["local" "all" "all" "trust"]
["local" "replication" "replication" "trust"]
["host" "replication" "replication" "" "md5"]
["host" "all" "all" "" "md5"]]
:failover {:tx/timeout 5000}
:health {:tx/timeout 3000
:chk/master {:simple-read "SELECT 1"
:snapshot "SELECT txid_current_snapshot()"
:transaction-id "SELECT txid_current()"}
:chk/replica {:simple-read "SELECT 1"
:snapshot "SELECT txid_current_snapshot()"}}
:postgres #:pg{:max_connections 100
:listen_addresses "*"
:wal_level "logical"
:hot_standby "on"
:archive_mode "on"
:archive_timeout 60
:max_wal_senders 10
:wal_keep_segments 100
:shared_buffers "128MB"}}
#:glb{:users #:usrs{:usr/replication #:usr{:password "secret"}}
:hba [["local" "all" "all" "trust"]
["local" "replication" "replication" "trust"]
["host" "replication" "replication" "" "md5"]
["host" "all" "all" "" "md5"]]
:failover {:tx/timeout 5000}
:health {:tx/timeout 3000
:chk/master {:simple-read "SELECT 1"
:snapshot "SELECT txid_current_snapshot()"
:transaction-id "SELECT txid_current()"}
:chk/replica {:simple-read "SELECT 1"
:snapshot "SELECT txid_current_snapshot()"}}
:postgres #:pg{:max_connections 100
:listen_addresses "*"
:wal_level "logical"
:hot_standby "on"
:archive_mode "on"
:archive_timeout 60
:max_wal_senders 10
:wal_keep_segments 100
:shared_buffers "128MB"}}
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions sample/node-1.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#:cfg{:name "node-1"
#:lcl{:name "node-1"
:host ""
:postgres-bin "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin"
:data-dir "/tmp/node-1"
:web #:web{:port 8080}
:atomix #:ax{:port 4444
:host ""}
:atomix #:ax{:port 4444}
:postgres #:pg{:port 5434
:host ""
:restore_command "cp /tmp/wallogs/pg_xlog/%f %p"
:archive_cleanup_command "rm -f %r"
:archive_command "cp %p /tmp/wallogs/%p"}}
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions sample/node-2.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
#:cfg{:name "node-2"
#:lcl{:name "node-2"
:postgres-bin "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin"
:data-dir "/tmp/node-2"
:web #:web{:port 8081}
:host ""
:atomix #:ax{:port 4445
:host ""
:join [{:host "" :port 4444}]
:discovery ["http://localhost:8080/discovery"]}
:postgres #:pg{:port 5435
:host ""
:archive_command "cp %p /tmp/wallogs/%p"}}
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions sample/node-3.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
#:cfg{:name "node-3"
#:lcl{:name "node-3"
:postgres-bin "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin"
:data-dir "/tmp/node-3"
:web #:web{:port 8082}
:host ""
:atomix #:ax{:port 4446
:host ""
:join [{:host "" :port 4444}]
:discovery ["http://localhost:8080/discovery"]}
:postgres #:pg{:port 5435
:host ""
:archive_command "cp %p /tmp/wallogs/%p"}}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ankusha/atomix/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
(s/fdef replica :args :cfg/local-config)

(defn- replica ^AtomixReplica
[{data-dir :cfg/data-dir {port :ax/port host :ax/host} :cfg/atomix :as cfg}]
[{data-dir :cfg/data-dir {port :ax/port} :cfg/atomix host :cfg/host :as cfg}]
(log/info "Init replica at " (str host ":" port))
(sh/sh "mkdir" "-p" data-dir)
(-> (AtomixReplica/builder (addr {:host host :port port}))
Expand Down
41 changes: 20 additions & 21 deletions src/ankusha/config.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,49 +9,48 @@
(defn ipv4? [x] (re-matches #"^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$" x))

(s/def :web/port number?)
(s/def :ax/host ipv4?)
(s/def :pg/host ipv4?)
(s/def :lcl/host ipv4?)

(s/def :cfg/postgres-bin file-exists?)
(s/def :cfg/data-dir file-path?)
(s/def :cfg/web (s/keys :req [:web/port]))
(s/def :cfg/atomix (s/keys :req [:ax/port :ax/host]))
(s/def :cfg/postgres (s/keys :req [:pg/port :pg/host] :opt [:pg/archive_command]))
(s/def :lcl/postgres-bin file-exists?)
(s/def :lcl/data-dir file-path?)
(s/def :lcl/web (s/keys :req [:web/port]))
(s/def :lcl/atomix (s/keys :req [:ax/port]))
(s/def :lcl/postgres (s/keys :req [:pg/port :pg/archive_command]))
(s/def :glb/postgres (s/keys :opt [:pg/archive_command :pg/port]))

