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BUG: Test failures with 1.26.0rc1 in conda-forge #24660

h-vetinari opened this issue Sep 7, 2023 · 32 comments · Fixed by #24698

BUG: Test failures with 1.26.0rc1 in conda-forge #24660

h-vetinari opened this issue Sep 7, 2023 · 32 comments · Fixed by #24698


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Describe the issue:

While our CI for 1.26.0b1 was all green, for rc1 we have two issues in conda-forge/numpy-feedstock#297:
linux-aarch64 has two test failures that don't just seem like minor tolerance violations:

=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED linalg/tests/[float32-shape3] - AssertionError: 
Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.00298023


Mismatched elements: 1617 / 2500 (64.7%)
Max absolute difference: 89.25262
Max relative difference: 2200.9631
 x: array([[ 4.406959e+01, -1.291737e+00, -6.148944e-01, ..., -9.883090e+00,
        -2.005572e+00,  7.965497e+00],
       [-1.291737e+00, -7.090253e+00,  1.104174e+00, ..., -9.404308e-03,...
 y: array([[ 44.06959 ,  -1.291737,  -0.614894, ...,  -1.707806,  -0.06027 ,
       [ -1.291737,  50.031647,  -0.936252, ...,  -9.246351, -12.977635,...
FAILED linalg/tests/[float32-shape4] - AssertionError: 
Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.000178814


Mismatched elements: 253 / 300 (84.3%)
Max absolute difference: 20.29966
Max relative difference: 237.33156
 x: array([[[10.734334, -4.876828, -3.155457, -4.599753,  2.103036,
         -1.243519,  3.030686, -4.149522,  0.      ,  0.      ],
        [-4.876828,  2.244246,  1.433589,  8.771067,  1.423618,...
 y: array([[[10.734333, -4.876828, -3.155457, -4.599753,  2.103036,
         -1.243519,  3.030686, -4.149522, -2.962044,  0.036255],
        [-4.876828,  8.896948,  3.812659, -0.037113, -1.047684,...
2 failed, 34361 passed, 1117 skipped, 33 xfailed, 4 xpassed, 31 warnings in 2741.47s (0:45:41)

and pypy on windows, which seems to have some issues with cython resp. f2py:

=========================== short test summary info ===========================
FAILED random/tests/ - subprocess.CalledProcess...
FAILED tests/ - subprocess.CalledProcessError: Co...
ERROR core/tests/ - RuntimeError: could no...
ERROR core/tests/ - RuntimeE...
ERROR core/tests/ - RuntimeError: ...
ERROR core/tests/ - RuntimeError: co...
ERROR core/tests/ - RuntimeError: cou...
ERROR core/tests/ - RuntimeError: could...
2 failed, 38142 passed, 671 skipped, 36 xfailed, 26 xpassed, 23 warnings, 6 errors in 1984.29s (0:33:04)

Reproduce the code example:

Run tests in conda-forge CI

Error message:

See above

Runtime information:

Test env aarch:

    _openmp_mutex:                             4.5-2_gnu                      conda-forge
    _sysroot_linux-aarch64_curr_repodata_hack: 4-h57d6b7b_13                  conda-forge
    attrs:                                     23.1.0-pyh71513ae_1            conda-forge
    backports.zoneinfo:                        0.2.1-py311hec3470c_7          conda-forge
    binutils_impl_linux-aarch64:               2.40-h870a726_0                conda-forge
    binutils_linux-aarch64:                    2.40-h94bbfa1_1                conda-forge
    bzip2:                                     1.0.8-hf897c2e_4               conda-forge
    ca-certificates:                           2023.7.22-hcefe29a_0           conda-forge
    click:                                     8.1.7-unix_pyh707e725_0        conda-forge
    colorama:                                  0.4.6-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    cython:                                    3.0.2-py311h8715677_0          conda-forge
    exceptiongroup:                            1.1.3-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    execnet:                                   2.0.2-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    gcc_impl_linux-aarch64:                    12.3.0-hcde2664_0              conda-forge
    gcc_linux-aarch64:                         12.3.0-h464a8f7_1              conda-forge
    gfortran_impl_linux-aarch64:               12.3.0-hb7244be_0              conda-forge
    gfortran_linux-aarch64:                    12.3.0-h1993883_1              conda-forge
    gxx_impl_linux-aarch64:                    12.3.0-hcde2664_0              conda-forge
    gxx_linux-aarch64:                         12.3.0-h21accf6_1              conda-forge
    hypothesis:                                6.84.2-pyha770c72_0            conda-forge
    iniconfig:                                 2.0.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    kernel-headers_linux-aarch64:              4.18.0-h5b4a56d_13             conda-forge
    ld_impl_linux-aarch64:                     2.40-h2d8c526_0                conda-forge
    libblas:                                   3.9.0-18_linuxaarch64_openblas conda-forge
    libcblas:                                  3.9.0-18_linuxaarch64_openblas conda-forge
    libexpat:                                  2.5.0-hd600fc2_1               conda-forge
    libffi:                                    3.4.2-h3557bc0_5               conda-forge
    libgcc-devel_linux-aarch64:                12.3.0-h8b5ab12_0              conda-forge
    libgcc-ng:                                 13.1.0-h2b4548d_0              conda-forge
    libgfortran-ng:                            13.1.0-he9431aa_0              conda-forge
    libgfortran5:                              13.1.0-h24e4805_0              conda-forge
    libgomp:                                   13.1.0-h2b4548d_0              conda-forge
    liblapack:                                 3.9.0-18_linuxaarch64_openblas conda-forge
    libnsl:                                    2.0.0-hf897c2e_0               conda-forge
    libopenblas:                               0.3.24-pthreads_h5a5ec62_0     conda-forge
    libsanitizer:                              12.3.0-h8ebda82_0              conda-forge
    libsqlite:                                 3.43.0-h194ca79_0              conda-forge
    libstdcxx-devel_linux-aarch64:             12.3.0-h8b5ab12_0              conda-forge
    libstdcxx-ng:                              13.1.0-h452befe_0              conda-forge
    libuuid:                                   2.38.1-hb4cce97_0              conda-forge
    libzlib:                                   1.2.13-h31becfc_5              conda-forge
    meson:                                     1.2.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    ncurses:                                   6.4-h2e1726e_0                 conda-forge
    ninja:                                     1.11.1-hdd96247_0              conda-forge
    numpy:                                     1.26.0rc1-py311h69ead2a_0      local
    openssl:                                   3.1.2-h31becfc_0               conda-forge
    packaging:                                 23.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0              conda-forge
    pluggy:                                    1.3.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    pytest:                                    7.4.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    pytest-timeout:                            2.1.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    pytest-xdist:                              3.3.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    python:                                    3.11.5-h43d1f9e_0_cpython      conda-forge
    python_abi:                                3.11-3_cp311                   conda-forge
    pytz:                                      2023.3.post1-pyhd8ed1ab_0      conda-forge
    readline:                                  8.2-h8fc344f_1                 conda-forge
    setuptools:                                59.8.0-py311hec3470c_1         conda-forge
    sortedcontainers:                          2.4.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    sysroot_linux-aarch64:                     2.17-h5b4a56d_13               conda-forge
    tk:                                        8.6.12-hd8af866_0              conda-forge
    tomli:                                     2.0.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0             conda-forge
    typing_extensions:                         4.7.1-pyha770c72_0             conda-forge
    tzdata:                                    2023c-h71feb2d_0               conda-forge
    xz:                                        5.2.6-h9cdd2b7_0               conda-forge

