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Examples Примеры

Nikita Krapivin edited this page May 8, 2021 · 1 revision

libmulti examples / примеры libmulti

Here's the most basic one, just drawing: Вот самый простой, рисуем в окошке:

if (!libmulti_present()) {
    show_error("libmulti: failed to load the DLL, can't proceed further.", true);

window = libmulti_create_window(
    -1, // x
    -1, // y
    800, // width
    600, // height
    -1, // window style, default style of a regular window
    -1, // extended style, don't use
    -1, // sw_ show, don't care
    800, // min width
    600, // min height
    -1, // max width, don't care
    -1, // max height, don't care

// you'll need a buffer and a surface.
surf = -1;
buff = buffer_create(800 * 600 * 4, buffer_fixed, 1);

// Tell libmulti which window is used by GM, usually needs to be done once.

if (!surface_exists(surf)) surf = surface_create(800, 600);

// very basic surface code.
var _cyclecol = make_color_hsv( (get_timer()/100000) mod 255, 255, 255 );
draw_text(8, 8, "welcome to libmulti.#we have windows and hugs.##enjoy your stay.");

buffer_get_surface(buff, surf, 0, 0, 0);
libmulti_make_bitmap(window, 800, 600, buffer_get_address(buff));

///Game End
if (libmulti_exists(window)) libmulti_destroy(window);
if (surface_exists(surf)) surface_free(surf);
if (buffer_exists(buff)) buffer_delete(buff);

var ok = libmulti_quit();
if (ok) show_debug_message("libmulti was freed correctly.");

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  • Reddit: /u/tijesef
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