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This Android application allows users to explore a list of bank branches, filter them by city, view branch details, and even obtain directions to the selected branch.


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Welcome to the BankList App! This Android application allows users to explore a list of bank branches, filter them by city, view branch details, and even obtain directions to the selected branch.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Clone the Repository

To get started with the project, clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

Open in Android Studio

  1. Launch Android Studio.
  2. Select "Open an Existing Project" and navigate to the cloned repository folder.
  3. Open the project.

Build and Run

  • Build the project by selecting "Build" > "Make Project" from the Android Studio menu.
  • Run the app on an emulator or a physical Android device by selecting "Run" > "Run 'app'" from the menu.


Home Page

  • Upon opening the app, a loading process is displayed in the center of the screen.
  • The app makes service calls to the provided API endpoint for branch data.
  • Results are displayed, and a warning is shown if there is no data.
  • Users can filter the branch list by entering a city name.
  • Internet connectivity is checked, and a warning is displayed if there is no internet connection.

Branch Details Page

  • Users can click on a listed branch to view its details.
  • Branch details are shown on this page.
  • Firebase Analytics logs branch details when this page is opened.
  • Users can obtain directions to the branch by clicking a navigation button.


  • The app follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern.
  • Dagger Hilt is used for dependency injection.
  • Room Database is used for local data storage, allowing offline access.
  • Unit tests have been implemented to ensure the app's functionality.
  • ProGuard is configured for application security.


The project relies on several external dependencies, including but not limited to:

Unit Testing

Unit tests have been written to ensure the reliability of the app's features. You can run these tests using Android Studio's built-in testing tools.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. You can freely use and modify the code as per the terms of the license.


This Android application allows users to explore a list of bank branches, filter them by city, view branch details, and even obtain directions to the selected branch.