Test env pypy on windows

    attrs:              23.1.0-pyh71513ae_1         conda-forge
    backports.zoneinfo: 0.2.1-py39h0d475fb_7        conda-forge
    bzip2:              1.0.8-h8ffe710_4            conda-forge
    ca-certificates:    2023.7.22-h56e8100_0        conda-forge
    click:              8.1.7-win_pyh7428d3b_0      conda-forge
    colorama:           0.4.6-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    cython:             3.0.2-py39h3665ca7_0        conda-forge
    exceptiongroup:     1.1.3-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    execnet:            2.0.2-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    expat:              2.5.0-h63175ca_1            conda-forge
    hypothesis:         6.84.2-pyha770c72_0         conda-forge
    iniconfig:          2.0.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    intel-openmp:       2023.2.0-h57928b3_49496     conda-forge
    libblas:            3.9.0-18_win64_mkl          conda-forge
    libcblas:           3.9.0-18_win64_mkl          conda-forge
    libexpat:           2.5.0-h63175ca_1            conda-forge
    libffi:             3.4.2-h8ffe710_5            conda-forge
    libhwloc:           2.9.2-default_haede6df_1009 conda-forge
    libiconv:           1.17-h8ffe710_0             conda-forge
    liblapack:          3.9.0-18_win64_mkl          conda-forge
    libsqlite:          3.43.0-hcfcfb64_0           conda-forge
    libxml2:            2.11.5-hc3477c8_1           conda-forge
    libzlib:            1.2.13-hcfcfb64_5           conda-forge
    meson:              1.2.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    mkl:                2022.1.0-h6a75c08_874       conda-forge
    ninja:              1.11.1-h91493d7_0           conda-forge
    numpy:              1.26.0rc1-py39h821adfb_0    local
    openssl:            3.1.2-hcfcfb64_0            conda-forge
    packaging:          23.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0           conda-forge
    pluggy:             1.3.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    pthreads-win32:     2.9.1-hfa6e2cd_3            conda-forge
    pypy3.9:            7.3.12-h994e1e7_4           conda-forge
    pytest:             7.4.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    pytest-timeout:     2.1.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    pytest-xdist:       3.3.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    python:             3.9.17-0_73_pypy            conda-forge
    python_abi:         3.9-3_pypy39_pp73           conda-forge
    pytz:               2023.3.post1-pyhd8ed1ab_0   conda-forge
    setuptools:         59.8.0-py39h0d475fb_1       conda-forge
    sortedcontainers:   2.4.0-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    sqlite:             3.43.0-hcfcfb64_0           conda-forge
    tbb:                2021.10.0-h91493d7_0        conda-forge
    tk:                 8.6.12-h8ffe710_0           conda-forge
    tomli:              2.0.1-pyhd8ed1ab_0          conda-forge
    typing_extensions:  4.7.1-pyha770c72_0          conda-forge
    tzdata:             2023c-h71feb2d_0            conda-forge
    ucrt:               10.0.22621.0-h57928b3_0     conda-forge
    vc:                 14.3-h64f974e_17            conda-forge
    vc14_runtime:       14.36.32532-hfdfe4a8_17     conda-forge
    vs2015_runtime:     14.36.32532-h05e6639_17     conda-forge
    xz:                 5.2.6-h8d14728_0            conda-forge
    zlib:               1.2.13-hcfcfb64_5           conda-forge

Context for the issue:

No response

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Full error log linux-aarch
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ TestCholesky.test_basic_property[float32-shape3] _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.11.5 $PREFIX/bin/python

self = <numpy.linalg.tests.test_linalg.TestCholesky object at 0x5521f13e50>
shape = (50, 50), dtype = <class 'numpy.float32'>

        'shape', [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (50, 50), (3, 10, 10)]
        'dtype', (np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128)
    def test_basic_property(self, shape, dtype):
        # Check A = L L^H
        a = np.random.randn(*shape)
        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
            a = a + 1j*np.random.randn(*shape)
        t = list(range(len(shape)))
        t[-2:] = -1, -2
        a = np.matmul(a.transpose(t).conj(), a)
        a = np.asarray(a, dtype=dtype)
        c = np.linalg.cholesky(a)
        b = np.matmul(c, c.transpose(t).conj())
        with np._no_nep50_warning():
            atol = 500 * a.shape[0] * np.finfo(dtype).eps
>       assert_allclose(b, a, atol=atol, err_msg=f'{shape} {dtype}\n{a}\n{c}')

a          = array([[ 44.06959   ,  -1.2917366 ,  -0.61489445, ...,  -1.7078063 ,
         -0.06026965,   3.5968263 ],
       [ -1....     [  3.5968263 ,  -0.22433573,  -2.8806841 , ...,   6.9285684 ,
        -11.654396  ,  47.500088  ]], dtype=float32)
atol       = 0.0029802322387695312
b          = array([[ 4.40695915e+01, -1.29173660e+00, -6.14894450e-01, ...,
        -9.88309002e+00, -2.00557160e+00,  7.96549654e...+00,  1.27451456e+00, -6.25594807e+00, ...,
         6.92856884e+00, -1.16543951e+01,  4.75000877e+01]], dtype=float32)
c          = array([[ 6.638493  ,  0.        ,  0.        , ...,  0.        ,
         0.        ,  0.        ],
       [-0.1945828... ],
       [ 0.5418137 , -0.01681719, -0.3770223 , ..., -0.01939702,
         0.88379747,  1.6186445 ]], dtype=float32)
dtype      = <class 'numpy.float32'>
self       = <numpy.linalg.tests.test_linalg.TestCholesky object at 0x5521f13e50>
shape      = (50, 50)
         = [-1, -2]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

args = (<function assert_allclose.<locals>.compare at 0x5745c44d60>, array([[ 4.40695915e+01, -1.29173660e+00, -6.14894450e-0...    [  3.5968263 ,  -0.22433573,  -2.8806841 , ...,   6.9285684 ,
        -11.654396  ,  47.500088  ]], dtype=float32))
kwds = {'equal_nan': True, 'err_msg': "(50, 50) <class 'numpy.float32'>\n[[ 44.06959     -1.2917366   -0.61489445 ...  -1.707...1939702  0.88379747\n   1.6186445 ]]", 'header': 'Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.00298023', 'verbose': True}

