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esc edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 1 revision

Numba Meeting: 2024-06-04

Attendees: Da Li, Ricardo Jesus, Emergency Self-Construct, Siu Kwan Lam, Tood Anderson, Yashwant Singh, Guilherme Leobas, Graham Markall, stuart FPOC (last week): Stuart FPOC (incoming): Val

NOTE: All communication is subject to the Numba Code of Conduct.

Please refer to this calendar for the next meeting date.

0. Discussion

New "Ready for Review" PRs

1. New Issues

  • numba#9597 - A tuple of uint64 (> 2**63 but < 2**64) as the key of numba Dict
  • numba#9598 - NumPy 2.0 incompatibility - A use of np.complex_ still remains
  • numba#9599 - NumPy 2.0 incompatibility: RNG's __getstate__() returns None
  • llvmlite#1054 - Enable interleave for Loop Optimization
  • llvmlite#1055 - Expose module simplification pipeline and extension points with new pass manager

Closed Issues

2. New PRs

  • numba#9596 - Added inline_closurecall as an import during registry loading
  • numba#9600 - Update release checklist post 0.60.0rc1
  • numba#9601 - Added basic setup for getting raw LLVM remarks output
  • numba#9602 - Fix numpy2.0 incompatbility issues
  • numba#9603 - Disable AVX for nocona
  • llvmlite#1053 - Try and get CI to use a newer sphinx
  • llvmlite#1056 - Add operand bundle tag support and file system support.

Closed PRs

(last numba: 9603; llvmlite 1056)

3. Short-term Roadmap


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