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X-Road Non-Functional Requirements

Version history

Date Version Description Person
18.03.2018 1.2 Copied from X-Road Joint Development repository. Petteri Kivimäki
31.05.2018 1.3 Fixed link to checkstyle.xml, updated chapter 5.3 to "Git commit log". Petteri Kivimäki
23.06.2021 1.4 Minor updates. Petteri Kivimäki
16.06.2023 1.5 Remove reference to Ruby and JRuby, updated supported platforms, minor updates. Petteri Kivimäki
26.08.2024 1.6 Restructure version history, remove version-specific details, other minor updates. Petteri Kivimäki

Table of contents

1 Introduction

This document reflects the X-Road agreements on X-Road Non-Functional Requirements (X-Road NFR), which define the concepts of "good software".

This X-Road NFR document is released in the public GitHub repository and all changes to X-Road NFR MUST be proposed, discussed, and agreed on using GitHub issues.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC 2119].

2 Scope

The following requirements are intended for X-Road core functionality that is specified in X-Road architecture document [ARC-G].

A term “application” in this document is used to describe the whole X-Road core software being developed or improved.

A term “component” in this document is used to describe the software components of X-Road as defined in X-Road architecture document [ARC-G]. For example Central Server and Security Server are X-Road components.

A term “third party component” in this document is used to describe libraries and programs that X-Road application depends on.

The scope of changes to application MUST be defined in procurement documents. Only the added or changed portions of the software MUST comply with the following requirements unless specified otherwise.

3 Architecture

3.1 Application interfaces MUST be implemented in a secure way so that faults of external systems could affect only directly related use cases.

3.2 The application MUST be divided into components in accordance with the logical division. The resulting components MUST be deployed separately. For example Security Server MUST be deployed separately from Central Server.

3.3 Application and databases MUST use UTF-8 encoding.

3.4 Application MUST be able to handle time zones correctly.

3.5 Application MUST be implemented for the following platforms:

  • Ubuntu
    • Central Server, Configuration Proxy, Security Server
  • Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
    • Security Server
  • Docker
    • Security Server.

The supported versions of different platforms vary overtime.

3.6 Application MUST be able to communicate with the network using IP v4 protocol.

3.7 Third party components used MUST NOT restrict sublicensing and distribution with MIT license.

3.8 Third party components used MUST NOT result in financial obligations for X-Road users.

4 Relational database

4.1 A component that uses the database MUST have at least two users in the database:

a) A user (for example <Component>) who is the owner of the database and all the objects within that database. This user is used for software installations.

b) A restricted user (for example <Component>_app) who has rights (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) to execute only permitted operations in that database. This user is used by component for normal access to database.

4.2 It is REQUIRED to use Foreign Keys for referencing data from one table to another.

4.3 All Foreign Keys MUST be indexed.

4.4 All tables in the database MUST have exactly one Primary Key of integer type. Primary key MUST be surrogate key which means fields related to real life MUST NOT be used as primary keys.

4.5 All Primary Keys MUST be indexed using unique index.

4.6 If database contains data with high integrity requirement, then it is REQUIRED to keep versioning history of such data.

4.7 The length of the database fields in DDL (Data definition language) MUST be described in symbols, not in bytes.

4.8 It is REQUIRED to use variable binding in database queries.

4.9 The names of the database objects MUST be in English. The names MUST contain only lower case Latin1 (ISO 8859-1) characters "a-z", numbers "0-9" and underscores "_". The names of objects MUST NOT begin with numbers. The names of database objects need to be semantically meaningful (open up the meaning of the object). In case if database system does not support small characters for object names then it is allowed to use capital characters.

4.10 The components MUST be agnostic to table partitioning (

5 Source code

5.1 General

5.1.1 Application MUST be equipped with unit tests.

5.1.2 Application MUST be equipped with UI tests.

5.1.3 Source code, comments, documentation, and log messages MUST be in English throughout.

5.1.4 Source Code MUST be marked with licensing information according to MIT license rules. Copyright MUST be clearly defined.

5.1.5 New X-Road components MUST be created using the same Java version as the existing components.

5.2 Java

5.2.1 Checkstyle ( MUST NOT issue any errors with the configuration defined in

5.2.3 All libraries needed for the operation of the component MUST be either packaged with the same component or component's installation package MUST depend on appropriate library packages.

5.2.4 Each release of application MUST contain only the necessary libraries and there MUST be only one version of each library. All library dependencies MUST be described in Gradle build files. Using external libraries without dependencies description is not permitted.