(s/def :cfg/local-config (s/keys :req [:cfg/data-dir :cfg/name :cfg/postgres-bin :cfg/postgres]))
(s/def :lcl/config (s/keys :req [:lcl/data-dir :lcl/name :lcl/postgres-bin :lcl/postgres :lcl/host]))
(s/def :glb/config (s/keys :req [:glb/hba :glb/users :glb/postgres]))

(defn load-config [filepath]
(edn/read-string (slurp filepath)))

(defn load-global [filepath]
(edn/read-string (slurp filepath)))
(let [cfg (load-config filepath)]
(if (s/valid? :glb/config cfg)
(do (state/assoc-in [:global-config] cfg) cfg)
(throw (Exception. (with-out-str (s/explain :glb/config cfg)))))))

(defn load-local [filepath]
(let [cfg (load-config filepath)]
(if (s/valid? :cfg/local-config cfg)
(state/assoc-in [:local-config] cfg)
(throw (Exception. (with-out-str (s/explain :cfg/local-config cfg)))))))
(if (s/valid? :lcl/config cfg)
(do (state/assoc-in [:local-config] cfg) cfg)
(throw (Exception. (with-out-str (s/explain :lcl/config cfg)))))))

(defn local []
(state/get-in [:local-config]))

(defn global []
(state/get-in [:global-config]))

(defn get-local [])


(s/explain ::local-config
(load-config "sample/node-1.edn")))

(load-config "sample/node-1.edn")

(load-local "sample/node-1.edn")

(load-global "sample/config.edn")

Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/ankusha/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,8 +26,7 @@

(defn parse-addrs [addrs]
(map (fn [x]
(let [a (str/split x #":")]
{:host (get a 0) :port (Integer/parseInt (get a 1))}))
(let [a (str/split x #":")] {:host (get a 0) :port (Integer/parseInt (get a 1))}))
(str/split addrs #",")))

(defn bootstrap-replica [local-config-path addr-str]
Expand Down
62 changes: 26 additions & 36 deletions src/ankusha/pg/config.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[ :as log]
[ankusha.config :as conf]
[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<!]]))

(defn pg-data-dir [cfg & args]
(apply str (:data-dir cfg) "/pg" (when-not (empty? args) (str "/" (str/join "/" args)))))
(apply str (:lcl/data-dir cfg) "/pg" (when-not (empty? args) (str "/" (str/join "/" args)))))

(defn to-config [cfg]
Expand All @@ -14,50 +15,39 @@
(defn to-props [cfg]
(str/join " " (for [[k v] cfg] (str (name k) "=" v))))

(to-props {:a 1 :b 3})

(defn mk-config [cfg]
(to-config (:config cfg)))

(defn mk-hba [cfg]
(doseq [ks (:hba cfg)]
(println (str/join "\t" (map name ks))))))
(defn hba [gcfg lcfg]
(->> gcfg
(map #(str/join "\t" %))
(str/join "\n")))

(defn config [gcfg lcfg]
(to-config (merge (:glb/postgres gcfg)
(:lcl/postgres lcfg)
{:unix_socket_directories (pg-data-dir lcfg)
:log_line_prefix (str "<" (:lcl/name lcfg) ">")})))

(defn mk-recovery [master-cfg replica-cfg]
(defn mk-recovery [master-cfg lcfg]
{:standby_mode "on"
:primary_conninfo (to-props {:host (:host master-cfg)
:port (:port master-cfg)
:user (get-in master-cfg [:user :name])
:password (get-in master-cfg [:user :password])})
:restore_command (str "cp /tmp/wallogs/pg_xlog/%f %p")
:archive_cleanup_command "rm -f %r"}))

(defn update-hba [cfg]
(let [hba (mk-hba cfg)
conf_path (pg-data-dir cfg "pg_hba.conf")]
(log/info "Update pg_hbal:\n" hba)
(spit conf_path hba)))

(defn update-config [cfg]
(let [pgconf (mk-config cfg)
conf_path (pg-data-dir cfg "postgresql.conf")]
(log/info "Update config:\n" pgconf)
(spit conf_path pgconf)))

(defn update-recovery [master-cfg replica-cfg]
(let [txt (mk-recovery master-cfg replica-cfg)
conf_path (pg-data-dir replica-cfg "/recovery.conf")]
(log/info "Update recovery.conf [" conf_path "]\n" txt )
(spit conf_path txt)))

;; (defn sighup-params [cfg]
;; (pg/exec (conn-uri cfg)
;; {:select [:name]
;; :from [:pg_settings]
;; :where [:= :context "sighup"]}))
:restore_command (:pg/restore_command lcfg)
:archive_cleanup_command (:pg/archive_cleanup_command lcfg)}))