    def inner(*args, **kwds):
        with self._recreate_cm():
>           return func(*args, **kwds)
E           AssertionError: 
E           Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.00298023
E           (50, 50) <class 'numpy.float32'>
E           [[ 44.06959     -1.2917366   -0.61489445 ...  -1.7078063   -0.06026965
E               3.5968263 ]
E            [ -1.2917366   50.031647    -0.93625164 ...  -9.246351   -12.977635
E              -0.22433573]
E            [ -0.61489445  -0.93625164  56.479916   ...   3.1758978    6.96665
E              -2.8806841 ]
E            ...
E            [ -1.7078063   -9.246351     3.1758978  ...  53.048283     6.9221125
E               6.9285684 ]
E            [ -0.06026965 -12.977635     6.96665    ...   6.9221125   49.258278
E             -11.654396  ]
E            [  3.5968263   -0.22433573  -2.8806841  ...   6.9285684  -11.654396
E              47.500088  ]]
E           [[ 6.638493    0.          0.         ...  0.          0.
E              0.        ]
E            [-0.1945828   7.070628    0.         ...  0.          0.
E              0.        ]
E            [-0.0926256  -0.13496326  7.5135293  ...  0.          0.
E              0.        ]
E            ...
E            [-0.25725812 -1.3147925   0.3959019  ...  0.7488741   0.
E              0.        ]
E            [-0.00907881 -1.8356787   0.8941284  ... -0.11000964  0.70787036
E              0.        ]
E            [ 0.5418137  -0.01681719 -0.3770223  ... -0.01939702  0.88379747
E              1.6186445 ]]
E           Mismatched elements: 1617 / 2500 (64.7%)
E           Max absolute difference: 89.25262
E           Max relative difference: 2200.9631
E            x: array([[ 4.406959e+01, -1.291737e+00, -6.148944e-01, ..., -9.883090e+00,
E                   -2.005572e+00,  7.965497e+00],
E                  [-1.291737e+00, -7.090253e+00,  1.104174e+00, ..., -9.404308e-03,...
E            y: array([[ 44.06959 ,  -1.291737,  -0.614894, ...,  -1.707806,  -0.06027 ,
E                     3.596826],
E                  [ -1.291737,  50.031647,  -0.936252, ...,  -9.246351, -12.977635,...

args       = (<function assert_allclose.<locals>.compare at 0x5745c44d60>, array([[ 4.40695915e+01, -1.29173660e+00, -6.14894450e-0...    [  3.5968263 ,  -0.22433573,  -2.8806841 , ...,   6.9285684 ,
        -11.654396  ,  47.500088  ]], dtype=float32))
func       = <function assert_array_compare at 0x55155a3c40>
kwds       = {'equal_nan': True, 'err_msg': "(50, 50) <class 'numpy.float32'>\n[[ 44.06959     -1.2917366   -0.61489445 ...  -1.707...1939702  0.88379747\n   1.6186445 ]]", 'header': 'Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.00298023', 'verbose': True}
self       = <contextlib._GeneratorContextManager object at 0x55151ef910>

../_test_env_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_/lib/python3.11/ AssertionError
_______________ TestCholesky.test_basic_property[float32-shape4] _______________
[gw0] linux -- Python 3.11.5 $PREFIX/bin/python

self = <numpy.linalg.tests.test_linalg.TestCholesky object at 0x5521f1c190>
shape = (3, 10, 10), dtype = <class 'numpy.float32'>

        'shape', [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (50, 50), (3, 10, 10)]
        'dtype', (np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128)
    def test_basic_property(self, shape, dtype):
        # Check A = L L^H
        a = np.random.randn(*shape)
        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
            a = a + 1j*np.random.randn(*shape)
        t = list(range(len(shape)))
        t[-2:] = -1, -2
        a = np.matmul(a.transpose(t).conj(), a)
        a = np.asarray(a, dtype=dtype)
        c = np.linalg.cholesky(a)
        b = np.matmul(c, c.transpose(t).conj())
        with np._no_nep50_warning():
            atol = 500 * a.shape[0] * np.finfo(dtype).eps
>       assert_allclose(b, a, atol=atol, err_msg=f'{shape} {dtype}\n{a}\n{c}')

a          = array([[[10.734333  , -4.8768277 , -3.1554568 , -4.5997534 ,
          2.1030364 , -1.2435193 ,  3.0306861 , -4.149522...876 ,
         -3.0850477 , -7.346789  , -8.045567  , -0.07716311,
         -7.07966   ,  9.485415  ]]], dtype=float32)
atol       = 0.00017881393432617188
b          = array([[[10.734334  , -4.8768277 , -3.1554568 , -4.5997534 ,
          2.1030364 , -1.2435193 ,  3.0306861 , -4.149522...    ,
         -1.0930676 ,  0.29341286,  0.10394351, -0.28610924,
          0.7695215 ,  0.96673125]]], dtype=float32)
c          = array([[[ 3.2763293 ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
          0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.      ...91  ,
         -0.12896962, -0.8804634 , -0.07867548,  0.32361656,
         -0.51923645,  0.9485597 ]]], dtype=float32)
dtype      = <class 'numpy.float32'>
self       = <numpy.linalg.tests.test_linalg.TestCholesky object at 0x5521f1c190>
shape      = (3, 10, 10)
         = [0, -1, -2]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

args = (<function assert_allclose.<locals>.compare at 0x5745c44cc0>, array([[[10.734334  , -4.8768277 , -3.1554568 , -4.59975...76 ,
         -3.0850477 , -7.346789  , -8.045567  , -0.07716311,
         -7.07966   ,  9.485415  ]]], dtype=float32))
kwds = {'equal_nan': True, 'err_msg': "(3, 10, 10) <class 'numpy.float32'>\n[[[10.734333   -4.8768277  -3.1554568  -4.5997534...32361656 -0.51923645  0.9485597 ]]]", 'header': 'Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.000178814', 'verbose': True}

    def inner(*args, **kwds):
        with self._recreate_cm():
>           return func(*args, **kwds)
E           AssertionError: 
E           Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.000178814
E           (3, 10, 10) <class 'numpy.float32'>
E           [[[10.734333   -4.8768277  -3.1554568  -4.5997534   2.1030364
E              -1.2435193   3.0306861  -4.149522   -2.9620435   0.03625464]
E             [-4.8768277   8.896948    3.812659   -0.03711339 -1.0476841
E               4.170913    0.7686802   0.3364729   1.0283238  -3.826606  ]
E             [-3.1554568   3.812659    3.9959366   1.1625074   0.8306916
E               0.39898828 -0.77481    -1.9865611  -0.5670059  -2.2059839 ]
E             [-4.5997534  -0.03711339  1.1625074   6.6847258  -0.24326262
E              -0.47384936 -1.5542715   4.114234   -1.7963581   1.5196537 ]
E             [ 2.1030364  -1.0476841   0.8306916  -0.24326262  3.89964
E              -4.6199813   1.9657652  -1.6450504  -0.18314792  0.349001  ]
E             [-1.2435193   4.170913    0.39898828 -0.47384936 -4.6199813
E              11.839529   -2.9300923   0.8218101  -1.1914967  -1.5600258 ]
E             [ 3.0306861   0.7686802  -0.77481    -1.5542715   1.9657652
E              -2.9300923   7.020295    1.0565685   1.5246283  -3.3805852 ]
E             [-4.149522    0.3364729  -1.9865611   4.114234   -1.6450504
E               0.8218101   1.0565685  10.698549    4.4092803   0.4416819 ]
E             [-2.9620435   1.0283238  -0.5670059  -1.7963581  -0.18314792
E              -1.1914967   1.5246283   4.4092803   8.2551985  -1.8104365 ]
E             [ 0.03625464 -3.826606   -2.2059839   1.5196537   0.349001
E              -1.5600258  -3.3805852   0.4416819  -1.8104365   6.6920257 ]]
E            [[ 5.9013734  -0.11575395 -1.8299209  -0.09370685  0.29582188
E               0.94792557 -1.7730689   3.0220997  -2.5740616   2.1073136 ]
E             [-0.11575395 10.544705    0.79119295 -5.9150043  -1.6428163
E              -1.3827156   0.25873902 -1.2621315  -0.7767093   4.0993524 ]
E             [-1.8299209   0.79119295 16.183662    6.329022   -1.1351309
E              -2.710929    6.666974    0.74811184  2.4979637   1.5011857 ]
E             [-0.09370685 -5.9150043   6.329022   13.666377   -2.3753624
E               0.70267767  4.4945393   1.8476337  -2.3819492   1.1581259 ]
E             [ 0.29582188 -1.6428163  -1.1351309  -2.3753624   6.571176
E              -4.508656   -2.573465   -0.43898493  5.2973313  -1.8500149 ]
E             [ 0.94792557 -1.3827156  -2.710929    0.70267767 -4.508656
E               6.8080935   0.086738    2.382368   -5.498594   -0.53745675]
E             [-1.7730689   0.25873902  6.666974    4.4945393  -2.573465
E               0.086738    6.919965   -0.40823123  1.9532615  -0.06429972]
E             [ 3.0220997  -1.2621315   0.74811184  1.8476337  -0.43898493
E               2.382368   -0.40823123  5.7033362  -2.0585406   0.21069823]
E             [-2.5740616  -0.7767093   2.4979637  -2.3819492   5.2973313
E              -5.498594    1.9532615  -2.0585406   9.462108   -3.9543934 ]
E             [ 2.1073136   4.0993524   1.5011857   1.1581259  -1.8500149
E              -0.53745675 -0.06429972  0.21069823 -3.9543934   7.435262  ]]
E            [[ 4.6643376   2.6854048   4.0593524   0.1535468  -1.5118827
E               3.397957   -2.9920995   0.80777925 -1.7318133   0.82475716]
E             [ 2.6854048   7.829547   -0.5087376   4.3746657  -1.4713306
E              -4.861691   -6.0652037   0.99772763 -4.4356337   5.25942   ]
E             [ 4.0593524  -0.5087376  13.68554    -5.680109   -4.2268295
E               8.056314   -6.3996224  -0.8219479  -1.7537458   1.7455587 ]
E             [ 0.1535468   4.3746657  -5.680109   15.329586   -1.0279889
E              -9.684909   -4.311326   -0.32577878 -8.493642    7.0410876 ]
E             [-1.5118827  -1.4713306  -4.2268295  -1.0279889   6.4806786
E              -1.5806129   3.722421    1.541739   -0.32345185 -3.0850477 ]
E             [ 3.397957   -4.861691    8.056314   -9.684909   -1.5806129
E              15.264503    3.3202677  -0.3396074   4.926388   -7.346789  ]
E             [-2.9920995  -6.0652037  -6.3996224  -4.311326    3.722421
E               3.3202677  11.730729    1.6513809   7.1151867  -8.045567  ]
E             [ 0.80777925  0.99772763 -0.8219479  -0.32577878  1.541739
E              -0.3396074   1.6513809   4.239041   -0.10079275 -0.07716311]
E             [-1.7318133  -4.4356337  -1.7537458  -8.493642   -0.32345185
E               4.926388    7.1151867  -0.10079275 12.2900095  -7.07966   ]
E             [ 0.82475716  5.25942     1.7455587   7.0410876  -3.0850477
E              -7.346789   -8.045567   -0.07716311 -7.07966     9.485415  ]]]
E           [[[ 3.2763293   0.          0.          0.          0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-1.4885036   2.584822    0.          0.          0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-0.96310735  0.9204      1.4903773   0.          0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-1.4039351  -0.8228325   0.38091183  1.9726999   0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 0.641888   -0.03568195  0.9942048   0.12664968  1.5753931
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-0.3795465   1.3950504  -0.83908963  0.23359051 -2.2355907
E               1.9982008   0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 0.9250249   0.83006996 -0.43472758  0.3006057   1.1398793
E              -0.8125721   1.7990714   0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-1.2665155  -0.599167   -1.7813463   1.2782736   0.4796653
E               0.22821037  0.67006654  1.7880605   0.          0.        ]
E             [-0.90407383 -0.12279119 -0.8888414  -1.4336116   0.9255097
E               0.14752597  0.87395006  1.3292007   1.0810157   0.        ]
E             [ 0.01106563 -1.4740415  -0.5626888   0.27203056  0.5168721
E               0.5606847  -1.4603251  -0.657102   -0.46530387  0.87528366]]
E            [[ 2.4292743   0.          0.          0.          0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-0.0476496   3.2469115   0.          0.          0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-0.75327885  0.23262091  3.9448855   0.          0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-0.03857401 -1.8222985   1.7044525   2.7274456   0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 0.12177376 -0.50417566 -0.2347646  -1.059335    2.263813
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 0.39020938 -0.42012918 -0.5879161   0.3498526  -2.0034354
E               1.4133387   0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-0.729876    0.06897654  1.5465921   0.7171502  -0.58618873
E              -0.08172157  1.768033    0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 1.2440339  -0.37046087  0.4490354   0.16688555 -0.2186787
E               1.067539   -0.18652947  1.6021042   0.          0.        ]
E             [-1.0596011  -0.25476483  0.44590706 -1.3371879   1.7607771
E              -0.6612598   1.3828325   0.3352417   0.8516632   0.        ]
E             [ 0.86746633  1.2752694   0.47098336  0.9946084  -0.06559554
E              -0.3839536  -0.58293706 -0.30378163 -0.96378136  1.5273129 ]]
E            [[ 2.1597078   0.          0.          0.          0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 1.2434112   2.5066862   0.          0.          0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 1.8795841  -1.1352971   2.977214    0.          0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 0.0710961   1.7099324  -1.3006988   3.272437    0.
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-0.7000404  -0.23971593 -1.0691853  -0.5986391   2.1051443
E               0.          0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 1.5733411  -2.719926    0.6755185  -1.3039918  -0.5650853
E               1.707355    0.          0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [-1.3854187  -1.7323902  -1.9354969  -1.1514527  -0.20018531
E               0.2816568   1.2723097   0.          0.          0.        ]
E             [ 0.37402248  0.21249725 -0.43117726 -0.39009395  0.5510192
E              -0.1500179   1.1054928   1.4722989   0.          0.        ]
E             [-0.8018739  -1.3717611  -0.60590625 -2.102138   -1.4820251
E              -0.41726547 -0.11362489  0.19627525  1.5991338   0.        ]
E             [ 0.38188368  1.9087278   1.0730667   1.572491   -0.12896962
E              -0.8804634  -0.07867548  0.32361656 -0.51923645  0.9485597 ]]]
E           Mismatched elements: 253 / 300 (84.3%)
E           Max absolute difference: 20.29966
E           Max relative difference: 237.33156
E            x: array([[[10.734334, -4.876828, -3.155457, -4.599753,  2.103036,
E                    -1.243519,  3.030686, -4.149522,  0.      ,  0.      ],
E                   [-4.876828,  2.244246,  1.433589,  8.771067,  1.423618,...
E            y: array([[[10.734333, -4.876828, -3.155457, -4.599753,  2.103036,
E                    -1.243519,  3.030686, -4.149522, -2.962044,  0.036255],
E                   [-4.876828,  8.896948,  3.812659, -0.037113, -1.047684,...

args       = (<function assert_allclose.<locals>.compare at 0x5745c44cc0>, array([[[10.734334  , -4.8768277 , -3.1554568 , -4.59975...76 ,
         -3.0850477 , -7.346789  , -8.045567  , -0.07716311,
         -7.07966   ,  9.485415  ]]], dtype=float32))
func       = <function assert_array_compare at 0x55155a3c40>
kwds       = {'equal_nan': True, 'err_msg': "(3, 10, 10) <class 'numpy.float32'>\n[[[10.734333   -4.8768277  -3.1554568  -4.5997534...32361656 -0.51923645  0.9485597 ]]]", 'header': 'Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.000178814', 'verbose': True}
self       = <contextlib._GeneratorContextManager object at 0x55151ef910>

../_test_env_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_/lib/python3.11/ AssertionError
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
Full error log pypy on windows
=================================== ERRORS ====================================
______________________ ERROR at setup of test_set_policy ______________________
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.9.17 %PREFIX%\python.exe

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
>           mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in compile_extension_module
    return _c_compile(
        builddir   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/source.c')
        dirname    = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy')
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        modname    = 'mem_policy'
        name       = 'mem_policy'
        source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in _c_compile
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in build
    subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
        build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/build')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        fid        = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_set_policy0\\mem_policy\\' mode='wt' encoding='UTF-8'>
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        includes   = ['-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', '-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_dirs  = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
        so_name    = 'mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

popenargs = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
kwargs = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/build')}
retcode = 1, cmd = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']

    def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
        """Run command with arguments.  Wait for command to complete.  If
        the exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
        CalledProcessError.  The CalledProcessError object will have the
        return code in the returncode attribute.
        The arguments are the same as for the call function.  Example:
        check_call(["ls", "-l"])
        retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
        if retcode:
            cmd = kwargs.get("args")
            if cmd is None:
                cmd = popenargs[0]
>           raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
E           subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

cmd        = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']
kwargs     = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0/mem_policy/build')}
popenargs  = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
retcode    = 1

..\_test_env\Lib\ CalledProcessError

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmp_path = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0')

    def get_module(tmp_path):
        """ Add a memory policy that returns a false pointer 64 bytes into the
        actual allocation, and fill the prefix with some text. Then check at each
        memory manipulation that the prefix exists, to make sure all alloc/realloc/
        free/calloc go via the functions here.
        if sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'):
            pytest.skip('link fails on cygwin')
        if IS_WASM:
            pytest.skip("Can't build module inside Wasm")
        functions = [
            ("get_default_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 return PyDataMem_DefaultHandler;
            ("set_secret_data_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 PyObject *secret_data =
                     PyCapsule_New(&secret_data_handler, "mem_handler", NULL);
                 if (secret_data == NULL) {
                     return NULL;
                 PyObject *old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(secret_data);
                 return old;
            ("set_old_policy", "METH_O", """
                 PyObject *old;
                 if (args != NULL && PyCapsule_CheckExact(args)) {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(args);
                 else {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(NULL);
                 return old;
            ("get_array", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                return PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims, NULL,
                                            buf, NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
            ("set_own", "METH_O", """
                if (!PyArray_Check(args)) {
                                 "need an ndarray");
                    return NULL;
                PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject*)args, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
                // Maybe try this too?
                // PyArray_BASE(PyArrayObject *)args) = NULL;
            ("get_array_with_base", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                PyObject *arr = PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims,
                                                     NULL, buf,
                                                     NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
                if (arr == NULL) return NULL;
                PyObject *obj = PyCapsule_New(buf, "buf capsule",
                if (obj == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                if (PyArray_SetBaseObject((PyArrayObject *)arr, obj) < 0) {
                    return NULL;
                return arr;
        prologue = '''
            #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION
            #include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
             * This struct allows the dynamic configuration of the allocator funcs
             * of the `secret_data_allocator`. It is provided here for
             * demonstration purposes, as a valid `ctx` use-case scenario.
            typedef struct {
                void *(*malloc)(size_t);
                void *(*calloc)(size_t, size_t);
                void *(*realloc)(void *, size_t);
                void (*free)(void *);
            } SecretDataAllocatorFuncs;
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_alloc(void *ctx, size_t sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->malloc(sz + 64);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld", (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_zero(void *ctx, size_t sz, size_t cnt) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->calloc(sz + 64, cnt);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld via zero",
                         (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void
            shift_free(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p == NULL) {
                    return ;
                char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                    fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free, "
                            "no appropriate prefix\\n");
                    /* Make C runtime crash by calling free on the wrong address */
                    funcs->free((char *)p + 10);
                    /* funcs->free(real); */
                else {
                    npy_uintp i = (npy_uintp)atoi(real +20);
                    if (i != sz) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free"
                                "(ptr, %ld) but allocated %ld\\n", sz, i);
                        /* This happens in some places, only print */
                    else {
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_realloc(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p != NULL) {
                    char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                    if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                        fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_realloc\\n");
                        return realloc(p, sz);
                    return (void *)((char *)funcs->realloc(real, sz + 64) + 64);
                else {
                    char *real = (char *)funcs->realloc(p, sz + 64);
                    if (real == NULL) {
                        return NULL;
                    snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated "
                             "%ld  via realloc", (unsigned long)sz);
                    return (void *)(real + 64);
            /* As an example, we use the standard {m|c|re}alloc/free funcs. */
            static SecretDataAllocatorFuncs secret_data_handler_ctx = {
            static PyDataMem_Handler secret_data_handler = {
                    &secret_data_handler_ctx, /* ctx */
                    shift_alloc,              /* malloc */
                    shift_zero,               /* calloc */
                    shift_realloc,            /* realloc */
                    shift_free                /* free */
            void warn_on_free(void *capsule) {
                PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_UserWarning, "in warn_on_free", 1);
                void * obj = PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule,
        more_init = "import_array();"
            import mem_policy
            return mem_policy
        except ImportError:
        # if it does not exist, build and load it
>       return extbuild.build_and_import_extension('mem_policy',

functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
tmp_path   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
            mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)
        except Exception as e:
            # shorten the exception chain
>           raise RuntimeError(f"could not compile in {build_dir}:") from e
E           RuntimeError: could not compile in C:\Users\VssAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\pytest-0\popen-gw0\test_set_policy0:

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_set_policy0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ RuntimeError
Captured stderr setup ----------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "%PREFIX%\Scripts\", line 9, in <module>


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 294, in main

    return run(sys.argv[1:], launcher)

  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 261, in run


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 230, in ensure_stdout_accepts_unicode

    if sys.stdout.encoding and not sys.stdout.encoding.upper().startswith('UTF-'):

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encoding'

_______________ ERROR at setup of test_default_policy_singleton _______________
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.9.17 %PREFIX%\python.exe

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
>           mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in compile_extension_module
    return _c_compile(
        builddir   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0/mem_policy/source.c')
        dirname    = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0/mem_policy')
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        modname    = 'mem_policy'
        name       = 'mem_policy'
        source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in _c_compile
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in build
    subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
        build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0/mem_policy/build')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        fid        = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_default_policy_singleton0\\mem_policy\\' mode='wt' encoding='UTF-8'>
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        includes   = ['-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', '-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_dirs  = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
        so_name    = 'mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

popenargs = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
kwargs = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0/mem_policy/build')}
retcode = 1, cmd = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']

    def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
        """Run command with arguments.  Wait for command to complete.  If
        the exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
        CalledProcessError.  The CalledProcessError object will have the
        return code in the returncode attribute.
        The arguments are the same as for the call function.  Example:
        check_call(["ls", "-l"])
        retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
        if retcode:
            cmd = kwargs.get("args")
            if cmd is None:
                cmd = popenargs[0]
>           raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
E           subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

cmd        = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']
kwargs     = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0/mem_policy/build')}
popenargs  = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
retcode    = 1

