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#571 edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the go-peer wiki!

The go-peer library contains a large number of functions necessary to ensure the security of transmitted or stored information, as well as for the anonymity of nodes in the decentralized form. The library can be divided into several main modules:

  1. The crypto module represents cryptographic primitives: 1) asymmetric encryption, decryption; 2) asymmetric signing and signature verification; 3) symmetric encryption and decryption; 4) hashing; 5) entropy enhancement; 6) computational problems (puzzles); 7) cryptographically stable pseudorandom number generator.
  2. The client module for encrypting and decrypting information with the attached data integrity (hash), authentication (signature) and confirmation (work). It is a basic part of the anonymity module.
  3. The client/queue module represents the generation, storage and issuance of encrypted messages every time the period specified by the application is reached. Uses the client module.
  4. The network module is a decentralized communication between network nodes. It does not represent any protection of information and anonymity of participants.
  5. The network/anonymity module to ensure anonymity based on the fifth stage. Presents the main functions for working with the network on top of the network and queue modules.
  6. The storage module includes two types of storage: memory and crypto. The second type of storage can be used for secure storage of passwords and private keys.
  7. The storage/database module is a key-value database with the functions of value encryption and key hashing.
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