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Open source survey build platform. Build a survey, get results, change the world.

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World Survey Kit

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App Introduction

World Survey Kit revolves around collecting data in survey's called a kit. It is driven by questions, answers, surveys and data. Once you join an organization you can distribute your kit to your facebook friends, or by using the the World Survey Kit mobile app. If you are an organization you can even lock down certain kits to employees only.


What industries can it be used in?

Kits can be used by any industry:

  • Education
    • Quizzes
    • Homework
    • Surveys
  • Small Business
    • Client Satisfaction Surveys
    • Work order signatures and agreements
  • Enterprise
    • Surveys to customers
    • Market research
  • Non Profit
    • GPS to gather global data
  • Government
    • Signatures
    • Petitions
    • Polls

No problem is too big for World Survey Kit to solve. View kit results in beautiful tables and list views. Filter and print the data.

An organization has the ability to run their business on the platform. It enables them to gather data based on a variety of inputs including single answer, multiple choice, signature, GPS, open ended and more [More types coming soon...]. This will enable Organizations and NGO’s to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. Where on earth do people need clean water? How can we make money off our sustainable solutions? How do I gather a signature to sell to a carbon credit broker in remote locations in Africa? etc...

World survey kit is a cross-platform mobile and web application that works offline. With the rise of social networks and big data the World Survey Kit combines the best of both worlds. World Survey Kit will enable organizations to gather valuable data, graph the results and help save lives and bring awareness to their cause while running their business.


The World Survey Kit source code is composed of an ASP.NET MVC web api project (Backend) with static HTML5 files and Javascript files (Frontend). It's wrapped up in PhoneGap and deployed to Android and other mobile platforms (Phonegap Build).


Authentication is implemented in the App_Start\Auth.cs using Facebook as the OAuth Provider and using view\AuthView.js as a helper. This can be extended for other authentication mechanisms. See this article

MVC (Model View Controller)

MVC design patterns are used on the client and server side using Backbone.js and ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Api (C#).

Server Side

The backend controllers are in the controllers folder. This is where you can extend and integrate with other backend systems.

Client Side

The client side source is contained in the index.html file and js folder. This single page application uses HTML5 and the PhoneGap Framework to accomplish one code base that works as native Android and iPhone (windows phone, blackberry etc..) apps as well as a web application.

These popular frameworks are used in the project (It's worth it to take some time to understand the frameworks):

Much of the code is written using jQuery Mobile, Javascript and Backbone. When the index.html page is visited on first load the main.js file is loaded and is the entry point for loading the javascript files. Next the platfrom specific code is ran from the js/device/*.js. After that auth.js is called which authenicates the user, if successful the router.js is loaded and hash routing is started. The required Backbone collections are loaded into localStorage on initialization of the router so the application can be used offline when no internet connectivity is available. When a user visits, for example, http://localhost:800/#home the home function is called. Javascript files are loaded on demand using RequireJS.


The entity framework code first approach is used when creating Models. The database is located at App_Data\database.mdf

Cross Platform Mobile Application

If you have platform specific phonegap code add it to the js\device folder

Config for different Devices

If you want to port to other platforms simply add device specific code to the device/NAMEOFDEVICE.js file to your project then wrap it up with with Phonegap Build.


App.platform = "NAMEOFDEVICE";

The above can be applied to other platforms, such as Windows Phone, Blackberry etc...


For Local Debugging

  • Unzip the project
  • Open the solution in Visual Studio
  • Debug in Visual Studio with IIS express and LocalDB
  • Database is located at App_Data\database.mdf
  • Edit the dbo.Users table and add your name, facebook id and make yourself system admin
  • If needed configure ports in Project Properties > web

Facebook App

A Facebook app must be created for authenication to work (This can be disabled by some re-work and editing Auth.cs and changing the [Auth.FB] data attributes in the c# controller code )

  1. Create a Facebook app here:
  2. Set the "App Domains" to localhost
  3. Click "Website with Facebook Login" and set to http://localhost:800/
  4. Copy the app id from facebook and set App.fbid in the config.js file


There are several configuration files in this application.

  1. js\main.js

Main config file for the application and bootstrapping. This is the applications entry point.

