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Nicolas Trüssel edited this page Jan 27, 2016 · 9 revisions

UNARCHIVER is the central piece for unarchiving. ARCHIVE will parse the header and search for the last registered (!) UNARCHIVER that can unarchive the payload that belongs to the header (using the can_unarchvive feature). This unarchiver will then be initialized with the header and be passed blocks until it indicates that unarchiving finished.


FILE_UNARCHIVER accepts all header that have a typeflag for a regular file ('0' and '%U'). It will create a RAW_FILE and copy all payload blocks to it, until size bytes are written (size as given by the header). Additionally it will try to set the metadata according to the header information.


DIRECTORY_UNARCHIVER accepts all headers that have the directory typeflag ('5'). It will create a new directory and try to set the metadata according to the header.


SKIP_UNARCHIVER accepts all headers and skips their payload without doing anything. It is used as a fallback by ARCHIVE.


Most often the user will use UNARCHIVER with ARCHIVE, this section shortly explains, how to properly use it otherwise:

  1. Check whether whether the payload to header can be unarchive using unarchivable
  2. Initialize with header (initialize)
  3. If unarchiving_finished or has_error exit
  4. Pass next block to unachiver, using unarchive_block, goto 3

Implementing a Custom UNARCHIVER

To implement a custom UNARCHIVER, one has to implement the following features. Additionally one can find some custom UNARCHIVERs in the example directory (minipax's HEADER_SAVE_UNARCHIVER and tar_ls' HEADER_PRINT_UNARCHIVER). All features from TAR_UTILS can be used. Additionally every UNARCHIVER inherits from ERROR_HANDLER which makes it easy to report errors (compare ERROR).

Creation Procedures

Every UNARCHIVER should redefine default_create. Remember to call Precursor to initialize all inherited stuff (e.g. the things from ERROR_HANDLER). Additionally one has to set the attribute name to a fitting value (e.g. "file to memory unarchiver" for an unarchiver that unarchives files to memory). name will be used when cascading errors to ARCHVIVE.

Every creation procedure has to call default_create (or is default_create itself).


required_blocks: INTEGER

Has to return the number of blocks that are required to unarchive the payload that belongs to this header.


unarchivable (a_header: TAR_HEADER): BOOLEAN

Indicates whether a_header can be unarchived by this UNARCHIVER. This is the function, ARCHIVABLE uses to determine, which UNARCHIVER to use.


unarchive_block (a_block: MANAGED_POINTER; a_pos: INTEGER)

Takes a block and unarchives its contents. The blocks starts at a_pos. This feature unarchives at most {TAR_CONST}.tar_block_size bytes. It has to increase unarchived_blocks by one.



Initialize internal structures (only the new ones). It is called by initialize.