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SVM and CNN on Fashion MNIST Dataset

License Pyorch 1.3.1 cuda 10.2 Python 3.7

Author: Zuyang Cao


This project employed two types of machine learning methods to classify the fashion MNIST dataset:

  • Support Vector Machine
  • Convolutional Neural Network
    • Resnet
    • VGGnet
    • Alexnet

Two dimensionality reduction techniques are applied on SVM:

  • PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
  • LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis)


License: MIT

Fashion-MNIST is a dataset of Zalando's article images—consisting of a training set of 60,000 examples and a test set of 10,000 examples. Each example is a 28x28 grayscale image, associated with a label from 10 classes.

Dataset Visualized

Figure 1. Visualized Dataset

Tunable Parameters

PCA Parameters

  • pca_target_dim: Using PCA to reduce the data dimension to this number.

LDA Parameters

  • components_number: Number of components (< n_classes - 1) for dimensionality reduction.

SVM Parameters

  • kernel: Kernel of Support Vector Machine.


Dimensionality Reduction Visualization

  • PCA and LDA Visualization LDA and PCA Visualization Figure 2. LDA and PCA Visualization

For more visualization images, please refer to visualization folder.

SVM with Different Kernels

  • SVM Poly vs RBF
Dataset SVM Poly SVM RBF
LDA Training set 84.47% 85.19%
PCA Training set 87.87% 88.35%
LDA Testing set 82.49 % 83.41 %
PCA Testing set 86.03 % 86.59 %
  • SVM Time Cost
Dataset SVM Poly SVM RBF
Training set 148.41s 172.30s
Testing set 73.51s 81.74s

From accuracy perspective, SVM with RBF kernel is better but it takes longer training time than Ploy kernel. And SVM with Linear kernel spent too long to take into account. Thus, only RBF and Poly kernel are tested here.


Existing CNN Models

Three kinds of Convolutional Neural Network (Resnet, VGGnet, Alexnet) are applied to classify the dataset.

CNN Diagram

Figure 3. Structural diagram for VGG and Resnet (source from link)

  • Different CNN Models
Model Accuracy Epoch Training Time
Resnet18 84.19% 2 18.37 mins
Resnet18 89.91% 10 91.41 mins
Resnet50 78.24% 4 82.88 mins
VGGnet16 89.71 % 2 63.65 mins
Alexnet 84.38 % 2 22.60 mins

Time consumption based on NVIDIA GTX 1050 (CUDA 10.2).

Custom CNN Model

  • Convolution Structure

Figure 4 is an example of convolution structure used in one custom CNN model, more visualization image can be found in the visualization folder.

convolution structure

Figure 4. Convolution Structure for Custom CNN

  • CNN Accuracy vs Epochs

Resnet18 Accuracy

Figure 5. Resnet18 Accuracy vs Epochs

Resnet18 Accuracy

Figure 6. Custom CNN Accuracy vs Epochs

Epoch Resnet18 Custom CNN (2Conv 3Hidden)
1 82.51 % 82.13%
2 84.81 % 85.40%
3 86.33 % 86.58%
4 86.82 % 87.92%
5 86.54 % 86.91%
6 88.67 % 88.10%
7 89.66 % 87.99%
8 87.37 % 88.38%
9 89.73 % 88.68%
10 90.07 % 89.00%
11 89.87 % 88.57%
12 89.65 % 88.90%
13 89.83 % 89.36%
14 90.75 % 89.54%
15 90.11 % 88.86%
16 90.23 % 89.48%
17 90.46 % 88.31%
18 90.12 % 89.35%
19 90.35 % 88.81%
20 90.61 % 89.66%
Total Time 110.11mins 19.77mins

Time consumption based on NVIDIA GTX 1080 (CUDA 10.2). The accuracy start to converge after approximately 15 epochs. The common parameters for CNN models are set to be same in both conditions (for example mini-batches) in order to compare.

  • Different Custom CNN Models

In these cases, the convolution layers and hidden layers are modified to test the effect on accuracy.

C stands for convolutional layer and H stands for hidden layer (excluding input layer):

Epoch 1C 3H 1C 5H 1C 7H 2C 2H 2C 3H
1 82.57% 82.29% 79.38% 80.66% 82.13%
2 84.99% 86.76% 86.10% 83.52% 85.40%
3 87.00% 86.15% 87.88% 86.61% 86.58%
4 87.77% 88.75% 89.52% 87.18% 87.92%
5 88.20% 89.40% 88.41% 87.11% 86.91%
6 88.64% 90.07% 90.22% 87.71% 88.10%
7 88.94% 89.80% 90.24% 88.38% 87.99%
8 89.41% 89.91% 90.05% 87.54% 88.38%
9 89.06% 90.17% 90.66% 88.81% 88.68%
10 89.38% 90.36% 89.83% 89.03% 89.00%


SVM and CNN experiment on Fashion MNIST dataset using sklearn and pytorch.







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