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31 October 2016

A public session of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Node.js Foundation, a Delaware not-for-profit membership corporation, was held on 31 October 2016 at 2:00pm Pacific Time via teleconference.



  • Brian McCallister (Groupon)
  • Colleen Evans (Microsoft)
  • Feross Aboukhadijeh (Individual Member)
  • Rod Vagg (NodeSource)
  • Scott Hammond (Joyent)
  • Charlie Robbins (GoDaddy)
  • Justin Beckwith (Google)
  • Danese Cooper (PayPal)
  • Dan Shaw (NodeSource)


  • Andrew Updegrove (Gesmer Updegrove LLC)

Also participating

  • Mikeal Rogers (The Linux Foundation)
  • Todd Benzies (The Linux Foundation)
  • Tracy Hinds (The Linux Foundation)
  • Sarah Conway (The Linux Foundation)


Call to Order

Director Cooper called the meeting to order at 2:04pm Pacific Time and Mr. Benzies recorded the minutes. A quorum of Directors was established for the conduct of business and the meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with business.

Antitrust Compliance Notice

Mr. Rogers reviewed the Antitrust Compliance Notice.

Current Membership and Board Directors

Mr. Rogers reviewed the current membership.

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Rogers asked the Directors to approve the minutes of the public session of the September 2016 meeting of the Board of Directors which had been attached as Exhibit A to the slide deck distributed in advance of the meeting. Upon motion duly made by Director Cooper, seconded by Director McCallister and approved by all Directors in attendance, save for Director Robbins and Director Aboukhadijeh who both abstained, the following resolution was adopted:


The the minutes of the private session of the September 2016 meeting of the Board of Directors, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, are hereby confirmed, approved and adopted.

Welcome Daniel and Charlie

Mr. Rogers introduced the topic of new Platinum Directors and asked the Directors to acknowledge the appointment of two new Platinum Directors. Upon motion duly made by Director Beckwith, seconded by Director Cooper and approved by all Directors in attendance, the following resolution was adopted:


The board hereby acknowledges the appointment of Platinum Directors Charlie Robbins (GoDaddy) and Daniel Shaw (NodeSource).

Board Secretary

Mr. Rogers introduced the topic of Board Secretary, noting that this officer position has still not yet been filled. Director Shaw nominated himself to run for Board Secretary. There were no other nominations to run in the election.

Upon motion duly made by Director Evans, seconded by Director McCallister and approved by all Directors in attendance, the following resolution was adopted:


That the following individual be, and hereby is, elected to the office of the Node.js Foundation set forth below, to hold such office until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified or until his or her earlier resignation or removal:

  • Dan Shaw - Secretary

Node.js in the Media

Mr. Rogers introduced the topic of Node.js in the media, noting a decline since March.

A suggestion was made to not just track Node.js tied to enterprise, but also look at metrics like Node.js vs. Java mentions, as well as a sentiment analysis.

A request was made to track analyst coverage, as well. Mr. Rogers noted that the Foundation does not subscribe to analyst reports, so it would not be possible to share that data publicly.

Upcoming 2016 Report

Mr. Rogers introduced the topic of a 2016 report that reviews the last year of successes and accomplishments. Mr. Rogers asked the Directors what topics they’d like to see included in the reports.

The following topics were suggested:

  • Jobs numbers (and delta from last year)
  • Real-world hiring around Node.js
  • Deployment methodologies and Docker adoption
  • Number of contributors
  • Efforts around inclusivity
  • Metrics around Electron
  • IoT

A question was raised as to whether this data is only from Node.js Foundation Members or a broader set of sources. Mr. Rogers clarified that the data will come from a variety of sources.

Inclusivity Update

Mr. Rogers introduced the topic of an Inclusivity update and asked for Ms. Hinds to provide an overview. Discussion ensued leading to the outcome that Ms. Hinds will share her draft of suggestions with the Board and take questions via email.

TSC Update

Mr. Rogers introduced the topic of TSC update and requested that Director Vagg provide the update. Director Vagg noted that there has been productive work with TC39 on Modules and that the v6 LTS "Boron" launch was a success.

Director. Vagg commented that the v7 "Current" release line launch was successful and that v0.10 is on track to be discontinued. Lastly, Director Vagg highlighted the positive collaboration between the technical team and marketing team around launches and other October activity.

A question was raised about the challenges in the module ecosystem around v7. Director Vagg commented that there are always challenges and that small edge cases tend to become noisy, but overall he is not concerned. Director Vagg clarified that there will be an ironing out period and to expect resolution within the next few months.


At 2:42pm Pacific Time, Director Cooper adjourned the public session.

Respectfully submitted,


Dan Shaw, Secretary