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[DOC REVIEW] v3ioStream tigger reference (PR #1585 doc review) (#1605)
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Sharon-iguazio committed Apr 3, 2020
1 parent e63e2a4 commit 58284a4
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 61 deletions.
122 changes: 61 additions & 61 deletions docs/reference/triggers/
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@@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
# v3io-stream: v3io Stream Trigger
# v3ioStream: Iguazio Data Science Platform Stream Trigger

**In This Document**
- [Overview](#overview)
- [How Nuclio consumes messages through a consumer group](#consume-messages)
- [Consuming messages through a consumer group](#consume-messages)
- [Example](#example)
- [Configuring through the UI](#config-via-ui)
- [Dashboard configuration](#ui-config)

<a id="overview"></a>
## Overview

The Nuclio v3io stream trigger allows users to process messages sent to a v3io stream. To simplify, you send messages to a v3io stream, tell Nuclio to read from this stream, and your function handler is then called once for every stream message.
The Nuclio `v3ioStream` trigger allows users to process messages that are sent to an Iguazio Data Science Platform (**"platform"**) data stream (a.k.a. **"v3io stream"**). To simplify, you send messages to a platform stream, instruct Nuclio to read from this stream, and then your function handler is called once for every stream message.

In the real world, however, you may want to have multiple replicas of your function reading from the same stream to spread message processing across them. These function replicas must work together to split the stream messages among themselves as fairly as possible without losing any messages and without processing the same message more than once (to the best of their ability).
In the real world, however, you might want to divide the message-processing load across the replicas by using multiple function replicas to read from the same stream. These function replicas must work together to split the stream messages among themselves as fairly as possible, without losing any messages and without processing the same message more than once (to the best of their ability).

To this end, Nuclio leverages consumer groups built into the v3io-go library. When one or more Nuclio replicas joins a consumer group it will receive its equal share of the shards, based on how many replicas are defined in the function (this is discussed in more detail later).
To this end, Nuclio leverages consumer groups that are built into the platform's Go library (`v3io-go`). When one or more Nuclio replicas join a consumer group, each replica receives its equal share of the shards, based on the number of replicas that are defined in the function (see details later in this document).

When a Nuclio replica is assigned its set of shards, it can start using Nuclio workers to read from the shards and handle them. It's currently guaranteed that a given shard is handled only by one replica and that the messages are processed sequentially; that is, a message will only be read and handled after the handling of the previous message in the shard is completed.
When a Nuclio replica is assigned a set of shards, the replica can start using Nuclio workers to read from the shards and handle the records consumption. It's currently guaranteed that a given shard is handled only by one replica, and that the messages are processed sequentially; that is, a message is read and handled only after the handling of the previous message in the shard is completed.

<a id="consume-messages"></a>
## How Nuclio consumes messages through a consumer group
Once a function replica with a v3io stream trigger starts up, it reads a stream state object stored alongside the stream shards. This object stores, per consumer group, the following information:
- Which **members** (Nuclio function replicas in this case) are currently active in the consumer group
- When was the last time the member refreshed its keep alive field
- Which shards are being handled by each member
## Consuming messages through a consumer group

The replica will check for stale members (members who haven't refreshed their keep alive field in the timeframe given by the session timeout) and remove them. It will then check if there are any shards not handled by any member, take a fair portion of these shards and write itself into the consumer group state object.
When a function replica with a `v3ioStream` trigger starts up, it reads a stream state object that's stored alongside the stream shards. This object has an attribute for each consumer group that contains the following information:

> Note: The consumer group state object is a point of contention - multiple replicas may want to modify it concurrenctly. To protect against this, each replica performs read-modify-write with mtime protection enforced by v3io (meaning it will write the object _only_ if the mtime since read has not changed). It will retry to do read-modify-write with a random exponential backoff until successful
- The **members** (in this case, Nuclio function replicas) that are currently active in the consumer group.
- The last time that each member refreshed its keep-alive field (`last_heartbeat`).
- The shards that are being handled by each member.

Upon receiving its shard allocation (which shards the replica must handle), the replica will spawn a go routine ("thread") for each shard. Each go routine will check which offset the shard is at for this consumer group (stored as an attribute on the shard) and start pulling messages from that offset (if the offset doesn't exist, like when this is the first read for the shard/consume group, a seek to earliest or latest will be performed according to the configuration). For each message read, the function's handler is called.
The replica checks for stale members - replicas who haven't refreshed their `last_heartbeat` field within the allotted time frame, as set in the session timeout - and removes their entries from the state object's consumer-group attribute. Then, the replica checks for shards that aren't handled by any member, and registers itself with the consumer group as the owner of a fair portion of these shards by adding an entry to the consumer-group attribute.

