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nrstott committed Dec 9, 2011
1 parent c5ce644 commit 83848ba
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 0 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -248,6 +248,92 @@ Standard flash middleware for bogart. Session id and data are stored in encrypte
* Avoid manipulating prototypes of Node.JS constructors. Manipulating prototypes makes for harder to understand code.
Also, Bogart is expected to be cross-platform in the future.

## Promises

Promises provide a well-defined interface for interacting with an object that represents the result of an action that is performed
asynchronously. Why does Bogart use Promises instead of Callbacks for an interface? Because it's prettier and easier to reason about!

In all seriousness, I don't want to get into large arguments about the merits of Promises. Node.JS uses callbacks for its API; however,
user-land applications and frameworks are free to employ higher-level abstractions and Bogart uses Promises.

### Terminology

* Listener: A function listening for the resolution or rejection of a Promise.
* Resolve: A successful Promise is 'resolved' which invokes the success listeners that are waiting and remembers the value that was resolved for future success listeners that are attached.
* Reject: When an error condition is encountered, a Promise is 'rejected' which invokes the error listeners that are waiting and remembers the value that was rejected for future error listeners that are attached.

### How Promises Work

Promises may only be resolved one time. In the future, when success listeners are added to a
promise that has already been resolved, the success listener will be invoked with the
previously resolved value. Each success listener or error listener is invoked one time and
one time only.

Promises are not EventEmitters. Many times when describing promises, other coder's ask why
not just use an EventEmitter. Promises have a different contarct. The fact that promises
are resolved or rejected only one time is powerful. EventEmitters have their place; however,
they do not take the place of Promises and Promises do not take the place of EventEmitters.

function helloWorld() {

// Retrieve the q promise utility
var q = require('bogart').q;

// Create a deferred, a wrapper around a Promise.
var deferred = q.defer();

// Do something async
setTimeout(function() {
// Resolve the promise, this will cause success listeners to be invoked.
deferred.resolve('hello world');
}, 100);

// Return the promise that the deferred wraps to the client.
return deferred.promise;

// Consuming the helloWorld function
var p = helloWorld();
p.then(function(msg) {
// This function will be invoked on success
}, function(err) {
// This function will be invoked on error.

### The `then` Method
`promise.then(callback, errback, progress)`

A promise will have a `then` method which takes up to three parameters.

### The `when` Function
`bogart.q.when(promiseOrValue, callback, errback, progress)`

The `when` function in the `bogart.q` namespace is helpful when you do not know if what you have is a value or a promise for a
value. The callback will be executed for success for a resoled promise or for the value passed if it is a value and not a promise.


JSGI stands for JavaScript Gateway Interface. It is an interface between web applications and web servers. It is similar to
Ruby's Rack and Python's WSGI.

### Entities

* Application: A JavaScript Function that takes one argument, the Request as a JavaScript Object, and returns its Response as a JavaScript Object containing three required attributes: status, headers, and body.
* Middleware: JSGI Applications that can call other JSGI Applications. Middleware can be orgonized into a call chain to provide useful services or perform useful business logic.
* Request: A JavaScript Object that contains the state of the HTTP request. JSGI Applications and Middleware are free to modify the request object.

### Bogart Relationship to JSGI

Bogart makes it easy to create JSGI Applications and Middleware. Bogart is a high-level wrapper around JSGI.

Valid JSGI responses are always valid returns from Bogart. Bogart, via its helpful Middleware, also allows you to return
Node.JS Streams, Node.JS Buffers, and JavaScript Strings as responses that will be translated into valid JSGI responses.

Bogart also provides helper functions to make creating JSGI responses easier. Prime examples of this are `bogart.file` which
returns a JSGI response that serves a file and `bogart.proxy` which returns a response that proxies another URL.

## Supporting Modules

* [Jade View Engine]( `npm install bogart-jade`
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