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Elasticsearch loader and playground for SIRENE dataset


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Elasticsearch loader and playground for SIRENE dataset


This project is meant to be run with Docker so it requires:

You can also run it the native way, in this case the requirements are:

In both case, Elasticsearch 5.0 requires to run:

# As root
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
# As user with permissions
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

More details in the Elasticsearch Virtual Memory documentation section and the officiel docker details

Getting started

For quick start, splashes provides a dockerized playground which we will use to get ready.

You can use it in three ways:

  1. Fully native: native splashes on Python 3.5 with native Elasticsearch 5.0
  2. Hybrid: native splashes on Python 3.5 with dockerized Elasticsearch/Kibana
  3. Fully dockerized: fully dockerized environment

Fully native

Install Elasticsearch using your favorite package manager or as described on the official documentation.

Then, install the ICU Analysis Plugin using the elasticsearch plugin manager:

$ELASTIC_HOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu

(where $ELASTIC_HOME is the Elasticsearch installation directory)

Restart Elasticsearch and you can then install the python executable with:

pip install -e .
splashes --help


In this configuration, you will use the provided Elasticsearch/Kibana docker stack with Docker Compose. A ./dc executable helper is provided to manipulate docker-compose. Persistent data are stored into the elasticsearch/data directory.

Start the Elastcisearch stack with

./dc up

Then go grab a coffee because it can take some times on the first launch.

This command use your current terminal, so if you want to launch everything in the background execute this command instead:

./dc up -d

You can then access:

Then install the splashes application:

pip install -e .
splashes --help

Note: You can override docker-compose configuration with a docker-compose.override.yml file.

Fully dockerized

This methods use the provided Elasticsearch/Kibana docker stack from the hybrid method plus a dockerized splashes application. You will use the ./dc-splashes helper to manipulate both docker-compose and splashes.

You can download and/or build docker images and get the services up and ready with:

./dc-splashes up

This command use your current terminal, so if you want to launch everything in the background execute this command instead:

./dc-splashes up -d

You can then access:

and you can use splashes with:

./dc-splashes --help

Note: You can override docker-compose configuration with a docker-compose.override.yml file.


You can list all available commands using:

splashes --help

You can have help on each command using:

splashes CMD --help

You can pass common options before your command:

splashes --es --index splahes -v CMD

Options are:

  • -es/--elasticsearch: The Elasticsearch URL, defaults to http://localhost:9200
  • -i/--index: The Elasticsearch index, defaults to sirene
  • -v/--verbose: More verbose output

You can also use environment variables:


Loading data

You can load stock data with:

splashes load my-data.csv

and daily updates with:

splashes update daily/updates/directory
# or
splashes update daily/updates/directory/file.csv

both commands accept to optionnal parameters:

  • -l/--lines to limit the amount of data loaded to X lines
  • -p/--progress to display progression indication every X lines

Note: the fully dockerized methods requires the dataset to be present in the current directory (or any child directory) or to add the directory as a volume.

The load can also load geo-sirene data with the --geo parameter:

splashes load path/to/geo-sirene/data --geo -l 100000 -p 1000

Interactive shell

This feature requires IPython

pip install ipython
splashes --es http://my.elasticsearch:9200 shell

You will land in IPython interactive shell with the following objects available:

  • es: an instaciated Elasticsearch connection
  • Company: the elasticsearch documents model class
  • config: the global splashes configuration
# List PME names
companies = es.search_companies().filter(legal='SARL', category='PME').execute()
for company in companies:

The search_companies() methods returns a Search object See the Elasticsearch DSL documentation

Elasticsearch and kibana plugins with docker

You can install extra elasticsearch plugins with:

./dc run elasticsearch elasticsearch-plugin install my-plugin

Don't forget to restart elasticsearch by either using CTRL-C if docker-compose is on the foreground or docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d when running in the background.

You can install extra Kibana plugins with:

./dc run kibana kibana-plugin install my-plugin


Elasticsearch loader and playground for SIRENE dataset







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