For every message read, Nuclio will "mark" the sequence number as handled. Periodically, the latest marked sequence numbers per shards are "committed" - written to the attribute on the shard. This allows future replicas to pick up where the previous replica left off without affecting performance.
> **Note:** It's possible that multiple replicas might simultaneously want to modify the same consumer-group attribute in the stream's state object. To protect against this, each replica performs read-modify-write with `mtime` protection (which is enforced by the `v3io-go` library); meaning, the consumer-group attribute is written only if the last-modification time (`mtime`) value hasn't changed since the read. If this condition isn't met and the attribute isn't written, the replica retries the read-modify-write process with a random exponential backoff until the write succeeds.
Upon receiving its shard assignment, the replica spawns a Go routine ("thread") for each shard. Each Go routine identifies the current shard offset within the replica's consumer group (which is stored as an attribute in the shard), and starts pulling messages from this offset. When there's no offset information (for example, for the first read from a consumer-group shard), the replica performs a seek for the earliest or latest shard record, according to the function's seek configuration. The function handler is called for each read message.

For each read message, Nuclio "marks" the sequence number as handled. Periodically, the latest marked sequence number for each shard is "committed" (written to the shard's offset attribute). This allows future replicas to pick up where the previous replica left off without affecting performance.

<a id="example"></a>
### Example
Let's illustrate the above with an example.

A function with min/max replicas set to `3` is deployed and configured to read from stream `/my-stream` (which has 12 shards) through consumer group `my-consumer-group`. The first replica comes up and reads the stream state object, but finds it contains no information about the consumer group. It therefore creates the state object, registering itself as a member taking up a third of the shards (`12 / 3 = 4`):
To illustrate the consumption mechanism, assume a deployed Nuclio function with minimum and maximum replicas configurations of`3`; the function is configured to read from a `/my-stream` stream with 12 shards using the consumer group `my-consumer-group`.

member_id: replica1
shards: 0-3
last_heartbeat: t0
The first replica comes up and reads the stream-state object, but finds that it doesn't contain information about the consumer group. It therefore adds a new consumer-group attribute to the state object, registers itself as a member of the consumer group (by adding a relevant entry to the consumer-group attribute), and monopolizes a third of the shards (`12 / 3 = 4`).

The first replica then spawns 4 go routines to read from the 4 shards. Each go routine reads the offset attribute stored at the shard only to find that it doesn't exist (since this is the first time the shard is read through the consumer group `my-consumer-group`). It therefore seeks to earliest/latest (as per configuration) and starts reading batches of messages - sending each message to the function handler as an event. Periodically, the replica will:
The first replica spawns four Go routines to read from the four shards. Each Go routine reads the offset attribute that's stored in the shard, only to find that it doesn't exist - because this is the first time that the shard is read through consumer group `my-consumer-group`. It therefore seeks the earliest or latest shard record (depending on the function configuration) and starts reading batches of messages, sending each message to the function handler as an event. The replica then periodically does the following:

- Commit the offsets back to the shard offset attributes
- Update the "last_heartbeat" field to "now()" - indicating that it's alive (it will also look for and remove stale members)
- Commits the offsets back to the shards' offset attribute.
- Updates the `last_heartbeat` field to `now()` to indicate that it's alive.
- Identifies and removes stale members.

The second and third replicas come up and register themselves in a similar manner (and also create go routines, read messages, commit offsets and update the last_heartbeat field):
The second and third replicas come up and register themselves in a similar manner and perform similar steps.

The following demonstrates the replica configurations for this example:
member_id: replica1
shards: 0-3
last_heartbeat: t0
"member_id": "replica1",
"shards": "0-3",
"last_heartbeat": "t0"
member_id: replica2
shards: 4-7
last_heartbeat: t1
"member_id": "replica2",
"shards": "4-7",
"last_heartbeat": "t1"
member_id: replica3
shards: 8-11
last_heartbeat: t2
"member_id": "replica3",
"shards": "8-11",
"last_heartbeat": "t2"

#### Function is redeployed
At a certain point in time, the user decides to redeploy the function. Since by default Nuclio uses the rolling update deployment strategy, Kubernetes will terminate the replicas one by one. The replica1 pod stops, a new replica1 pod is brought up and follows the same startup procedure described above. It will read the state object and look for free shards to take over. Initially, it will find none - since the last_heartbeat field of replica1 is still within session timeout and replica2 and replica3 keep updating their last_heartbeat field.
<a id="example-function-redeployment"></a>
#### Function redeployment

At some point, the user decides to redeploy the function. Because by default, Nuclio uses the rolling-update deployment strategy, Kubernetes terminates the replicas one by one. The `replica1` pod stops, and a new `replica1` pod is brought up and follows the same startup procedure: it reads the state object's consumer-group attribute and looks for free shards to take over; initially, it won't find any, because the `last_heartbeat` field of `replica1` is still within the session timeout period and `replica2` and `replica3` keep updating their `last_heartbeat` field.

