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@mattfidler mattfidler released this 19 Oct 20:42

nlmixr2est 2.1.0

Breaking changes


  • Gill forward differences will not repeat now (by default), You can
    change back to prior behavior with foceiControl(repeatGillMax=3)

  • Number of sticky recalculation is reduced to 4; to have the old
    behavior use foceiControl(stickyRecalcN=5)

  • n2ll has been changed to ll to specify individual
    log-likelihoods. This was only used in simulation and was not well

  • Generalized log-likelihood is only supported with rxode2 2.0.8 or later.

FOCEi covariance calculation

  • The S matrix calculation was made a bit more robust to errors in
    individual gradients. When there are errors in the individual
    gradient calculation, assume the gradient is the same as the
    overall gradient. In the tests cases, were reasonable using this
    adjusted S matrix. This means if some individuals do not have very
    much data to support a specific parameter, a S matrix calculation
    for the population will still be generated. When there is some
    patients/subject combinations that do not have sufficient data, we
    will add the following to the run information: S matrix had problems solving for some subject and parameters. The S matrix
    calculation will still fail if the percentage of parameters that
    are being reset is lower than foceiControl(smatPer=0.6) or
    whatever you specify.

  • The r,s covariance matrix will now also check for unreasonably
    small values (controlled by foceiControl(covSmall=...)) and
    select a different covariance estimate method even when the "r" and
    "s" matrices are calculated "correctly".

New features

  • What type(s) censoring (if any) is now stored in fit$censInformation

  • Standard errors of $etas can now be obtained with fit$phiSE,
    also available are fit$phiRSE (relative standard error),
    fit$phiH, (individual hessian), fit$phiC (individual
    covariances), fit$phiR (individual correlation matrices)

  • Can also use Shi 2021 differences in addition to Gill differences.
    In our tests (using the same datasets as CPT) these produced worse
    estimates than the Gill 1983, though it is unclear why since it
    should be a faster more accurate method. A modified version is used
    in calculating the individual Hessians of numerically for the
    generalized likelihood approach.

  • Generalized likelihood estimation is now present in nlmixr2est for
    focei, foce and posthoc

  • nmNearPD() is a function you may use for nearest positive definite
    matrix. This is derived from Matrix::nearPD() but is implemented
    in C/C++ to be used in (possibly threaded) optimization.

  • Individual Hessians can be accessed by $phiH, covariance by
    $phiC, eta standard errors by $phiSE and eta RSEs can be
    accessed by $phiRSE. There are eta aliases for these as well
    ($etaH, $etaC, $etaSE, and $etaRSE).

  • Can now access the individual point's contribution to the overall
    likelihood when merging to the original dataset. These merges can be
    accessed with $dataMergeFull, $dataMergeLeft, $dataMergeRight,
    and $dataMergeInner. The columns with the individual data column
    is nlmixrLlikObs.

    To calculate the total focei/foce objective function, the sum of the
    likelihoods still need to be adjusted by the omega/eta contribution,
    and the individual Hessians, and possibly the NONMEM objective
    function offset constant.

Censoring fixes

  • Fixed bug where datasets with censoring that are not lower case cens and limit do not
    produce the correct table output (#180)

FOCEi updates

  • Resets now scale properly when a value is simulated outside the limit
  • Models with zero gradients on the first step now switch to bobyqa
    by default. With this, it is more important to examine the model
    parameters and fits for plausibility.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.8...v2.1.0