  1. js\config.js

Main global configuration file:

  • App.platform = iPhone, Android, or Web
  • App.rootUrl = root url for the backend api, for Web this can be left blank
  • App.fbid = id of app from facebook
  1. device\web.js

Config when App.platform = Web

  1. device\android.js

Config when App.platform = Android

  1. device\iphone.js

Config when App.platform = iPhone

  1. confg.xml

This is used for PhoneGap build configuration


For deployment to Azure

  1. Goto
  2. New > compute > web site > custom create
  3. Fill in inputs:
    • DATABASE: Create a free 20 MB SQL database
    • DB CONNECTION STRING Name: MyDatabase
  4. Fill in database settings
    • SERVER: New Sql Database Server
  5. Complete
  6. It will take a few minutes for the site and database to deploy
  7. Deploy the project via source control or FTP
  8. To deploy via FTP go to the Visual Studio Project
  9. Make sure to configure js/config.js before you deploy to azure
    • App.platform = "Web";
    • App.rootUrl = "";
    • App.fbid = "YOURFACEBOOKAPPID";
  10. Make sure to configure your Facebook App for production deployment (You might want to create one for local development and one for production)
  11. In the azure portal goto your website and download your publish profile on the dashboard
  12. In visual studio goto Build > Publish xxx > Import > publish
  13. You can view the progress in the output window
  14. A few minutes later your project should be deployed to azure
  15. Now you must seed some initial data into the database to get access.
  16. Connect to your Sql Azure Database server using SQL Server management studio and run the following SQL (Substitute YOUR_FACEBOOK_ID and YOUR NAME. To lookup what your facebook is go to this site

INSERT INTO [dbo].QuestionTypeLookup VALUES('OpenEnded') INSERT INTO [dbo].QuestionTypeLookup VALUES('Gps') INSERT INTO [dbo].QuestionTypeLookup VALUES('SingleAnswer') INSERT INTO [dbo].QuestionTypeLookup VALUES('MultipleChoice') INSERT INTO [dbo].QuestionTypeLookup VALUES('Signature')

INSERT INTO [dbo].Orgs VALUES('World Survey Kit')


INSERT INTO [dbo].OrgUserMappings VALUES(1,1,1)

For deployment to Phonegap Build (iPhone, Android)

  1. Before you deploy the HTML5, CSS, and Javascript to PhoneGap build, make sure you have your config.js configured properly. You will have to create separate PhoneGap Build projects for each platform.

  2. Your config.js file should look similar to this below (Substitute SITENAME for the name of your site and 123456789 for your Facebook app id):

    For Android Deployments App.platform = "Android"; App.rootUrl = ""; App.fbid = "123456789";

    For iPhone Deployments App.platform = "iPhone"; App.rootUrl = ""; App.fbid = "123456789";

  3. You may need to configure a few more things for Facebook integration. Refer to this link to set up Facebook integrations and certificates Remember to click "native android app" and input package (com.DOMAIN.APPNAME) , class (com.DOMAIN.APPNAME.MainActivity), and key hashes, enable facebook login

Edit the following in the config.xml to get facebook login and PhoneGap to work with your values.

<gap:plugin name="com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect"> </gap:plugin>

  1. The next steps show how to package a Phonegap app then upload your web assets - a ZIP file of HTML, CSS and JavaScript files to PhoneGap Build. PhoneGap will compile and package the app for you. In minutes, you’ll receive the download URLs for all mobile platforms. Remember this PhoneGap build will only work for the platform you specified in config.js. To target other mobile platforms this process must be repeated and a separate PhoneGap Build App created. (You could always change this and configure App.platform by "User Agent String Sniffing", but that could be difficult and messy to do)

Create a folder called assets on your desktop, within that folder create the following folder structure. Include a copy of all the files below where you see the *

  | |_android 
  | | | 
  | | |_facebook/*
  | |_ios 
  |   |_FacebookConnectPlugin.m 
  |   |_FacebookConnectPlugin.h 
  |   |_facebook/*
  |  |_index.html 
  |  |_js/* 
  |  |_css/* 
  |  |_images/* 
  |  |_src/* 
  |  |_config.xml 	
  1. Zip the asset folder and upload to
  2. Download your PhoneGap Build app from the website and enjoy!
  3. You may need to have a key created for your app to deploy and work with Facebook authentication. Use these instructions on creating a key for your specific platform
  • For example this is how you would create a key in Android (Substitute YOURAPPNAME for your phonegap app name it should be like com.YOURAPPNAME):