At this stage, `replica1` backs off and retries periodically until it eventually detects that the elapsed time since `replica1`'s `last_heartbeat` value exceeds the session's timeout period. `replica1` then removes the previous `replica1` instance from the consumer group (by removing its entry from the group's attribute in the stream's state object). It then detects that there are free shards and adds a `replica1` entry to the state object's consumer-group attribute to register itself as a member and take over a fair portion of the free shards.

> **Note:** It's also possible for `replica1` to be removed from the consumer group by `replica2` or `replica3`, because each replica cleans up all stale group members when updating its `last_heartbeat` field.
At this point replica1 will back off and retry periodically. During one of the retries, replica1 will detect that the time passed since replica1's last_heartbeat exceeds session timeout. It will then remove replica1's record and then detect that there are free shards and take over them.
For shards 0-3, the new instance of `replica1` then reads the shard's offset attribute, which indicates the location in the shard at which the previous instance of `replica1` left off; seeks the read offset in the shard; and continues reading messages from this location. The same process is executed for `replica2` and `replica3`.

> Note: both replica2 and replica3 might be the ones that delete replica1's state. They clean up stale records when they update their last_heartbeat
<a id="ui-config"></a>
## Dashboard configuration

The new instance of replica1 will then read the last offset attribute on shards 0-3, seek the stream to that point and continue reading messages from where the previous instance of replica1 left off. This process repeats for replica2 and replica3.
As of Nuclio v1.1.33 / v1.3.20, you can configure the following configuration parameters from the Nuclio dashboard:

<a id="config-via-ui"></a>
## Configuring through the UI
- **URL**: A consumer-group URL of the form `http://v3io-webapi:8081/<container name>/<stream path>@<consumer group name>`; for example, ` http://v3io-webapi:8081/bigdata/my-stream/@my-consumer-group`.
- **Max Workers**: The maximum number of workers to allocate for handling the messages of incoming stream shards. Whenever a worker is available and a message reads a shard, the processing is handled by the available worker.
- **Worker Availability Timeout**: DEPRECATED (ignored)
- **Partitions**: DEPRECATED (ignored). As explained in the previous sections, in the current release, the assignment of shards ("partitions") to replicas is handled automatically.
- **Seek To**: The location (offset) within the message from which to consume records when there's no committed offset in the shard's offset attribute. After an offset is committed for a shard in the consumer group, this offset is always used and the **Seek To** parameter is ignored for this shard.
- **Read Batch Size**: Read batch size - the number of messages to read in each read request that's submitted to the platform.
- **Polling Interval (ms)**: The time, in milliseconds, to wait between reading messages from the platform stream.
- **Username**: DEPRECATED (ignored)
- **Password**: A platform access key for accessing the data.
- **Worker allocator name**: DEPRECATED (ignored)

As of 1.1.33 / 1.3.20 the configuration parameters the user can configure are:
- URL: In the form of `http://v3io-webapi:8081/<container name>/<stream path>@<consumer group name>`. For example: ` http://v3io-webapi:8081/bigdata/my-stream/@my-consumer-group`
- Max Workers: How many workers should handle the messages across the incoming shards. Whenever a worker is available and a message reads a shard - it will be handled in that worker
- Worker Availability Timeout: Ignored
- Partitions: Ignored (as described above, this is automatic)
- SeekTo: Indicates from where to read the shard when an offset has not yet been committed. Once an offset has been committed it for a consumer group it will always be used and this parameter is ignored
- Read Batch Size: How many messages are read per request to v3io (unchanged from previous versions)
- Polling Interval (ms): How many milliseconds to wait between reading messages from the v3io stream (unchanged from previous versions)
- Username: Ignored
- Password: The access key with which to access the data (in previous versions this is the password)
- Worker allocator name: Ignored
> **Note:** In future versions of Nuclio, it's planned that the dashboard will better reflect the role of the configuration parameters and add more parameters (such as session timeout and heartbeat interval, which are currently always set to the default values of 10s and 3s, respectively, unless you edit the function-configuration file).
> Note: In future versions of Nuclio, the UI will better reflect the configuration paramters and add more knobs to configure (e.g. session timeout and heartbeat interval, which are 10s and 3s respectively)

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