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Hi there!

I'm intensively learning to code and interested in data science, aiming to be hired by mid of 2021.
This repository is for completed projects from JetBrains Python Developer track.

List of projects:

  1. Chatty Bot -- friendly asks you a bunch of questions, interacts with your input.
  2. Zookeeper -- prints some ASCII art based on your choice.
  3. Credit Calculator -- calculates annuity or differentiate monthly payments, periods to repay a credit, overpayment and a credit principal based on the user input.
  4. Hangman -- is a popular puzzle game. In this version of the game computer hides a word from you and you're trying to guess it letter by letter.
  5. Tic-Tac-Toe -- is a popular pen and pencil game, also known as Xs and Os. This version of the game is for two players. Players set 'X' or 'O' one after another until one of the players have a straight line (including diagonals). If all cells in a 3x3 field are occupied and no one got a straigft line - it is a tie!
  6. Coffee Machine -- the project emulates an operation of a coffee machine. During the project I've practiced working with functions, loops and conditions. Also there was an intro to OOP, including: classes, instances, methods, attributes and magic methods.
  7. Rock-Paper-Scissors -- a playable Rock-Paper-Scissors game, with a Player vs Computer mode. Practiced use of arrays, the random library, formatted strings, and algorithms.
  8. Numeric Matrix Processor -- how to read and output matrices, do operations on them (add, multiply, multiply by a constant, transponse), compute the determinant of a square matrix and its inverse. Practised recursion, nested lists and indexing.
  9. Simple Banking System -- a simple banking system with database was developed in this project. Applied Luhn algorithm, learned SQL basics and used sqlite3 module to complete this project.
  10. To-Do List -- practiced loops, conditions and statements. Also learned the basics of SQLAlchemy to manage SQLite database on Python. The project was built using OOP.
  11. Regex Engine -- wrote an extendable regex engine that can handle basic regex syntax, including literals (a, b, c, etc.), wild-cards (.), and metacharacters (?, +, ^, $). Learned about the regex syntax, practiced working with parsing and slicing, and got more familiar with boolean algebra and recursion.
  12. Smart Calculator -- coded a calculator that not only adds, subtracts, and multiplies, but is also smart enough to remember your previous calculations. Extensively used lists, strings and dictionaries. Also got some experience with 2 important data structures: the stack and the queue.
  13. Honest Calculator -- working on the project, you're at first required to build a simple calculator which later on is going to motivate users to try and do the math themselves by becoming more and more honest with them.
  14. Generating Randomness -- Everyone knows that people are bad at generating random things. In this project, we will check this assumption using a small program that will predict "random" user actions. This project will teach you to work with dictionaries and lists, as well as with simple predictive models.

Hope this repo will help you to assess my coding skills or will be just fun for you to play with.

Feel free to contact me via or LinkedIn: @nktnlx
Follow me on Twitter: @nktn_lx
And here on github: nkntlx


This repository is for completed projects from JetBrains Python Developer track:







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