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Source Verison Control History of NPOI

Tony Qu edited this page Oct 20, 2018 · 2 revisions

In the very begining, NPOI used google code svn. You can get the old code archive from

However, after Google is banned in China since 2010, I start to use Microsoft codeplex. The available url is I did use Microsoft codeplex svn to host the code repository for 5 years (2010-2014). I don't remember the exact time but there is a moment that codeplex svn always throw some error when I try to commit code to the svn. At that moment, Microsoft supports both svn and git. But it looks the code states of git and svn are different for some reason.

Since I feel frustrated to use codeplex to commit codes, I decided to use github instead. Then the latest url of NPOI is Currently, we are satisfied with github.