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Belgand edited this page May 4, 2012 · 1 revision

I can't access the admin site/remember my password?

Have you synced your database? If not run bin/django syncdb and it should ask you to create a new superuser account. If it does not this means you've forgotten the password. Just create a new superuser account by running bin/django createsuperuser and it should let you create a new account. Delete the old one if you wish once you log in.

I keep getting database errors (table not found, field not found, etc.)!

Has the model changed recently? If so this means that the current models are likely no longer in line with your database. Due to the way django is designed it doesn't automatically sync changes if you run syncdb so the easiest solution while we're in development and using dummy data is to delete the database entirely since SQLite stores it as a single file. Just delete mydatabase.db (or whatever the .db file is in the project root directory) and then run syncdb again (bin/django syncdb).