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Implements jasmine pre-configurations and test runner tools.

Codeship Status for noisygerman/noisy-node-dev-tools


Executing ./run-tests.js will:

  1. trigger es-linting of the project an print out the results
  2. execute all tests, regardless if errors where detectd during linting.

While I very much appreciate tools like eslint, I usually want to see if my code execute correctly first and have the choice to defer fixing linting issues. Using ./run-tests.js, we get a report on issues, but unlike "pretest": "eslint .", the tests will still execute.


./run-tests.js supports a continuous run mode. In this mode, the test runner executes, then watches for file changes in the projects spec, lib and server folders.

To run the tests in continuous run or tdd mode, run node_modules/noisy-node-dev-tools/run-tests.js continuously.

Less linting, more testing

You can skip linting in ./run-tests.js by setting the without-linting flag. With that flag set, the script will only execute the test runner.

Note: Currently only the first command line argument is observed, so you cannot run without_linting and continuously at the same time.


  "scripts": {
    "test":         "node node_modules/noisy-node-dev-tools/run-tests.js",
    "test-no-lint": "node node_modules/noisy-node-dev-tools/run-tests.js without-linting",
    "tdd":          "node --inspect node_modules/noisy-node-dev-tools/run-tests.js continuously"

With the above configuration, you can execute single test runs via npm test and tdd continuous runs via npm run tdd.

The --inspect flag is optional of course. it simply allows you to connect a debugger while running your tests.


test-util/generate-uit-path.js can be used in spec files to resolve paths to uit source-files, if those spec files:

  • end in -spec.js. (Spec.js|spec.js) are currently not supported
  • are located in a directory that follows the same structure as the repo root.


├── spec
│   └── test-util
│       └── generate-uit-path-spec.js
└── test-util
    └── generate-uit-path-spec.js

The spec folder, which contains all Jasmine test files, has the same folder structure as project-root.

I.e. the spec file is located at test-util/generate-ui-path-spec.js with its root ar project-root/spec, while the uit file is located at 'test-util/generate-ui-path.js', but directly under project-root.

// file: ./spec/lib/generate-uit-path-spec

describe( 'The generateToUITPath function', ()=>{

  it( 'should resolve the path from its own test file to its own script',()=>{

    const pathToUnitInTest
      = '../../lib/generate-uit-path';

    const generateUITPath
      = require( pathToUnitInTest );

    expect( generateUITPath( __filename ) )
      .toEqual( pathToUnitInTest );

  } );

} );


Tools to make node development a little easier







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