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Martin Wisniowski edited this page Sep 15, 2021 · 7 revisions

Game Design Concept


Sea Of Rock, Paper and Scissors is the first Rock, Paper and Scissors-Textadventure, playable in any ordinary console. In addition to the Rock, Paper, Scissors game-mechanic it has unique experiences for the user, inspired by classic text- and point- and click- adventures. This game has pirates in it!


This game is the result of the Global Game Jam 2014, made by Martin "Nodepond" Wisniowski at the Cologne Game Lab. I was spinning with three game-ideas at the initial pitch - in the end I merged two of the both ideas: a Rock, Paper, Scissors game and a text-adventure. Inspiration came from one of the stupidest end-boss fights in the history of computer-games: the Rock, Paper, Scissors matches in the game Alex Kidd (Sega Master System).


You play an aspiring pirate, stranded in the "Sea of Rock, Paper and Scissors". You stand in front of a mighty pirate, that wants to battle you in a math of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Depending on who wins, speech of wisdom will be told (even by YOU!!). There are also some secret paths to win the game, but you will have to figure it out yourself (sometimes guess) in a textadventure style.

Key features

  • A textadventure with pirates in it!
  • The best Rock, Paper, Scissors game-experience you can get in the console.
  • The only Rock, Paper, Scissors Textadventure!
  • Available for free for every system with a console an Ruby.
  • It's open sourced under a remix-licence: Feel free to contribute or modify or branch!




This game should be playable on every single system, that has a console and the ability, to run ruby.

Concept art (optional)

(NOTE: More art here please...)


The anatomy of a game design document: Gamasutra