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Carrier Search Scenario

This scenario was done as a test for Avantmark Technologies as part of the hiring process.


  • React.js for frontend functionality and state management.
  • Axios for API calls.
  • Bootstrap for user interface styling and components.

Getting Started

Install Node.js

This application uses packages from the Node Package Manager (npm) and Node.js and will not work without them.

Open a terminal

Open either cmd or powershell on Windows. If not using windows then open the terminal of choice on your Operating System.

Enter the project directory using the terminal

This can be done using the cd command. Example: cd carriers/.

Run npm install

Installs all the packages & dependencies this application needs in order to work.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

The Problem

Company ABC is a logistics company. This company matches carriers/trucks with customers who have cargo to deliver. You are tasked with creating a web application that will find all the carriers within a geographical area given a city, state and a radius.

Note: Your application should allow the user to input a location and radius and return a list of carriers that meet the criteria.

The Solution

In order to solve this problem, I read through the scenario multiple times. Firstly, I identified the user inputs for the application which are city, state, and radius respectively. I was given one API Endpoint, however I quickly noticed that the sample POST request in the scenario had a list of addresses which are city and state that it passed to the given API Endpoint.

"Addresses": ["Clear Lake MN", "Brooklyn Park MN", "New Hope, MN"]

This would then return a list of carriers for the given addresses. I considered where this list of addresses was coming from, and also how to use the radius input as it was not part of this POST request. While doing this, I built the application using the aforementioned technologies and laid out the API calls as I had them in my head. I first made a pseudo GET request which would go to an endpoint /QueryAddresses and return the inputted addresses after the call failed, then pass the inputs to the given API Endpoint and retrieve the list of carriers.

After a few days of research, I determined that I had to find another identifier for city and state if I intended to use the radius input. At first I thought of latitude and longitude values, but upon doing more research, I came across Postal Codes or Zip Codes and recalled that these are used as identifiers for cities within states. After confirming this through more research, I came across the ZipCodeApi where after reading the documentation, I determined that this was the tool of choice to solve the problem of the missing API calls.

After getting an API Key, I made a GET request to their Location to Zip Codes endpoint using the city and state user inputs and retrieved an array of zip codes which I stored in the zipcode variable. I then grabbed the first element of the array and passed it in another GET request along with the radius user input to their Zip Codes By Radius endpoint, which returned an array of zip codes, cities and states within the specified radius (in miles) which I stored in the adminAreas variable.

I grabbed the cities and states from the returned array and stored them in a variable called addresses and sent them as addresses in a POST request to the API Endpoint given in the scenario with the appropriate headers for authorization which returned an array of carriers in those locations. After getting the array, I displayed the search results in table format.


Carrier Search Scenario






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