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Niccolò Maggioni edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 3 revisions

Edit the config.json file in the config directory according to the following table.

Key Type Example / Default Description
skipAuth Boolean true Whether to skip authentication or not - this will accept uploads by any user! If set to true, you can safely leave Yubico's API fields empty.
yubicoApiId Integer array [123456, 654321] Yubico API IDs - get one at:
yubicoApiKey String array ["abcdef", "fedcba"] Yubico API Keys - get one at:
altPasswords String array ["secret1", "secret2"] Passwords that can be used as alternatives to YubiKey OTPs in the token field.
baseUrl String http://localhost:9980/ Base URL of the Dumpster installation with trailing slash. This will be used to construct the download links given out to users.
port Integer 9980 The port that Dumpster will be listening on.
enableWebUI Boolean true Whether to enable or not the WebUI, reachable on the root path.
uploadFolder String "uploads/" The folder where the uploaded files will be placed (relative to Dumpster's root).
maxFileSize Integer 52428800 The maximum upload dimension in bytes (remember to [adjust your web server accordingly][4]!)
maxFileExpiration Integer 30 The maximum time in days after which the files will be deleted from the server.
maxFileExpirationEnabled Boolean true Toggles if files will be forced to be deleted from the server after maxFileExpiration time or not. If disabled, files will remain stored until you (or another program like a cron job) manually remove them from the uploads directory.
debug Boolean false Enables debug mode (verbosity of the logs will be increased and YubiKey OTPs will not be verified).
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