5.2.5 If a new improved functionality requires a newer library version then it is REQUIRED to update whole application to use that newer library version.

5.3 Git commit log

5.3.1 The developer MUST supply a human readable commit message with every commit. Commit messages MUST describe in human readable form functionality changes. Commit messages must follow the structure defined in the X-Road contributing guide.

5.4 JavaScript

5.5.1 JavaScript code MUST comply to Google JavaScript style guide (

6 Web interfaces

Note: Current X-Road implementation had not yet been checked for compatibility with web interfaces requirements.

6.1 The styles that application uses MUST be located in separate CSS files, that means HTML style elements and style attributes cannot be used.

6.2 The system MUST use deep linking. Each page MUST have a unique, automatically generated and human-readable web address (URL), and it MUST NOT be linked to a user's session or a user's sensitive personal data.

6.3 The system MUST replace the default error page, while preserving the original HTTP response code.

6.4 Interface MUST conform to HTML 5 and CSS 3 standards.

7 Management

7.1 General

7.1.1 The component is allowed to directly alter the system (modify environmental variables, create files in the local file system, etc.) containing that component only if functional requirements state so. All such alterations MUST be fully documented. The secondary effects to the system such as logs written by SLF4J are allowed.

7.1.2 The component is allowed to send e-mails only through an external mail agent (for example, postfix).

7.1.3 All distributed components of the application MUST have native Linux packages for the platforms defined in section 3.5. Source code MUST be supplemented with scripts required to build the native packages for the supported platforms. Instead, Docker is a special case and packages included in the images MAY vary on a case-by-case basis.

7.2 Installation and settings

7.2.1 The component MUST NOT use unconfigured (hard-coded) references to files or external systems.

7.2.2 Application building and unit testing MUST be automated with Gradle. Application packaging MUST be automated with scripts. Installation, update, and removal of components MUST be automated for the platforms defined in section 3.5.

7.2.4 Component installation MUST NOT require different database users than the ones described in section 4.1. However, the database root user MAY be required during the initial installation.

7.3 Monitoring

7.3.1 Application Logging MUST be organized using standard tools in a way that allows the application administrator to define and modify the logs output (at least the file, database, syslogd), logging levels, and logging format.

7.3.2 Java components MUST use SLF4J framework (see

7.3.3 Every component of the system MUST report its child component's ant its own hearbeat in machine-readable (JSON) form with a minimal dataset of:

  • component name,
  • version number with time of component's package creation,
  • status of critical external systems/services,
  • time of last successful execution,
  • current server time.

7.3.4 Logs are written in English.

7.3.5 All web servers MUST produce access logs in a standard format. The access logs MAY be stored in files (Linux) or written to the standard output (Docker).

8 Information Security

8.2 The application MUST NOT create a new authentication system. Authentication MUST be based on existing core OS systems (PAM, Kerberos, etc.).

8.3 Both session creation and termination MUST be simultaneous for all application layers. Session length MUST NOT be infinite.

8.4 Exiting the system MUST be made in a secure manner, explicitly and comprehensibly to the user. The user can exit the system in two ways:

  • Their session's length is longer than the set values (separately definable limits for the session length and the period of inactivity).
  • They terminate the session on their own initiative.

8.5 Events critical from security point of view and activities that can lead to financial or legal consequences MUST be logged in the separately configurable audit log. List of these events can be found in X-Road audit log events document [SPEC-AL].

8.6 All user outputs MUST be sanitized not to include system operation information such as full names of files, stack traces, etc.

8.7 In web interfaces (web UI) session management MUST be based on session cookies.

8.8 All private network communications (excluding localhost) MUST be protected with TLS. All public network communications MUST be protected with either TLS or signing data (e.g., signed global configuration). TLS parameters MUST be configurable by system administrator.

8.9 User MUST receive a proper informative message about termination of his session.

8.10 Application MUST use strong encryption algorithms. All algorithms MUST be approved by cryptographic research. For example: Estonian cryptographic algorithms research 2015.

9 Standards

9.1 The processing of the date, combined date and time, time, duration, and the time interval in the text form MUST be based on the international standard ISO 8601 (

9.2 Only Linux/Unix (LF; 0x0A; U+000A) newline convention is allowed in source code files.

9.3 All English texts MUST use United States (en_US) dialect.

10 References

  1. [ARC-G] X-Road architecture document,

  2. [SPEC-AL] X-Road audit log events document,

  3. [RFC 2119] Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels,