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Proof of Concept: A DNS Server which can be updated via API.


概念驗證:可動態更新的DNS Server

Code Climate Issue Count

This Repository hosts a mini DNS Server, powered by Ruby + MySQL.


此存儲庫包含一個使用Ruby編寫及使用RDBMS作爲數據庫的迷你DNS Server。

Requirements // システム必要条件 // 系統要求

  • Ruby >= 2.3.0 w/ Bundler
  • Any RDBMS supported by Sequel ORM
  • Linux (M$ Windows から残念です、申し訳ございません) (不支援 M$ Windows)

How To use? // 使い方 (英語のみ) // 食用方法 (English Only)

  1. Configure your decided RDBMS Driver in Gemfile
  • MySQL should use mysql2
  1. $ bundler update
  2. $ rake config:create
  3. Configure various settings in .env
  4. $ rake db:migrate
  5. $ ruby dnsd.rb
  6. Open a new terminal, $ rackup to run the API Server. Default on port 9292, append -p 1234 to use port 1234




  • API
    • Basically, send this payload to POST /records/new to create
      "type": "A",
      "name": "hostname",
      "ipv4address": "",
      "ipv6address": "::FFFF:"
    • Get all records GET /records
    • Update records PATCH /records/n, where n is record id, No empty records, just leave the field you wanna update
      "name": "hostname",
      "ipv4address": "",
      "ipv6address": "::FFFF:"
    • Delete records DELETE /records/n, where n is record id
    • Search by hostname GET /search/name/hostname, where abc is hostname
    • Search by IPv4 GET /search/ip4/, where is the recorded IPv4 Address
    • Search by IPv6 GET /search/ip6/::FFFF:, where ::FFFF: is the recorded IPv6 Address
  • DNS
    • Normal lookup dig @localhost -p 5300 hostname.yourdesiredzone.local
    • Reverse lookup dig @localhost -p 5300 -x or dig @localhost -p 5300 -x ::FFFF:
  • Docker
    1. Suggested to use in conjunction with ventz/bind
    1. mysql Docker Container is REQUIRED to power the internal network resolver
    2. docker run command snippet
    3. REST/AMQP API comming soon.


  • Implement the API via AMQP, but sorry, no documentations will offered on that version because that is intended for


  • All Chinese (Traditional Script) and Japanese descriptions in this document are Machine-Translated Results. While Japanese results are interpreted afterwards, quality of Chinese descriptions are not assured.