    • keytool -genkey -v -keystore MYKEY.keystore -alias YOURAPPNAME -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  • Remember to copy your key to your facebook app for your specific platform. For example, Android:

    • Package Name: com.YOURAPPNAME
    • Class Name: com.YOURAPPNAME.MainActivity
    • Facebook Login: Enabled
    • Deep Linking: Enabled

YOURFACEBOOKKEYHASH above can be created in android like this: * keytool -exportcert -alias YOURAPPNAME -keystore MYKEY.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64


Hidden routes in the web application:


TODO - Short Term

  • Fix bug to populate report on edit from the report table page, add this code to GoCompositeView.js line 93 // if its an empty array then get the id since we are getting server model not backbone offline if (fileInstanceName.length == 0){ fileInstanceName = self.fileInstColl.where({ id: parseInt(this.fileInstanceId) }); }
  • add togetherjs for chat and real time (Only enable in chrome and firefox desktop, disbale the circle thingy on click)
  • add open graph "{User} took the survey, {survey name} on World Survey Kit"

TODO - Long Term

  • port over to a meteor and angular app
  • Make everything pageable and odata queryable
  • Change the authenication model for a survey
    • anonymous, facebook authenicated, pin
  • Make charting, graphing and analytics using d3.js
  • Share survey via qr code
  • fix the mobile export to excel link
  • fix signature pad on tablet (onclick it disappears but still records)
  • add a survey tagging engine
  • modify auth.cs security check helpers to allow a url that comes in to take a public survey, this inherently would make everybody users of all public surveys
  • App reset when under user context fails to load sometimes, maybe switch to default context then reset


  • 7/30/2013 - fixed the senerio when you go back to survey history and edit an already filled out survey it should auto sync when you click save and finish later.

  • added import functionality

  • fixed paging issue #home view survey history, show 25, then page the rest

  • fixed edit issue added ?edit to every row, so you are actually loading and editing server data

    • make all online report edit goto ?edit and in ?edit make sure updated_at field is changed
      • go to all Go* views and add updated_at field on save to current datetime
  • fixed the edge case when you uncheck everything in a response and post back, nothing actaully posts back to clear out response

    • added previousResponse bool to the GoOptionsView
  • fixed very first load of page issue (update history count and history page when data finally becomes available)

    • home route is being launched way too early home view is corrupt, why does FileInstace deferrerd seem not to work? Because its a Backbone Offline Fetch and return success instantly Change to check for App.fileInstanceCollection.deferred (A Server side traditional backbone fetch) on first load ever
  • fixed duplicate App.orgName in the config.js file to App.organizationsName since we use App.orgName elsewhere in the app

  • fixed the pagination issues in the history page

  • open to all facebook users

    1. Hit Auth Filter
      • if FB Auth
        • if in db contine
        • else add to db, add to an org called by there name
  • added security to the File table, public and private can now be set on a survey

  • user cannot delete own survey in own org - fixed the FilesController delete method and added q.js to fix reset of app

  • added the profile menu and fixed isOrgAmin bug

  • finished tour js, make a flag in db for first time logged in

  • added fb friend picker

  • added a news feed to the home page

  • added together js remove the views, content and scripts folder

  • added google analytics

  • fix the profile menu dropdown to work on all pages

  • fix the tutorial to work for a App.isAdmin = false user view

  • make the invite users button work on the build page

  • create the page /#s?fileId to allow a deep link to be shared to take a survey

    • first in auth.js the url is checked for #/s?fileId which sends an ajax call to the backend after the user is authorized
    • the authorizing prompt changes to "loading survey..."
      • the backends creates a new fileinstance of the survey (name = {User Name's} survey {Survey name} - {DateTime Stamp})
      • sets the users default org to be the surveys org, then send a redirect /#go?file{fileInstanceId}
    • the client picks up these changes then runs the app like normal , the App.defaultOrg is that of your friend who sent you the survey
  • fixed tour, fixed switching friend context to hash to home


Open source survey build platform. Build a survey, get results, change the world.






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