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actively building the alpha-v0.1 version



ego is an interpreted and dynamically typed programming language. To start writting ego the interpreter must be installed locally using for example cargo install --git So you would need to clone the repo and create a build for your targeted OS.

After that, you will need to create an ego project. To start just type:

ego new hello_world

And that's it, you can cd the project like cd <package_name> and run with:

cd hello_world
ego run

You will see something like this in your terminal

Hello, world!

As ego is in an experimental phase you can always debug the lexer tokens and the parser generated AST using the -d flag, like so:

ego run main.ego -d


Ego has expressions interpretation so you can make

let string = "Number: "
let sum = (2 + 2) * 2
let result = string + sum + "."


After running with ego cli, you will see something like this in your terminal

Number: 8.


Ego supports conditional execution so you could try

if true {
} else {
  print("Not executed")

You can change the condition to false to see how the else code block is executed.


Ego has just one iteration construct. A while loop. That's it.

let x = 0

while x < 10 {
  x = x + 1


You can define a function in Ego using the fn keyword followed by an identifier, arguments and a code block.

fn greet_user(name) {
  return "Hi, " + name 

let greet = greet_user("Cristian")

Which outputs:

Hi, Cristian

You might be thinking what happens if we don't pass the name argument. Let's try it:

fn greet(name) {
  print("Hi, "+name)

Hi, nothing

The ego data type for not defined values is Nothing.