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spirou general

Neil Cook edited this page Aug 31, 2023 · 23 revisions

SPIROU General documentation

  1. File structure - The UdeM file structure
  2. Tools - Instructions on using tools (apero_get, apero_astrometrics, lbl etc)
  3. Login details - Login to UdeM machines
  4. Github - Github instructions
  5. Python - python instruments
  6. APERO setup - The current setup and profiles for APERO
  7. APERO data demos - Some demonstrations for understanding APERO reduced data.
  8. How do I get the data for an object?
  9. APERO Astrometric database - Look here for an objects name
  10. APERO Reject list - Add objects here that need rejecting from APERO.
  11. APERO reduction interface (SPIROU) - password protected - Summary of APERO reductions for SPIROU (stats, plots and downloads)
  12. APERO checks - Online and offline reduction babysitting
  13. APERO request form - form to request APERO data from UdeM

Login details (Working) (APERO, LBL reduction only)


ssh -XY -oport=5822

Password: Ask Neil, Etienne, Frederique, Charles, Thomas


The spirou-admin, spirou-client accounts are linked by ssh-key to the apero-drs GitHub account.

If possible please do not change the code in the /cosmos99 directories directory.

Instead, correct the code locally, commit to GitHub and checkout / pull on /cosmos99


Please do not install any packages to the base conda environment.

Create New environment

conda create --name={conda env name} python=3.9

See current environments

conda env list

Remove environment

conda remove --name {conda env name} --all

APERO setup

This is the current profiles to use on maestria or rali for nirps


Login to account:

>> ssh -XY spirou-client@maestira

{apero conda env} steps:

>> conda deactivate    // 5 times
>> conda activate apero-env-07

{apero profile source} steps:

>> spirou_07276