(update-config config)
(reconfigure config))
(conf/load-local "sample/node-1.edn")
(conf/load-global "sample/config.edn")

(println "--------")
(println (hba (conf/global) (conf/local)))

(println "--------")
(println (config (conf/global) (conf/local)))

92 changes: 29 additions & 63 deletions src/ankusha/pg/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
(throw (Exception. (str "Unable to connect to postgres"))))))

(defn initdb [cfg]
(log/info "[" (:name cfg) "] " "initdb -D" (pg-data-dir cfg))
(log/info "[" (:cfg/name cfg) "] " "initdb -D" (pg-data-dir cfg))
(let [res (sh/sh (bin "initdb") "-D" (pg-data-dir cfg))]
(if (= 0 (:exit res))
(log/info (:out res))
Expand All @@ -88,41 +88,37 @@
(when (.exists (io/file pth))
(first (str/split (slurp pth) #"\n")))))

(defn start []
(if-let [cfg (get-node)]
(if (.exists (io/file (pg-data-dir cfg "/")))
(log/info "Postgres already started")
(let [res (pg_ctl cfg :start)]
(state/assoc-in [:pg :process] (pid))
(log/info "Node not initialized")))
(defn start [lcfg]
(if (.exists (io/file (pg-data-dir lcfg "/")))
(log/info "Postgres already started")
(let [res (pg_ctl lcfg :start)]
(state/assoc-in [:pg :process] (pid))

(defn stop []
(pg_ctl (get-node) :stop))

(defn create-user [cfg {nm :name pswd :password}]
(log/info "Create user" nm )
(psql cfg (str "CREATE USER " nm " WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD '" pswd "'")))
(defn create-user [lcfg users]
(doseq [[nm usr] users]
(log/info "Create user" nm)
(psql lcfg (str "CREATE USER " nm " WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD '" (:usr/password usr) "'"))))

(defn master [opts]
(let [cfg (merge (node-config opts)
{:user {:name "ankus" :password (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))}})]
(initdb cfg)
(pg-config/update-config cfg)
(pg-config/update-hba cfg)
(state/assoc-in [:pg] cfg)
(wait-pg cfg 10 "SELECT 1")
(create-user cfg (:user cfg))

(defn master [gcfg lcfg]
(initdb lcfg)
(pg-config/config gcfg lcfg)
(pg-config/hba gcfg lcfg)
(start lcfg)
(wait-pg lcfg 10 "SELECT 1")
(create-user lcfg (:glb/users gcfg)))

(defn kill [pid sig]
(sh/sh "kill" (str "-" (str/upper-case (name sig))) pid))

(defn replica [parent-cfg replica-opts]
(let [cfg (node-config replica-opts)
pgpass-path (str (:data-dir replica-opts) "/.pgpass")
(defn replica [parent-cfg {data-dir :cfg/data-dir :as replica-cfg}]
(let [cfg (node-config replica-cfg)
pgpass-path (str data-dir "/.pgpass")
args [(bin "pg_basebackup")
"-h" (:host parent-cfg)
Expand All @@ -132,8 +128,8 @@
"-D" (pg-data-dir cfg)
:env {"PGPASSFILE" pgpass-path}]]

(sh! "mkdir" "-p" (:data-dir cfg))
(sh! "chmod" "0700" (:data-dir cfg))
(sh! "mkdir" "-p" data-dir)
(sh! "chmod" "0700" data-dir)
(spit pgpass-path
(let [{{u :name pwd :password} :user h :host p :port} parent-cfg]
(str h ":" p ":*:" u ":" pwd "\n")))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,44 +162,14 @@
(sh/sh "rm" "-rf" "/tmp/wallogs")
(sh/sh "mkdir" "-p" "/tmp/wallogs/pg_xlog")


(for [x (enumeration-seq (]

(def cfg
{:name "node-1"
:host ""
:port 5434
:data-dir "/tmp/node-1"})

(def master-cfg (master cfg))

(:user master-cfg)
(:host master-cfg)


(sh! "rm" "-rf" "/tmp/node-2")
(sh/sh "rm" "-rf" "/tmp/node-1/pg")

(state/with-node "node-2"
(replica master-cfg
{:name "node-2"
:host ""
:port 5435
:data-dir "/tmp/node-2"}))
(require '[ankusha.config :as conf])

(state/with-node "node-2" (stop))
(conf/load-local "sample/node-1.edn")

(conf/load-global "sample/config.edn")

(state/with-node "node-3"
(replica master-cfg
{:name "node-3"
:host ""
:port 5436
:data-dir "/tmp/node-3"}))
(master (conf/global) (conf/local))

(state/with-node "node-3" (stop))

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