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Use nvm to switch node versions. Project was tested on:

  • Node v8.11.3 nvm install v8.11.3
  • Yarn v1.10.1 npm i -g yarn@1.10.1

Operations with records

Below ops put output files to records/dist

  • yarn parse:csv:records convert csv records to json
  • yarn parse:xml:records convert xml records to json
  • yarn merge:records merge two json files into one
  • yarn validate:records validate records and generate invalid records json
  • copy:records:to:assets copy invalid records json to app's assets folder (src/assets/records)
  • yarn records do all of the above combined

Git flow

Following Git Flow branching strategy is forced on pre-push by yarn enforce:gitflow. Push from branch will fail if branch name doesn't correspond to Git Flow.


Run yarn commit to commit files via Commitizen, following Conventional changelog. For easier committing you'll be provided with cli prompt.

Committing files via git commit will not provide a prompt and it will still force you to follow conventional commit format.

Development server

Run yarn start for a dev server. The app will automatically rebuild and replace changed parts of the app without page refresh thanks to hot module replacement.

Unit tests

For execution of unit tests run:

  • yarn test:app for rabobank-test app

  • yarn test:lib for components library

  • yarn test:parser for records parser and validator


For execution of unit tests run:

  • yarn lint:app for rabobank-test app

  • yarn lint:lib for components library

End-to-end tests

Run yarn e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.


Run yarn prettify to keep the code formatting consistent. Settings available in .prettierignore & .prettierrc in the root. Executed by default on pre-commit, pre-push and in ci.


Run yarn coverage to test the codebase against unit-test coverage thresholds set in src/karma.conf.js and generate a coverage report.


Run yarn changelog to generate in the root, based on commit history formatted according to conventional changelog.


Run yarn build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.


To verify that SSR works, run:

  • yarn ssr to build client and server and serve with server-side rendering
  • curl http://localhost:4200/ > curl.html that will put all the contents of the retrieved html file via http request to curl.html in the root.

All contents of the app component will be rendered to retrieved html file. If you do the same with yarn start the retrieved html file will only contain <app-root></app-root> element but not its content.


Budgets for different parts of the app (e.g. bundles) can be set in angular.json :

"budgets": [
    "type": "bundle",
    "name": "main",
    "baseline": "750kb",
    "warning": "200kb",
    "error": "400kb"

According to above example, console will output warning when main bundle exceeds 200kb from baseline of 750kb. If it exceeds 400kb, the build will fail.

Visual regression

Done via BackstopJS

  • yarn backstop:reference to create reference images
  • yarn backstop:test to test current app against reference images
  • yarn backstop:approve to approve tested images
  • yarn backstop:open:latest to open latest test report


Steps in Travis CI include:

  • Commit linting
  • Prettifying
  • Parser & Validator unit tests
  • Linting rabobank-test app
  • Linting components library
  • Unit testing rabobank-test app
  • Unit testing components library
  • Unit test coverage
  • E2E testing
  • Build
  • Visual regression testing
  • Deploy


Deployed app is available here

Analyze bundle size

Run yarn bundle:report to see the bundle size report by webpack-bundle-analyzer

Analyze performance

Performance reports are generated via Lighthouse. Network simulation is 3G by default.

Run yarn ssr to build and serve app with SSR and run:

  • yarn lighthouse:mobile to generate report with mobile device emulation
  • yarn lighthouse:desktop to generate report for desktop

Add --view flag to open report after generation.


  • Automate dependency updates via renovate
  • Add SonarQube for contintuous inspection (code quality and cyclomatic complexity)
  • Add visual regression testing to CI
  • Add A11Y testing

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.