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Charlie edited this page May 13, 2020 · 1 revision

Work in progress/really rough first draft for now. I'll probably refine over time to better denote aliases and optional vs required arguments. There's probably some additional info I don't have as well. todo: wa and jishaku

Yeeunbot Intro

Write this < optional arguments >

Bias of the Week

The bias of the week module accepts nominations from users and randomly picks a winner from among the nominations.

.biasoftheweek or .botw


Displays a list of past Bias of the Week winners.

.botw history


Changes the server icon. The message should include an image for the icon

.botw icon


Nominates an idol to be Bias of the Week.

.botw nominate group idol
Example: .botw nominate CLC Yeeun


Displays the current nominations for Bias of the Week.

.botw nominations


Picks a winner for Bias of the Week from the list of idols shown in the nomination list.

.botw winner


Module to display the list of emojis available on a server in a specific channel.

.emoji list

.emoji list channel
Example: .emoji list #memes


Reactions to keywords and commands.



Adds a tag to the list of reactions.

.tag add keyword response
Example: .tag add yaaa


Deletes a tag.

.tag remove tagID
Example: .tag remove wFHInZo7idwAlEMA6qK 


Changes the response for a tag.

.tag edit tagID newresponse
Example: .tag edit wFHInZo7idwAlEMA6qK


Shows the trigger, response, creator, use count, and whether or not the keyword triggers as a part of a message or not.

.tag info tagID
Example: .tag info wFHInZo7idwAlEMA6qK 


Displays a list of all tags configured in a server.

.tag list


Displays a random tag from the list of available tags.

.tag random


Miscellaneous features that add a bit of fun to the server.


Yeeun randomly chooses one of the choices entered.

.choose choicea choiceb <otherchoices>
Example: .choose YeeunBlonde YeeunBlack YeeunBrunette


Yeeun repeats a message in Spongetext. Without a specific message ID, Yeeun mocks the most recent message in a channel.

.mock <messageID>
Example: .mock 709929903204840760


Displays Yeeun's ping.


Yeeun repeats a message in ALL CAPS.

.shout Some message here.
Example: .shout yaaa


Reloads Yeeun's modules.

.version or .v

Displays Yeeun's current version.

No Category


Displays a full list of commands.