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🌐 Webserv


A lightweight, high-performance HTTP server implemented in C++98. This project aims to deepen understanding of HTTP protocols, network programming, and server architecture.

🚀 Features

  • HTTP/1.1 Compliant: Implements core features of the HTTP/1.1 protocol
  • Multi-port Listening: Can listen on multiple ports as specified in the configuration
  • Static File Serving: Efficiently serves static websites
  • Dynamic Content: Supports CGI for dynamic content generation
  • File Uploads: Handles file uploads from clients
  • Custom Error Pages: Configurable custom error pages
  • Request Methods: Supports GET, POST, and DELETE methods
  • Non-blocking I/O: Uses epoll() and kqueue() for efficient I/O operations

🛠 Setup


  • C++ compiler with C++98 support
  • Make


Clone the repository and compile the project:

git clone
cd webserv

🖥 Usage

Run the server with a configuration file:

./webserv [path_to_config_file]

If no configuration file is specified, it will use a default path (conf/default.conf).

📁 Configuration

The server is configured using a configuration file. Here's a basic example:

server {
	listen 8080 ;
	server_name default_server;
	errorpage 301;
	location / {
		method GET;
		autoindex on;
		index index.html nginx.html;
		root ./;

	location /html/ {
		method GET;
		root /html/;
		autoindex on;
		index index.html;

Refer to the documentation for more detailed configuration options.

🧪 Testing

We recommend testing the server using various methods:

  1. Web browsers
  2. Command-line tools like curl
  3. Custom test scripts (e.g., in Python or Go)
  4. The provided tester tool

Ensure to test different scenarios, including concurrent connections and edge cases.

📚 Resources

📊 Architecture

Class Diagram


class Config {
  -vector~ServerConfig~ serverConfigs_
  +Config(string filename)
  +vector~ServerConfig~ getServerConfigs() const
  -void parse()

class ServerConfig {
  -vector~Location~ locations_
  -string host_
  -string port_
  +void setHost(const string &)
  +void setPort(const string &)
  +const vector~Location~ &getLocations() const
  +const string &getHost() const
  +const string &getPort() const

class Location {
  -string name_
  -string root_
  -bool autoindex_
  +void setName(const string&)
  +void setRoot(const string&)
  +void setAutoindex(bool)
  +const string& getName() const
  +const string& getRoot() const
  +bool isAutoIndex() const

class HttpRequest {
  -HttpMethod method_
  -string uri_
  -dict headers_
  +HttpRequest(const char* raw_request)
  +HttpMethod getMethod() const
  +const string& getUri() const
  +const dict& getHeader() const

class HttpResponse {
  -HttpStatus status_
  -dict headers_
  +void setStatus(HttpStatus status)
  +void setHeader(const string &key, const string &value)
  +string encode() const

class RequestHandler {
  -HttpRequest* request_
  -HttpResponse* response_
  -const Location* location_
  +RequestHandler(HttpRequest &request, HttpResponse &response, ServerConfig &config)
  +void process()
  -void handleStaticGet()
  -void handleStaticPost()
  -void handleStaticDelete()

class Server {
  -vector~ServerConfig~ config_
  -SessionManager sessionManager_
  -int server_fd_
  +Server(vector~ServerConfig~ config)
  +void createSocket()
  +void handleRequest(HttpRequest& request, HttpResponse& response)

class Webserv {
  -vector~Server~ servers_
  +Webserv(const string &configFile)
  +void run()

class SessionManager {
  -map~string, Session~ sessions_
  +Session* createSession()
  +Session* getSession(const string& sessionId)
  +void removeSession(const string& sessionId)
  +void setSessionInfo(HttpRequest& request, HttpResponse& response)

class Session {
  -string id
  -unsigned int numAccesses
  -time_t lastAccessed
  +Session(const string& sessionId)

Config --> ServerConfig
ServerConfig --> Location
RequestHandler --> HttpRequest
RequestHandler --> HttpResponse
RequestHandler --> Location
Webserv --> Server
Server --> ServerConfig
Server --> SessionManager
SessionManager --> Session


Sequence Diagram


    participant Client
    participant Webserv
    participant Server
    participant SessionManager
    participant RequestHandler
    participant HttpRequest
    participant HttpResponse

    Webserv ->> Server: Create Server Sockets
    Server ->> Server: createSocket()
    loop Wait for Client Request
        Client ->> Server: Send HTTP Request
        Server ->> SessionManager: Check/Create Session
        Server ->> RequestHandler: Handle Request

        RequestHandler ->> HttpRequest: Parse Request
        HttpRequest ->> RequestHandler: Return Parsed Data

        RequestHandler ->> HttpResponse: Generate Response
        HttpResponse ->> RequestHandler: Return Response

        RequestHandler ->> Server: Send Response
        Server ->> Client: Return HTTP Response


👥 Team

This project was developed collaboratively by:


Implementation of a simple HTTP server in C++






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