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Plantumlbuilder is a groovy builder for the PlantUML (see PlantUML).

See also

It is used to create the PlantUML diagrams with groovy language, which adds
support for programming language and reuse. It also helps to keep logical indentation of the PlantUML structure (e.g. in the sequence diagrams).

Implementation source code is in the main/src directory.
Test source code is in the main/tests directory.
Examples are in the examples directory.
Documentation files and source code is in the documentation directory.

Use gradle to build, test and package project. Use groovy version 2.2.0 and later (recommended is 2.4.0 and later).

See/run scripts in the examples/scripts/plantuml/ directory to generate examples from the PlantUML web page.
(NOTE: Currently only examples for the sequence diagrams).

HTML documentation is located at:

With the plantumlbuilder any PlantUML diagram can be created/programmed with use of plant keyword.
With use of plugins (e.g. PlantUmlBuilderSeqPlugin) additional syntax (for specific diagram type) can be added.


groovy plantumlbuilder code

builder.plantuml("Lifeline Activation and Destruction with colors") {
        def user = "User"
        participant user
        msgAd user, to: "A", text: "doWork", returnText: "Done", activate: "#FFBBBB", {  // color is specified as value of 'activate'
                msgAd "A", text: "Internal call", activate: "#DarkSalmon", {
                        msgAd "A", to: "B", text: "<< createRequest >>", returnText: "RequestCreated"

generated PlantUML

@startuml Lifeline Activation and Destruction with colors
participant User
User -> A : doWork
activate A #FFBBBB
    A -> A : Internal call
    activate A #DarkSalmon
        A -> B : << createRequest >>
        activate B
        B --> A : RequestCreated
        deactivate B
    deactivate A
A --> User : Done
deactivate A

Build environment

plantumlbuilder and nodebuilder are accessible through JCenter maven repository

Usage with groovy Grapes in script

@Grab(group = 'net.sourceforge.plantuml', module = 'plantuml', version = '8053')  //for newer versions, update numbers
@Grab(group = 'org.bitbucket.novakmi', module = 'nodebuilder', version = '1.0.0')
@Grab(group = 'org.bitbucket.novakmi', module = 'plantumlbuilder', version = '1.0.0')

Run groovy script as regular script (Linux) of with groovy command (Linux, Windows).

First run of the groovy scripts downloads dependencies into ~/.groovy/grapes directory (Internet connection required), next run of the script uses already downloaded dependencies (Internet connection not required).

~/.groovy/grapes can be moved to other development machine (Internet connection not required even for first run) of the script.


NOTE: With groovy version below 2.3.0 following dependency may also be needed:

@Grab(group = 'org.codehaus.groovy', module = 'groovy-backports-compat23', version = '2.4.7')

Usage with gradle build file

dependencies {
        compile localGroovy()
        compile group: 'net.sourceforge.plantuml', name: 'plantuml', version: '8053'
        compile group: 'org.bitbucket.novakmi', name: 'nodebuilder', version: '1.0.0'
        compile group: 'org.bitbucket.novakmi', name: 'plantumlbuilder', version: '1.1.0'

Usage with groovy and command line (without dependency on external repository)

Download desired (latest) version of the nodebuilder and yangbuilder jar files from
Run with groovy command with classpath pointing to the downloaded jar files (e.g. groovy -cp ./plantuml.jar:./nodebuilder.jar:./plantumlbuilder.jar plant_script.groovy).

Michal Novak (


Generate PlantUML text UML modes with Groovy builder (see








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