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as a result of its complexity, the AN-94 is incredibly user unfriendly when it comes to maintenance, and thus became unfit to replace the AK-47


screenshot1 screenshot2


  • distro: Arch Linux
  • display server: X
  • wallpaper: here
  • fonts: Cascadia Code and San Francisco Pro
  • icons: Adwaita
  • shown in the screenshots: i3, polybar, neovim, zathura, ranger, st.


  • zsh - A shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.
  • neovim - Hyperextensible Vim-based text editor.
    • vim-plug - Minimalist Vim plugin manager.
    • pynvim - Python client and plugin host for Nvim.
  • kitty - A fast, featureful, GPU based terminal emulator.
  • st - My fork of the suckless simple terminal (st).


  • bat - A cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
  • delta - A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output.
  • dust - A more intuitive version of du in rust.
  • fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder.
  • gotop - A terminal based graphical activity monitor.
  • neofetch - A command-line system information tool written in bash.
  • onefetch - A command-line Git information tool.


  • dunst - Lightweight and customizable notification daemon.
  • i3 - A tiling window manager.
  • i3blocks - A feed generator for text based status bars.
  • ly - A lightweight TUI (ncurses-like) display manager for Linux and BSD.
  • paru - Feature packed AUR helper.
  • picom - A lightweight compositor for X11.
  • polybar - A fast and easy-to-use status bar.
    • polybar-spotify - Spotify status and controls module for Polybar with text scrolling.
  • rofi - A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement.


  • feh - An X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users.
  • firefox - A free and open source web browser.
  • flameshot - A powerful yet simple to use screenshot software.
  • mpv - A free (as in freedom) media player for the command line.
  • pcmanfm - Extremely fast and lightweight file manager.
    • ark - A graphical file compression/decompression utility that can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives.
  • ranger - A VIM-inspired filemanager for the console.
  • spotify-tui - A Spotify client for the terminal written in Rust.
  • zathura - A document viewer.