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A showcase, of how unit test can be written. No claim to be complete here.

Business requirement - for this demo purpose

This showcase/demo library has some acceptance criteria

  • as a developer I would like to extract meaningful information from a condensed firmware string literal
  • the information extraction must work on a single line string
  • the information extraction must work on multi-line strings, separated by newline (\n)
  • these fields must be available in the meaningful extracted information (struct)
    • FirmwareName,TargetName,TargetDetail,Version,ReleaseDateStr,GitHash,ReleaseTime

Example firmware String:
Betaflight / SPRACINGF3EVO (SPEV) 3.4.0 Apr 17 2018 / 14:00:13 (b2c247d34) MSP API: 1.39


  1. Using native/vanilla GO language and library
  2. Using famous stretchr/testify library
  3. Using broken and outdated rdrdr/hamcrest library
  4. Using almost unknown corbym/gocrest library

What is / Why "HAMCREST"?

Hamcrest is a famous Java Library, that was developed to make unit tests in Java more readable and follow Clean Code principles

Cite from ...
Matchers that can be combined to create flexible expressions of intent
Born in Java, Hamcrest now has implementations in a number of languages