..\_test_env\Lib\ CalledProcessError

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmp_path = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0')

    def get_module(tmp_path):
        """ Add a memory policy that returns a false pointer 64 bytes into the
        actual allocation, and fill the prefix with some text. Then check at each
        memory manipulation that the prefix exists, to make sure all alloc/realloc/
        free/calloc go via the functions here.
        if sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'):
            pytest.skip('link fails on cygwin')
        if IS_WASM:
            pytest.skip("Can't build module inside Wasm")
        functions = [
            ("get_default_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 return PyDataMem_DefaultHandler;
            ("set_secret_data_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 PyObject *secret_data =
                     PyCapsule_New(&secret_data_handler, "mem_handler", NULL);
                 if (secret_data == NULL) {
                     return NULL;
                 PyObject *old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(secret_data);
                 return old;
            ("set_old_policy", "METH_O", """
                 PyObject *old;
                 if (args != NULL && PyCapsule_CheckExact(args)) {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(args);
                 else {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(NULL);
                 return old;
            ("get_array", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                return PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims, NULL,
                                            buf, NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
            ("set_own", "METH_O", """
                if (!PyArray_Check(args)) {
                                 "need an ndarray");
                    return NULL;
                PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject*)args, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
                // Maybe try this too?
                // PyArray_BASE(PyArrayObject *)args) = NULL;
            ("get_array_with_base", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                PyObject *arr = PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims,
                                                     NULL, buf,
                                                     NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
                if (arr == NULL) return NULL;
                PyObject *obj = PyCapsule_New(buf, "buf capsule",
                if (obj == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                if (PyArray_SetBaseObject((PyArrayObject *)arr, obj) < 0) {
                    return NULL;
                return arr;
        prologue = '''
            #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION
            #include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
             * This struct allows the dynamic configuration of the allocator funcs
             * of the `secret_data_allocator`. It is provided here for
             * demonstration purposes, as a valid `ctx` use-case scenario.
            typedef struct {
                void *(*malloc)(size_t);
                void *(*calloc)(size_t, size_t);
                void *(*realloc)(void *, size_t);
                void (*free)(void *);
            } SecretDataAllocatorFuncs;
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_alloc(void *ctx, size_t sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->malloc(sz + 64);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld", (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_zero(void *ctx, size_t sz, size_t cnt) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->calloc(sz + 64, cnt);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld via zero",
                         (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void
            shift_free(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p == NULL) {
                    return ;
                char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                    fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free, "
                            "no appropriate prefix\\n");
                    /* Make C runtime crash by calling free on the wrong address */
                    funcs->free((char *)p + 10);
                    /* funcs->free(real); */
                else {
                    npy_uintp i = (npy_uintp)atoi(real +20);
                    if (i != sz) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free"
                                "(ptr, %ld) but allocated %ld\\n", sz, i);
                        /* This happens in some places, only print */
                    else {
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_realloc(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p != NULL) {
                    char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                    if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                        fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_realloc\\n");
                        return realloc(p, sz);
                    return (void *)((char *)funcs->realloc(real, sz + 64) + 64);
                else {
                    char *real = (char *)funcs->realloc(p, sz + 64);
                    if (real == NULL) {
                        return NULL;
                    snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated "
                             "%ld  via realloc", (unsigned long)sz);
                    return (void *)(real + 64);
            /* As an example, we use the standard {m|c|re}alloc/free funcs. */
            static SecretDataAllocatorFuncs secret_data_handler_ctx = {
            static PyDataMem_Handler secret_data_handler = {
                    &secret_data_handler_ctx, /* ctx */
                    shift_alloc,              /* malloc */
                    shift_zero,               /* calloc */
                    shift_realloc,            /* realloc */
                    shift_free                /* free */
            void warn_on_free(void *capsule) {
                PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_UserWarning, "in warn_on_free", 1);
                void * obj = PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule,
        more_init = "import_array();"
            import mem_policy
            return mem_policy
        except ImportError:
        # if it does not exist, build and load it
>       return extbuild.build_and_import_extension('mem_policy',

functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
tmp_path   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
            mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)
        except Exception as e:
            # shorten the exception chain
>           raise RuntimeError(f"could not compile in {build_dir}:") from e
E           RuntimeError: could not compile in C:\Users\VssAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\pytest-0\popen-gw0\test_default_policy_singleton0:

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_default_policy_singleton0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ RuntimeError
Captured stderr setup ----------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "%PREFIX%\Scripts\", line 9, in <module>


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 294, in main

    return run(sys.argv[1:], launcher)

  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 261, in run


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 230, in ensure_stdout_accepts_unicode

    if sys.stdout.encoding and not sys.stdout.encoding.upper().startswith('UTF-'):

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encoding'

__________________ ERROR at setup of test_policy_propagation __________________
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.9.17 %PREFIX%\python.exe

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
>           mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in compile_extension_module
    return _c_compile(
        builddir   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0/mem_policy/source.c')
        dirname    = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0/mem_policy')
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        modname    = 'mem_policy'
        name       = 'mem_policy'
        source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in _c_compile
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in build
    subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
        build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0/mem_policy/build')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        fid        = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_policy_propagation0\\mem_policy\\' mode='wt' encoding='UTF-8'>
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        includes   = ['-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', '-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_dirs  = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
        so_name    = 'mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

popenargs = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
kwargs = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0/mem_policy/build')}
retcode = 1, cmd = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']

    def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
        """Run command with arguments.  Wait for command to complete.  If
        the exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
        CalledProcessError.  The CalledProcessError object will have the
        return code in the returncode attribute.
        The arguments are the same as for the call function.  Example:
        check_call(["ls", "-l"])
        retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
        if retcode:
            cmd = kwargs.get("args")
            if cmd is None:
                cmd = popenargs[0]
>           raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
E           subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

cmd        = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']
kwargs     = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0/mem_policy/build')}
popenargs  = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
retcode    = 1

..\_test_env\Lib\ CalledProcessError

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmp_path = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0')

