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October 2017 release

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@noisymime noisymime released this 09 Nov 10:35
· 1632 commits to master since this release

For many (most?) months I hammer away on new features for Speeduino, rigorously trying to get everything set and ready to go for the monthly release cycle. This means that the progress on Speeduino is fairly rapid and the new features are in the hands of users as soon as they're ready to go. What this does mean though is that, every 6 months or so, I sit down and do a bit of a cleanup in what becomes a slightly more boring maintenance release.

So it is for the October firmware release...

This months code drop is all about little bug fixes and cleanups of things under the hood. I have also done a bit of base work around a new ignition timing mechanism which will likely land next month, but overall this release is about tweaking a whole heap of little things:

  • Fixed issue that could cause the RPM reading to spike quickly when first cranking on the missing tooth pattern
  • Fixed a bug where selecting a different output pin for the fan would not work for certain values
  • Fix an issue where Acceleration Enrichment values over 155 could potentially overflow
  • Re-add the ignition count check on the closed loop EGO control
  • Duty cycle is now displayed correctly in TunerStudio when using sequential fuel (DC had previously been double the correct value)
  • Added a pin mapping for the NO2C board
  • Added a dwell gauge within Tuner Studio (And cleaned up the TunerStudio gauge menus)
  • Allow for cranking RPMs below 58rpm without interruption to the fuel schedule (Could potentially miss some squirts below 58rpm previously)
  • smt32: Added a low flash firmware mode that is currently used only with the 'Bluepill' boards

So all in all, a bunch of small little bug fixes and things that help to fix a whole slew of little issues that people had reported. The upgrade is highly recommended for all users and can be downloaded from: