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Forecasting hospital admissions with modern tidyverse based meta-packages

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1 Summary

The aim of the project is to forecast monthly admissions to Singapore public acute adult hospitals. The admissions were treated as a hierarchical time series. Admissions were forecasted at each level. Every country has a hierarchical order to its public hospitals. In Singapore, there are 3 levels:

National level
|-- Cluster level (Clusters are a network of hospitals based on geographical regions. There are 3 health clusters in Singapore- NUHS, NHG, SHS.)
|---- Hospital level (There are 8 public acute adult hospitals- NTFGH, NUH, AH, TTSH, KTPH, SGH, SKH, CGH)

Forecasting admissions at hospital levels can help hospital managers plan for better manpower deployment during predicted peak periods. Forecasting at higher levels such as cluster or even national level can help senior management and policy planners develop better strategy to deal with high and lo periods and review other strategies to reduce admission rate. A manageable admission rate helps to ensure clinicians will have sufficient time to review their patients.

Both classical and machine learning approaches were adopted for forecasting. The best model was ensembled model of retuned Random Forest and retuned Prophet Boost with a 9:1 weighting. This model's accuracy was:

Level RMSE (testing set) MAE (testing set)
Across all levels 535 412
National 949 789
Cluster 657 528
Hospital 393 321

While smaller rmse are favoured in general, care needs to be taken when appreciating the rmse for each level as the magnitude of admission differs for each hierarchical level, the superordinate levels have more admissions thus a larger rmse can be expected.

The datasets, model outputs and key objects are housed on this GitHub. The rest of the README outlines the project, more details are found in my blog

2 Data

The dataset is monthly admission to Singapore public acute adult hospitals. The dataset starts from Jan 2016 and ends in Feb 2021. The forecast horizon was 10months, i.e. to forecast till the end of 2021. The training set was from Jan 16 to Apr 20 (3 years, 4months) and the testing set was from May 20 to Feb 21 (10 months).


Trends, seasonality, anomalies, lags and correlation of time series features and statistics were explored and analysed.

  • In general, there was an increase in the number of admissions till first half of 2020 during the peak of the Covid pandemic. After the peak, admissions to KTPH and NTFGH did not increase to pre peak numbers.
  • The number of admissions to SKH markedly increase during 2018 as the new hospital fully opened its entire hospital campus.

  • There are fewer admissions in Feb, likely for two reasons. Firstly, Feb has the shortest month and Chinese Lunar New Year tends to happen during Feb.
  • There are more admissions in the final quarter of the year, mostly from Oct and Dec.

  • Most of the anomaly detected occurred during the peak of COVID19 pandemic from Jan 20- Jul 20.
  • The anomaly in 2018 came from SKH and was not observed in other hospitals nor at a more aggregated cluster level. The anomaly was likely due to the change in the number of admissions before and after the hospital was opened in Jul 18.

  • Correlation of the 48 time series features and statistics was conducted as 48 is a number of variables to analyse. The correlation also determines the associative relationship between the features. Correlation was done for each level as well as a collection of all levels because admissions at superordinate levels would have some correlation with admissions at the subordinate level.
  • The spread in the correlations revealed the heterogeneity of the features, the features identify a variety of time series traits.

4 Approach (classical)

For the classical approach, 3 hierarchical forecasting techniques were used:

  1. bottoms up bu
  2. reconciliation using ordinary least square ols
  3. reconciliation using minimum trace with sample covariance mint_cov

Base models for the above techniques included:

  1. ETS
  2. ARIMA
  3. ARIMA with Covid (peak period) as regressor
  4. ARIMA with Covid regressor with 1 month lag
  5. ARIMA with Covid regressor with 2 month lag
  6. ARIMA with Covid regressor with 3 month lag

The best ARIMA model class was selected using AICc.The best ARIMA model was with a dummy variable for Covid peak period as a regressor ARIMA(Admission ~ Covid).

The best ARIMA model and ETS model were then evaluated against the testing set. The best classical model was an ARIMA model with an external regressor for Covid without any lags ARIMA(Admission ~ Covid) as the base and the forecast reconciled using minimum trace mint_cov. Across all levels, the average rmse was 847 and mae was 745.

4.1 Forecast (classical model on testing set)

The best model's hierarchical forecast on the testing set is plotted below:

Hospital level:

Cluster level:

National level:

5 Approach (machine learning)

5.1 Pre-processing

Different combinations of predictors and engineered features were screened to determine the best combination for machine learning.

  1. Basic recipe rec_basic
  • Lags
  • Rolling lags
  • Covid peak period (dummy variable)
  • Relevant temporal features from step_timeseries_signature e.g. month, year, quarter of the year
  • Hierarchical levels e.g. National level, Cluster level
  • Members in the corresponding level e.g. CGH hospital, SHS cluster
  1. Basic recipe + Time series features and statistics rec_ft
  2. Basic recipe + PCA of the time series features and statistics rec_PC
  3. Basic recipe + kernel PCA of the time series and features and statistics rec_kPC

Random forest model with cross-validation was used to screen the recipes. The best recipe rec_PC was used for machine learning modelling.

Recipe RMSE (avg cv)
rec_PC 514
rec_kPC 516
rec_basic 526
rec_rf 543

5.2 Models

The best recipe was passed into the following models and tuned with resampling:

  1. Elastic net regression with splines GLM
  2. Multivariate adaptive regression spline MARS
  3. Random forest RF
  4. Extreme gradient boost XGB
  5. Boosted PROPHET PB
  6. LightGBM (LightGBM has seen success with hierarchical time series in the M5 competition but fatal errors were encountered when running it in R)
Model RMSE (avg cv) MAE (avg cv)
RF 549 409
PB 1137 799
XGB 1231 888
MARS 3796 3312
GLM 9847 8281

The top 2 models, RF and PB, were manually retuned.

Example of identifying more appropriate parameter range for retuning Prophet Boost

Both Random Forest and Prophet Boost benefited from retuning.

Model RMSE (avg cv) MAE (avg cv)
RF with retuning 545 409
RF 549 409
PB retuning 945 673
PB 1137 799

5.3 Ensemble model

An ensemble model was assembled from the two top performing models, Random Forest and Prophet Boost. Both tuned and original Random Forests were trial in the ensemble as the performance between the models were minimal. The retuned Prophet Boost was nominated to be the default Prophet Boost for the ensemble as its accuracy was markedly better than the original version. As Random Forest performed much better than Prophet Boost, the weightage given to Random Forest was at least 80%.

  • All the ensemble models performed better than its member models.
  • Better performing ensemble models had a stronger bias to Random Forest.
  • Some of the classical approaches performed better than the top 2 machine learning models.
Approach Model RMSE (training set) MAE (training set)
Machine Learning Ensemble model (RF retuned + PB retuned, weights 9:1) 535 412
Machine Learning Ensemble model (RF + PB retuned, weights 9:1) 538 412
Machine Learning Ensemble model (RF retuned + PB retuned, weights 8:2) 539 421
Machine Learning Ensemble model (RF + PB retuned, weights 8:2) 543 423
Machine Learning RF retuned 545 409
Machine Learning RF 549 409
Classical Reconciliation with mint_cov. Base model: ARIMA + Covid regressor 847 745
Machine Learning PB retuned 945 673
Classical Reconcilation with OLS. Base model: ARIMA + Covid regressor 1085 937
Classical Base model of ARIMA + Covid regressor 1117 991
Machine Learning PB 1137 799

5.4 Forecast (ML model on testing set)

The best machine learning model forecast on the testing is plotted below:

Hospital level:

Cluster level:

National level:

6 Forecast (best model on future period)

To recap, the training set was from Jan 16 to Apr 20 (3 years, 4months) and the testing set was from May 20 to Feb 21 (10 months) and the forecast horizon was from Mar 21- Dec 21 (10 months). The best model was an ensemble model of retuned Random Forest and retuned Prophet Boost with a 9:1 weightage. Below are the forecasted future admissions using the best model.

Hospital level:

Cluster level:

National level:

7 Reflecting points

Most of the hospital level forecast were relatively flat; perhaps, due to insufficient data compared to cluster and national level which had more observations from the aggregation of subordinate levels. The forecast for cluster and national level appeared more plausible with some peaks and dips with an upward trend. Nonetheless, forecasting during this Covid period is challenging. Any forecast can be thrown off the rails as the situation is erratic and dynamic. For instance, the Covid infection rate was stable after Aug 20 but became more serious in May 21 with the Singapore government implementing stricter social distancing measures.

8 Future work

  • More machine learning models and deep learning
  • Replacing XGB in Prophet Boost with other tree-based boost models like Catboost or lightGBM
  • Predicting all hospital admission at once with a global model.


Forecasting hospital admissions with modern tidyverse based meta-packages






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