    def get_module(tmp_path):
        """ Add a memory policy that returns a false pointer 64 bytes into the
        actual allocation, and fill the prefix with some text. Then check at each
        memory manipulation that the prefix exists, to make sure all alloc/realloc/
        free/calloc go via the functions here.
        if sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'):
            pytest.skip('link fails on cygwin')
        if IS_WASM:
            pytest.skip("Can't build module inside Wasm")
        functions = [
            ("get_default_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 return PyDataMem_DefaultHandler;
            ("set_secret_data_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 PyObject *secret_data =
                     PyCapsule_New(&secret_data_handler, "mem_handler", NULL);
                 if (secret_data == NULL) {
                     return NULL;
                 PyObject *old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(secret_data);
                 return old;
            ("set_old_policy", "METH_O", """
                 PyObject *old;
                 if (args != NULL && PyCapsule_CheckExact(args)) {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(args);
                 else {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(NULL);
                 return old;
            ("get_array", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                return PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims, NULL,
                                            buf, NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
            ("set_own", "METH_O", """
                if (!PyArray_Check(args)) {
                                 "need an ndarray");
                    return NULL;
                PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject*)args, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
                // Maybe try this too?
                // PyArray_BASE(PyArrayObject *)args) = NULL;
            ("get_array_with_base", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                PyObject *arr = PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims,
                                                     NULL, buf,
                                                     NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
                if (arr == NULL) return NULL;
                PyObject *obj = PyCapsule_New(buf, "buf capsule",
                if (obj == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                if (PyArray_SetBaseObject((PyArrayObject *)arr, obj) < 0) {
                    return NULL;
                return arr;
        prologue = '''
            #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION
            #include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
             * This struct allows the dynamic configuration of the allocator funcs
             * of the `secret_data_allocator`. It is provided here for
             * demonstration purposes, as a valid `ctx` use-case scenario.
            typedef struct {
                void *(*malloc)(size_t);
                void *(*calloc)(size_t, size_t);
                void *(*realloc)(void *, size_t);
                void (*free)(void *);
            } SecretDataAllocatorFuncs;
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_alloc(void *ctx, size_t sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->malloc(sz + 64);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld", (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_zero(void *ctx, size_t sz, size_t cnt) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->calloc(sz + 64, cnt);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld via zero",
                         (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void
            shift_free(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p == NULL) {
                    return ;
                char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                    fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free, "
                            "no appropriate prefix\\n");
                    /* Make C runtime crash by calling free on the wrong address */
                    funcs->free((char *)p + 10);
                    /* funcs->free(real); */
                else {
                    npy_uintp i = (npy_uintp)atoi(real +20);
                    if (i != sz) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free"
                                "(ptr, %ld) but allocated %ld\\n", sz, i);
                        /* This happens in some places, only print */
                    else {
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_realloc(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p != NULL) {
                    char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                    if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                        fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_realloc\\n");
                        return realloc(p, sz);
                    return (void *)((char *)funcs->realloc(real, sz + 64) + 64);
                else {
                    char *real = (char *)funcs->realloc(p, sz + 64);
                    if (real == NULL) {
                        return NULL;
                    snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated "
                             "%ld  via realloc", (unsigned long)sz);
                    return (void *)(real + 64);
            /* As an example, we use the standard {m|c|re}alloc/free funcs. */
            static SecretDataAllocatorFuncs secret_data_handler_ctx = {
            static PyDataMem_Handler secret_data_handler = {
                    &secret_data_handler_ctx, /* ctx */
                    shift_alloc,              /* malloc */
                    shift_zero,               /* calloc */
                    shift_realloc,            /* realloc */
                    shift_free                /* free */
            void warn_on_free(void *capsule) {
                PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_UserWarning, "in warn_on_free", 1);
                void * obj = PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule,
        more_init = "import_array();"
            import mem_policy
            return mem_policy
        except ImportError:
        # if it does not exist, build and load it
>       return extbuild.build_and_import_extension('mem_policy',

functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
tmp_path   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
            mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)
        except Exception as e:
            # shorten the exception chain
>           raise RuntimeError(f"could not compile in {build_dir}:") from e
E           RuntimeError: could not compile in C:\Users\VssAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\pytest-0\popen-gw0\test_policy_propagation0:

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_policy_propagation0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ RuntimeError
Captured stderr setup ----------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "%PREFIX%\Scripts\", line 9, in <module>


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 294, in main

    return run(sys.argv[1:], launcher)

  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 261, in run


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 230, in ensure_stdout_accepts_unicode

    if sys.stdout.encoding and not sys.stdout.encoding.upper().startswith('UTF-'):

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encoding'

___________________ ERROR at setup of test_context_locality ___________________
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.9.17 %PREFIX%\python.exe

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
>           mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in compile_extension_module
    return _c_compile(
        builddir   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0/mem_policy/source.c')
        dirname    = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0/mem_policy')
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        modname    = 'mem_policy'
        name       = 'mem_policy'
        source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in _c_compile
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in build
    subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
        build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0/mem_policy/build')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        fid        = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_context_locality0\\mem_policy\\' mode='wt' encoding='UTF-8'>
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        includes   = ['-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', '-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_dirs  = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
        so_name    = 'mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

popenargs = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
kwargs = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0/mem_policy/build')}
retcode = 1, cmd = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']

    def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
        """Run command with arguments.  Wait for command to complete.  If
        the exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
        CalledProcessError.  The CalledProcessError object will have the
        return code in the returncode attribute.
        The arguments are the same as for the call function.  Example:
        check_call(["ls", "-l"])
        retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
        if retcode:
            cmd = kwargs.get("args")
            if cmd is None:
                cmd = popenargs[0]
>           raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
E           subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

cmd        = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']
kwargs     = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0/mem_policy/build')}
popenargs  = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
retcode    = 1

..\_test_env\Lib\ CalledProcessError

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmp_path = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0')

    def get_module(tmp_path):
        """ Add a memory policy that returns a false pointer 64 bytes into the
        actual allocation, and fill the prefix with some text. Then check at each
        memory manipulation that the prefix exists, to make sure all alloc/realloc/
        free/calloc go via the functions here.
        if sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'):
            pytest.skip('link fails on cygwin')
        if IS_WASM:
            pytest.skip("Can't build module inside Wasm")
        functions = [
            ("get_default_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 return PyDataMem_DefaultHandler;
            ("set_secret_data_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 PyObject *secret_data =
                     PyCapsule_New(&secret_data_handler, "mem_handler", NULL);
                 if (secret_data == NULL) {
                     return NULL;
                 PyObject *old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(secret_data);
                 return old;
            ("set_old_policy", "METH_O", """
                 PyObject *old;
                 if (args != NULL && PyCapsule_CheckExact(args)) {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(args);
                 else {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(NULL);
                 return old;
            ("get_array", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                return PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims, NULL,
                                            buf, NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
            ("set_own", "METH_O", """
                if (!PyArray_Check(args)) {
                                 "need an ndarray");
                    return NULL;
                PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject*)args, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
                // Maybe try this too?
                // PyArray_BASE(PyArrayObject *)args) = NULL;
            ("get_array_with_base", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                PyObject *arr = PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims,
                                                     NULL, buf,
                                                     NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
                if (arr == NULL) return NULL;
                PyObject *obj = PyCapsule_New(buf, "buf capsule",
                if (obj == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                if (PyArray_SetBaseObject((PyArrayObject *)arr, obj) < 0) {
                    return NULL;
                return arr;
        prologue = '''
            #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION
            #include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
             * This struct allows the dynamic configuration of the allocator funcs
             * of the `secret_data_allocator`. It is provided here for
             * demonstration purposes, as a valid `ctx` use-case scenario.
            typedef struct {
                void *(*malloc)(size_t);
                void *(*calloc)(size_t, size_t);
                void *(*realloc)(void *, size_t);
                void (*free)(void *);
            } SecretDataAllocatorFuncs;
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_alloc(void *ctx, size_t sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->malloc(sz + 64);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld", (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_zero(void *ctx, size_t sz, size_t cnt) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->calloc(sz + 64, cnt);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld via zero",
                         (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void
            shift_free(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p == NULL) {
                    return ;
                char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                    fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free, "
                            "no appropriate prefix\\n");
                    /* Make C runtime crash by calling free on the wrong address */
                    funcs->free((char *)p + 10);
                    /* funcs->free(real); */
                else {
                    npy_uintp i = (npy_uintp)atoi(real +20);
                    if (i != sz) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free"
                                "(ptr, %ld) but allocated %ld\\n", sz, i);
                        /* This happens in some places, only print */
                    else {
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_realloc(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p != NULL) {
                    char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                    if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                        fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_realloc\\n");
                        return realloc(p, sz);
                    return (void *)((char *)funcs->realloc(real, sz + 64) + 64);
                else {
                    char *real = (char *)funcs->realloc(p, sz + 64);
                    if (real == NULL) {
                        return NULL;
                    snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated "
                             "%ld  via realloc", (unsigned long)sz);
                    return (void *)(real + 64);
            /* As an example, we use the standard {m|c|re}alloc/free funcs. */
            static SecretDataAllocatorFuncs secret_data_handler_ctx = {
            static PyDataMem_Handler secret_data_handler = {
                    &secret_data_handler_ctx, /* ctx */
                    shift_alloc,              /* malloc */
                    shift_zero,               /* calloc */
                    shift_realloc,            /* realloc */
                    shift_free                /* free */
            void warn_on_free(void *capsule) {
                PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_UserWarning, "in warn_on_free", 1);
                void * obj = PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule,
        more_init = "import_array();"
            import mem_policy
            return mem_policy
        except ImportError:
        # if it does not exist, build and load it
>       return extbuild.build_and_import_extension('mem_policy',

functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
tmp_path   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
            mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)
        except Exception as e:
            # shorten the exception chain
>           raise RuntimeError(f"could not compile in {build_dir}:") from e
E           RuntimeError: could not compile in C:\Users\VssAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\pytest-0\popen-gw0\test_context_locality0:

