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Songsheng Tao edited this page May 13, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the xpdacq-feedstock wiki!

Release Note

Submit and merge PR to the xpdacq-feedstock.

  1. Clone the repo to your local. git clone

  2. Checkout a new branch called 'rerender'. git checkout -b rerender

  3. Edit the conda-build recipe. Usually, you need to edit the recipe/meta.yml. If you are not familiar with conda-build recipe. Please read the introduction.

  4. After you finished the edit, rerender the feed-stock. conda smithy rerender --feedstock_directory . -e recipe/conda_build_config.yaml

  5. After rerender is finished, it should show the command command line hint to commit all changes. Copy that line and run it in terminal. Here is an example of what commit message looks like. The version number will depend on the conda-build, conda-smithy and conda-forge-pinning you used. git commit -m "MNT: Re-rendered with conda-build 3.18.9, conda-smithy 3.4.6, and conda-forge-pinning 2019.09.08"

  6. Push the commit to remote branch on origin. git push --set-upstream origin rerender

  7. Submit a PR to the upstream master. Check if the CI build test passed. If it fails, debug your conda-build recipe and rerender again.

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