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erloci - An Erlang driver for the Oracle Call Interface


K2 Informatics GmbH Privat Bank, Ukraine

Setup the development system

Create a environment variable OTPROOT pointing to erlang installation directory, e.g. - in linux (if installed from RPM) its usually /usr/lib/erlang. Download from Oracle the following libraries (for matching os and platfrom for the development system)

  1. instantclient-basic
  2. instantclient-sdk


Unzip both into a directory and create the following enviroment variable E.g. - if your instant client library version is 12.1 and you have unzipped 'instantclient-basic-windows*.zip' to C:\Oracle\instantclient\instantclient_12_1 then the sdk should be at C:\Oracle\instantclient\instantclient_12_1\sdk
The include headers will be at C:\Oracle\instantclient\instantclient_12_1\sdk\include and static libraries at C:\Oracle\instantclient\instantclient_12_1\sdk\lib\msvc (note the path for VS project configuration later)


Required system libraries


Use rpms (recomended) to install basic and sdk. The default install path is usually (for x86_64 architecture)

OCI Headers     : /usr/include/oracle/12.1/client64/
OCI Libraries   : /usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib/

Create Environment variables

INSTANT_CLIENT_LIB_PATH     = path to oci libraries
INSTANT_CLIENT_INCLUDE_PATH = path to oci headers
ERL_INTERFACE_DIR           = path to erl_interface or erlang installation

For example:

(x64 Fedora)
INSTANT_CLIENT_LIB_PATH     = /usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib/
INSTANT_CLIENT_INCLUDE_PATH = /usr/include/oracle/12.1/client64/
ERL_INTERFACE_DIR           = /usr/lib64/erlang/lib/erl_interface-3.7.15

(x64 Windows 7)
INSTANT_CLIENT_LIB_PATH     = C:\Oracle\instantclient\instantclient_12_1\
ERL_INTERFACE_DIR           = C:\Program Files\erlang\erl5.10.4\lib\erl_interface-3.7.15


We assume you have rebar somewhere on your path. Rebar will take care of the Erlang and C++ sources. rebar compile Please check the rebar manual for how to add erloci as a dependency to your project.

Compiling C++ port in visual studio (2008)

Change/Add the following:

  • In project properties of erloci_drv and erloci_lib
    • Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories: path-to-instant-client\sdk\include
    • Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories: path-to-instant-client\sdk\include
  • In project property of erloci_lib
    • Configuration Properties -> Librarian -> General -> Additional Library Directories: path-to-instant-client\sdk\lib\msvc
    • Configuration Properties -> Librarian -> General -> Additional Dependencies: oraocciXX.lib (replace XX with matching file in path)

3rd party dependencies


The threadpool code (threadpool.cpp/h) is developed by Mathias Brossard His threadpool library is hosted at This library is unused (not linked) in a Windows environment. For an easier installation process we include the required threadpool files in the erloci repo. So this is NOT a dependency you have to resolve by yourself.

Oracle Call Interface (OCI)

OCI provides a high performance, native 'C' language based interface to the Oracle Database. There is no ODBC layer between your application and the database. Since we don't want to distribute the Oracle Code you MUST download the OCI Packages (basic and devel) from the Oracle Website:

Compile ERLOCI in Windows

Make sure you have vcbuild.exe in path. After that rebar compile will take care the rest. Currently erloci can only be build with VS2008.

Eunit test

The Oracle connection information are taken from Please change it to point to your database before executing the steps below:

  1. rebar compile
  2. rebar eunit



  1. STL term class for wrapping erlang term
  2. Native process redesigned to OO
  3. Support Variable binding for Input
  4. Concurrent connection and statements
  5. Common test for load testing


  1. Testing and stabilization
  2. Wiki


  1. In/Out bind variables and arrays


No packages published


  • C++ 60.2%
  • Erlang 34.5%
  • C 3.7%
  • Other 1.6%