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People Tastes


by Fabricio Nogueira -


Discover the tastes of people on these subjects:

  • Star wars
  • Beers


Project requirements

Tool Min. Version Environment
Node >= 10.x Dev
Npm >= 5.x Dev
Docker latest Prod
docker-compose >= 1.23.1 Prod

Install project dependencies

$ npm i

Development run at localhost:3001


The port 3001 will be used to start the servers, they can not be in use for another process at the moment.

$ npm start

Build for Production


The port 80 will be used to start the servers, they can not be in use for another process at the moment.

First build the project

$ npm run build

This project has a docker file with a nginx container.

To start the container

$ docker-compose up -d

To turn off the container

$ docker-compose down

Project stacks

Stack Purpose
React Javascript Lib
Material UI Javascript Visual UI
Axios Requests
Dexie Local db
Pubsub JS Messages publications
Jest with react test library Tests