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Ansible playbooks to setup dev environments and home servers


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Infra Automation

Ansible playbooks to setup dev environments and home servers


git clone
cd infra-automation
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -U -r requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

# To set up pre-commit hooks, required for contributing code, run:
pre-commit install --install-hooks --overwrite

# On macOS, if you need to use the `-k` flag with ansible-playbook, run:
brew install nirantak/tap/sshpass

Update the following files to your liking:

  • inventory.ini (replace IP address with your server's IP, or use and add connection=local at the end if you're running it on the machine you're setting up).
  • group_vars/<group>.yml to update the config for any host group from the inventory.



Raspberry Pi setup and config for all things Internet

  • Download Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64-bit and flash it on a Micro SD Card using Raspberry Pi Imager
  • From the here copy the required files to the /boot partition of the Raspberry Pi SD Card to enable certain features:
    • Copy the ssh file as is, to enable ssh on first boot, so that a monitor or keyboard is not required for setup.
    • Update and copy the config.txt file to edit the boot configuration.
    • Update and copy the wpa_supplicant.conf file to enable WiFi, or connect an ethernet cable.
  • Once you are able to ssh into the rpi using the default credentials, run the ansible playbook to set it up.
  • Update the config file group_vars/rpi.yml as per your needs.
# To run the entire setup:
ansible-playbook playbooks/raspberry_pi.yml -k
# Tested on Raspberry Pi OS
# Only use the `-k` flag the first time, so that you can enter the default ssh password.
# This is not needed once key-based ssh is setup.

# Or run select tasks or roles using tags:
ansible-playbook playbooks/raspberry_pi.yml -t ping
  • To change Pi-hole web admin interface password, run pihole -a -p.
  • To backup the Pi-hole config, run pihole -a -t <backup-pihole.tar.gz>.


Installs the Pi-hole for network-wide ad-blocking and local DNS. Make sure to update your network router config to direct all DNS queries through your Raspberry Pi if you want to use Pi-hole effectively.

Pi-hole: Access the Pi-hole dahsboard using any of the following links and use the pihole_password you configured in your config.yml file.

  • The rpi_hostname setup (eg:
  • The default domain name for Pi-hole setup (pi.hole)
  • The IP address of the server (eg:

Pi-hole Dashboard

macOS [WIP]

Mac dev env setup and configuration

  • Update the config file group_vars/mac.yml as per your needs, to select what software you want to install or configure.
# Install xcode command line tools
xcode-select --install

# To run the entire setup:
ansible-playbook playbooks/mac_dev_setup.yml -k
# Using the `-k` flag you can enter you macOS password before the playbook runs

# Or run select tasks or roles using tags:
ansible-playbook playbooks/mac_dev_setup.yml -k -t ping



Ansible playbooks to setup dev environments and home servers








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