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nterhoeven edited this page Jan 12, 2018 · 8 revisions


There are three ways of installing reper on your system: Docker, Singularity and a manual installation. The preferred ways are Docker and Singularity since all dependencies are automatically dealt with.


In order to run reper, you need a config file. An example is included in the github repository.

git clone

Then you can either download the existing container from Dockerhub

docker pull nterhoeven/reper

or build a Docker container yourself

cd reper
docker build .

It is helpful to create an alias for the reper docker command:

alias reper="docker run --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data nterhoeven/reper"

reper can then be run with

reper <command>


First, clone in the github repository.

git clone

You can now build the Singularity container with

cd reper
sudo singularity build --writable reper-singularity.img Singularity

or you can use the pre-build docker container with singularity

singularity pull docker://nterhoeven/reper

It is helpful to create an alias for the reper singularity command

alias reper="singularity exec <path/to/the/.img/file> reper"

reper can then be run with

reper <command>

manual installation

First you should make sure to have all dependencies installed. Then you can clone the github repository

git clone

As second step, you have to tell reper where the dependencies can be found. Therefore you have to edit the second section of the reper.conf file. You can do this manually or (if everything is accessible via $PATH) use the script:

./ reper.conf
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