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nocomplexity committed Jul 10, 2018
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34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions NFRcapabilities.csv
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(network)Session lifetime is limited,Session lifetime is limited.,Security
A test specification for the system must be available,A test specification for the system must be available in order to perform test of the created system.,"Documentation, NFR"
Clock Identity Authentication and Authorization,"Authentication refers to verifying the identity of the peer clock. Authorization, on the other hand, refers to verifying that the peer clock is permitted to play the role that it plays in the protocol. For example, some nodes may be permitted to be masters,while other nodes are only permitted to be slaves or TCs. Authentication is typically implemented by means of a cryptographic signature, allowing the verification of the identity of the sender. Authorization requires clocks to maintain a list of authorized clocks, or a ""black list"" of clocks that should be denied service or revoked.",Security
Data logging:Sensitive data is not logged in clear text by the application.,Sensitive data is not logged in clear text by the application.,"NFR, Security"
"Database connections, passwords, keys, or other secrets are not stored in plain text.","Database connections, passwords, keys, or other secrets are not stored in plain text.","NFR, Security"
Disaster Recovery,"The solution will be configured to be split across the minimal two data centers where possible with failover from data center to data center in the event of a disaster, In addition, each data center needs to be able to run in a self sufficient manner should it become isolated from the other.",NFR
Documentation must be available in an open document format,"All system documentation must be made available in open document format. System documentation is (not exhausted) operational manuals, code documentation, test specs and test reports, installation manuals.","Documentation, NFR"
Encryption keys must be secured,Encryption keys must be secured.,Security
High Availability,"All components should be configured in a high availability configuration to eliminate single points of failure, and minimize solution outages.",Availability
Maintainability,"The system should allow for easy software upgrades with minimal outage. The outage should be restricted to no longer than one day, and allow for the use of a back up system for service continuity while the upgrade the taking place.",NFR
Maintainability,"Any solution must be maintainable by the affected maintenance team, both initially and throughout its lifecycle.
Unnecessary complexity in maintenance, such as by requiring additional / unusual skills or tools or having a complex solution design, adds risk to the solution’s supportability and must be justified.","maintainability, NFR"
Manageability,"All solutions must be managed throughout their lifecycle, including startup, shutdown, backup, updates, security / permission changes, etc. Administrators and support personnel must be able to conduct such routine activities effectively in order to ensure that the solution does not incur excessive cost or experience unnecessary outages.","manageability, NFR"
Minimize Footprint,Stack multiple components within single operating system instances where possible to minimize both the number of physical and virtual servers required to run the solution.,NFR
Privileged Accounts must not be used for non-administrator activities,"Privileged and super-user accounts (Administrator, root, etc.) must not be used for non-administrator activities.  A secure mechanism to escalate privileges (e.g., via User Account Control or via sudo) with a standard account is acceptable to meet this requirement. Network services must run under accounts assigned the minimum necessary privileges.",Security
Requirements for Evidence,"Requirements for Evidence:The strength of mechanisms analysis shall show that all critical mechanisms satisfy the claimed minimum strength of mechanisms rating in the case of cryptographic mechanisms, this shall take the form of a statement of confirmation from the appropriate national body.",Security
Secure Hash Standard (SHS) &#8211,"This Standard specifies secure hash algorithms, SHA -1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224 and SHA-
512/256. All of the algorithms are iterative, one-way hash functions that can process a message to produce a condensed representation called a message digest. These algorithms enable the determination of a message’s integrity: any change to the message will, with a very high probability, result in a different message digest.
The digests are used to detect whether messages have been changed since the digests were generated.
SecureBoot,The system where software is deployed supports SecureBoot (also known as Trusted Boot).,Security
Sensitive data is not stored in persistent cookies,Sensitive data is not stored in persistent cookies.,Security
Sensitive data is transmitted with the HTML POST protocol.,Sensitive data is transmitted with the HTML POST protocol. So GET is NOT used for sensitive data.,Security
Service levels,"The required service level(s) for any solution affect its design, cost, maintenance and support. As such, these must be known.","NFR, service levels"
SSL is used to protect authentication cookies,SSL is used to protect authentication cookies.,Security
Supportability,"Any solution must be supportable by the affected operations and maintenance teams, both initially and throughout its lifecycle.
Unnecessary complexity in support, such as by requiring additional / unusual skills or tools, adds risk to the solution’s supportability and must be justified.
The maintenance support team will be responsible for the success of the solution during its production life. As such, they require training, mentoring and appropriate transition measures to ensure they are able to successfully support the new component in the production environment.","NFR, supportability"
The certificate must be an X.509v3 certificate,"The certificate must be an X.509v3 certificate.
The certificate must be within the valid period. The certificate must be verified and validated through authentication.
The system will not issue digital certificates. Users will present trusted third party-issued certificates that are valid and verifiable by the system.","NFR, Security"
The contents of authentication cookies are encrypted,The contents of authentication cookies are encrypted.,Security
User ID must be unique and passwords must be stored in irreversible encrypted form,User ID must be unique.,Security
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions →
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Expand Up @@ -19,22 +19,21 @@ interfaces and implementation constrains.
Using the following tools for creating an application architecture saves
time and increases the quality of your application architecture:

- <span
- [UMLet](
UMLet is an open-source UML tool with a simple user interface: draw
UML diagrams fast, export diagrams to eps, pdf, jpg, svg, and
clipboard, share diagrams using Eclipse, and create new, custom UML

- [Papyrus Modeling environment](
Papyrus is an industrial-grade open source Model-Based
Engineering tool. Papyrus is the base platform for several
industrial modelling tools. Papyrus can be used as graphical
modelling tool, but aims to support MDA (Model Driven Architecture)
- [Archi]( Since Archi(tm) is a real
TOGAF based architecture/desing tool, Archi is a good solution for
creation of an application architecture.
TOGAF based architecture and desing tool, Archi is a good solution for
creation of an enterprise architecture. With Archi you can use the Archimate(tm) modeling language. Since Archimate is a language for Enterprise Architecture modeling, it is not suited and designed for creating more detailed overviews and designs.
- [Open ModelSphere]( Open
ModelSphere is a powerful data, process and UML modeling tool.
- [Modelio]( Modelio is a modelling
Expand All @@ -47,8 +46,7 @@ external interfaces. APIs form the connecting glue between modern
applications. Creating good interfaces is a MUST for every good
architecture. Below some open tools that can help to speed up this step:

- [Integration
Principles]( With
- [Integration Principles]( With
this tool you can easily (re)use good integration principles for
your project.
- [API Blueprint.]( API Blueprint is all
Expand Down
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions →
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Expand Up @@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ You can use one of the following tools:

- Business architecture template(s)
- (Re)use  business principles
- Modelling your business processes
- Modeling your business processes
- Defining your business products

Tools for creating a business architecture
## Tools for creating a business architecture

To speed up the process of creating your business architecture you can
make use of one of the following tools:
Expand All @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ make use of one of the following tools:
modelling™ language. The Archi tool is targeted toward all levels
of Architects. The tool is MIT Licensed, so it provides a low cost
solution to users who are looking for a free, open ArchiMate
modelling tool.
modeling tool.
- [Camunda Modeler]( Camunda
Modeler is an OSS desktop application for editing BPMN
process diagrams(2.0) and DMN decision tables. It is very easy to
Expand All @@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ make use of one of the following tools:
an open source platform for workflow and business
process management. So when you use the [Camunda
suite]( you can also use the execution engine
for your processes you have modelled.
for your processes you have modeled.
- [Protégé]( Protégé is an OSS web or
desktop application that can be used for building
business ontologies.

Business architecture templates
## Business architecture templates

Creating a business architecture means doing real business research.
However for a quality business architecture it make sense to make use of
Expand All @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ SHOULD contain some default reusable text blocks.

Using business viewpoints
## Using business viewpoints

Viewpoints can provide benefit to address specific concerns for certain
stakeholders. Below a list of most used viewpoint within a business
Expand All @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ architecture:
These  relationships and organizational interfaces may be
represented as business services.

Help for creating a business architecture
## Help for creating a business architecture

- [Help Guide for creating a business architecture when dealing
with SOA/Integration.](
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions capabilities.rst
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APPENDIX: NFR Capabilities

This appendix provides some a very few examples of NFRs.
Having good NFRs is crucial for your solution. Asking users to provide NFRs is not the best way to success. More productive is to discuss NFRs with your users that you think are worth discussing. Some NFRs, e.g. for availability, MUST BE discussed since this has severe consequence for the solution and maintenance costs. Some NFRs e.g. for security MUST BE implemented and are not really suited for users discussions. Most of the time you will be confronted with bad NFRs for your architecture after realization. So you better do it right from the start.

.. csv-table:: NFR Capabilities
:file: NFRcapabilities.csv
:widths: 20, 60 , 20
:header-rows: 1

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
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# ArchitecturePLAYBOOK documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Sat Jun 2 15:11:46 2018.
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# The master toctree document.
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# General information about the project.
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copyright = '2018, Maikel Mardjan'
author = 'Maikel Mardjan'

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# dir menu entry, description, category)
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3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ requirements.
Since Archi is targeted to all architecture aspects, this tool is
usuable for creating conceptual, logical and physical data
models too.
- [<span class="repository-meta-content">WWW SQL
Designer</span>](  This
- [WWW SQL Designer](  This
tool allows you to draw and create database schemas (E-R diagrams)
directly in browser. A physical data model (sql) can also be
imported and adjusted visually.
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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions index.rst
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.. ArchitecturePLAYBOOK documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Sat Jun 2 15:11:46 2018.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Business IT Architecture PLAYBOOK

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:


Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

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