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What is this for?

Kustomize is a great tool for deploying Applications following GitOps. But Sometimes you need to change "things" that are not addressable with the build in replacements. That's where GeneralReplacementsTransformer comes into play. It's a kustomize plugin that allows you to select values in a similar way than the build in replacements, but uses golang template expressions wherever you need to insert values. This is very powerful, but should definitely be used with care.


The GeneralReplacementsTransformer binary can be downloaded from the GitHub releases page. In order to be called by kustomize, it has to be installed to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kustomize/plugin/ ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME points by default to $HOME/.config on Linux and OS X, and %LOCALAPPDATA% on Windows.)

Install version 0.16.0 on Linux:

VERSION=0.16.0 OS=linux ARCH=amd64
curl -Lo GeneralReplacementsTransformer${VERSION}/GeneralReplacementsTransformer_${VERSION}_${OS}_${ARCH}
chmod +x GeneralReplacementsTransformer
mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR
mv GeneralReplacementsTransformer $INSTALL_DIR


Let's say you need a password in more than one place, but some locations are not addressable by build in replacements, and you only want to define it once...

Create a kustomization.yaml file:

cat <<. >kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
namespace: demo
  - name: mongodb-auth
      - mongodb-root-password=secret123
  - name: mongodb-env
      - MONGO_URL=mongodb://demo:{{.password}}@mongodb/demo
  - transformer.yaml

cat <<. >transformer.yaml
kind: GeneralReplacementsTransformer
  name: example
  - name: password
      kind: Secret
      name: mongodb-auth
      fieldPath: data.mongodb-root-password
  - resource:
      kind: Secret
      name: mongodb-env
    type: template

kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins

It is of cause not recommended to put your secret data unencrypted into any files, you could e.g. use SopsSecretGenerator to protect them. GeneralReplacementsTransformer will still work.

Selecting Values

The resource-selector in selectValues supports kind, name and fieldPath.

Loading Values

The transformer manifest can also load values from an external file defined in valuesFile, see examples. Secrets encrypted with SOPS can be loaded with secretsFile, analog to valuesFile. Values from valuesFile overwrite values given in values, values from secretsFile overwrite values from valuesFile.

Inserting Values

The resource-selector in replacements supports kind and name, which might be empty to select multiple resources.

All string values in yaml content can contain golang template expressions, e.g.:

key: "{{.value}}"

Values can contain template expressions, see examples -> values -> hostname. Slim-sprig functions are also available:

key: "deployed at {{ now | date "2006-01-02 }}"

Right now just type: template is supported, this might change some time, but there are no plans so far.

Using GeneralReplacementsTransformer with ArgoCD

GeneralReplacementsTransformer can be added to ArgoCD by patching an initContainer into the ArgoCD provided install.yaml.