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Nicolas Trüssel edited this page Jan 27, 2016 · 11 revisions


To create a new instance of the ARCHIVE class, the client has to use the make feature and provide a STORAGE_BACKEND, which will then be used to do I/O (reading and writing blocks). A client then can either open the archive for archiving or for unarchiving. It is not possible to archive and unarchive simultaneously.


To use the archiving mode, one has to use open_archive after creation. Then, one can add entries using add_entries. Once all entries are written, the user has to call finalize, which will cause the archive to write the end of archive indicator and then close itself.

All entries are children of ARCHIVABLE, for details about provided ARCHIVABLEs and how to write your own compare the linked page.


To use the unarchiving mode, the user may first register arbitrarily many UNARCHIVERs using add_unarchiver. Once all of them were added, open_unarchive opens the archive for unarchiving. Note that once the archive is opened, no more UNARCHIVERs can be added. Next, the client may either use unarchive, which will then unarchive all entries at once and close the archive, or he can use unarchive_next_entry, until unarchiving_finished becomes True. In the latter case, the client has to close the archive himself by calling close. For each entry, ARCHIVE will use the last registered UNARCHIVER that is suitable for the corresponding entry (for further information and details about implementing your own UNARCHIVER see UNARCHIVER).


As ARCHIVE inherits from ERROR_HANDLER, it's pretty easy to register error callbacks as described in ERROR