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Haksun Li edited this page Dec 4, 2022 · 4 revisions

Comparing NM Dev with other libraries

This Maven repository compares the timings on various operations of the NM Dev and other libraries. A previously generated webpage NM-final-plot.html is saved for reference in the benchmark folder.

How to run

How to setup and run the Maven project on NetBeans-

  1. Create a Maven project with the benchmark folder on NetBeans.
  2. Build and run the project. If there are build errors, check that the NetBeans Maven settings does not block http repository URLs.
  3. The output should display the various tests being run. In the end, the results are saved in the record folder in the benchmark directory.

How to generate HTML plot.

  1. Copy the record folder in the benchmark directory to benchmark\src\main\webapp. This data will be used to generate the plots.
  2. Start a local web server- Open a terminal in this benchmark\src\main\webapp directory. Enter the command python -m http.server.
  3. Open a web browser. Enter the URL: http://localhost:8000/benchmark_chart.html?category=linearalgebra. This should give a webpage with all the comparison plots. TODO(haksunli,20221205): this step does not work on my computer but it works on the GCP VM. Not sure why...
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