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_context_locality0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ RuntimeError
Captured stderr setup ----------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "%PREFIX%\Scripts\", line 9, in <module>


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 294, in main

    return run(sys.argv[1:], launcher)

  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 261, in run


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 230, in ensure_stdout_accepts_unicode

    if sys.stdout.encoding and not sys.stdout.encoding.upper().startswith('UTF-'):

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encoding'

___________________ ERROR at setup of test_thread_locality ____________________
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.9.17 %PREFIX%\python.exe

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
>           mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in compile_extension_module
    return _c_compile(
        builddir   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0/mem_policy/source.c')
        dirname    = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0/mem_policy')
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        modname    = 'mem_policy'
        name       = 'mem_policy'
        source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in _c_compile
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in build
    subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
        build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0/mem_policy/build')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        fid        = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_thread_locality0\\mem_policy\\' mode='wt' encoding='UTF-8'>
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        includes   = ['-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', '-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_dirs  = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
        so_name    = 'mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

popenargs = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
kwargs = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0/mem_policy/build')}
retcode = 1, cmd = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']

    def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
        """Run command with arguments.  Wait for command to complete.  If
        the exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
        CalledProcessError.  The CalledProcessError object will have the
        return code in the returncode attribute.
        The arguments are the same as for the call function.  Example:
        check_call(["ls", "-l"])
        retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
        if retcode:
            cmd = kwargs.get("args")
            if cmd is None:
                cmd = popenargs[0]
>           raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
E           subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

cmd        = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']
kwargs     = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0/mem_policy/build')}
popenargs  = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
retcode    = 1

..\_test_env\Lib\ CalledProcessError

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmp_path = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0')

    def get_module(tmp_path):
        """ Add a memory policy that returns a false pointer 64 bytes into the
        actual allocation, and fill the prefix with some text. Then check at each
        memory manipulation that the prefix exists, to make sure all alloc/realloc/
        free/calloc go via the functions here.
        if sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'):
            pytest.skip('link fails on cygwin')
        if IS_WASM:
            pytest.skip("Can't build module inside Wasm")
        functions = [
            ("get_default_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 return PyDataMem_DefaultHandler;
            ("set_secret_data_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 PyObject *secret_data =
                     PyCapsule_New(&secret_data_handler, "mem_handler", NULL);
                 if (secret_data == NULL) {
                     return NULL;
                 PyObject *old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(secret_data);
                 return old;
            ("set_old_policy", "METH_O", """
                 PyObject *old;
                 if (args != NULL && PyCapsule_CheckExact(args)) {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(args);
                 else {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(NULL);
                 return old;
            ("get_array", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                return PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims, NULL,
                                            buf, NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
            ("set_own", "METH_O", """
                if (!PyArray_Check(args)) {
                                 "need an ndarray");
                    return NULL;
                PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject*)args, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
                // Maybe try this too?
                // PyArray_BASE(PyArrayObject *)args) = NULL;
            ("get_array_with_base", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                PyObject *arr = PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims,
                                                     NULL, buf,
                                                     NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
                if (arr == NULL) return NULL;
                PyObject *obj = PyCapsule_New(buf, "buf capsule",
                if (obj == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                if (PyArray_SetBaseObject((PyArrayObject *)arr, obj) < 0) {
                    return NULL;
                return arr;
        prologue = '''
            #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION
            #include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
             * This struct allows the dynamic configuration of the allocator funcs
             * of the `secret_data_allocator`. It is provided here for
             * demonstration purposes, as a valid `ctx` use-case scenario.
            typedef struct {
                void *(*malloc)(size_t);
                void *(*calloc)(size_t, size_t);
                void *(*realloc)(void *, size_t);
                void (*free)(void *);
            } SecretDataAllocatorFuncs;
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_alloc(void *ctx, size_t sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->malloc(sz + 64);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld", (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_zero(void *ctx, size_t sz, size_t cnt) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->calloc(sz + 64, cnt);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld via zero",
                         (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void
            shift_free(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p == NULL) {
                    return ;
                char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                    fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free, "
                            "no appropriate prefix\\n");
                    /* Make C runtime crash by calling free on the wrong address */
                    funcs->free((char *)p + 10);
                    /* funcs->free(real); */
                else {
                    npy_uintp i = (npy_uintp)atoi(real +20);
                    if (i != sz) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free"
                                "(ptr, %ld) but allocated %ld\\n", sz, i);
                        /* This happens in some places, only print */
                    else {
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_realloc(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p != NULL) {
                    char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                    if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                        fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_realloc\\n");
                        return realloc(p, sz);
                    return (void *)((char *)funcs->realloc(real, sz + 64) + 64);
                else {
                    char *real = (char *)funcs->realloc(p, sz + 64);
                    if (real == NULL) {
                        return NULL;
                    snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated "
                             "%ld  via realloc", (unsigned long)sz);
                    return (void *)(real + 64);
            /* As an example, we use the standard {m|c|re}alloc/free funcs. */
            static SecretDataAllocatorFuncs secret_data_handler_ctx = {
            static PyDataMem_Handler secret_data_handler = {
                    &secret_data_handler_ctx, /* ctx */
                    shift_alloc,              /* malloc */
                    shift_zero,               /* calloc */
                    shift_realloc,            /* realloc */
                    shift_free                /* free */
            void warn_on_free(void *capsule) {
                PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_UserWarning, "in warn_on_free", 1);
                void * obj = PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule,
        more_init = "import_array();"
            import mem_policy
            return mem_policy
        except ImportError:
        # if it does not exist, build and load it
>       return extbuild.build_and_import_extension('mem_policy',

functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
tmp_path   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
            mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)
        except Exception as e:
            # shorten the exception chain
>           raise RuntimeError(f"could not compile in {build_dir}:") from e
E           RuntimeError: could not compile in C:\Users\VssAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\pytest-0\popen-gw0\test_thread_locality0:

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_thread_locality0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ RuntimeError
Captured stderr setup ----------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "%PREFIX%\Scripts\", line 9, in <module>


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 294, in main

    return run(sys.argv[1:], launcher)

  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 261, in run


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 230, in ensure_stdout_accepts_unicode

    if sys.stdout.encoding and not sys.stdout.encoding.upper().startswith('UTF-'):

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encoding'

____________________ ERROR at setup of test_owner_is_base _____________________
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.9.17 %PREFIX%\python.exe

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
>           mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in compile_extension_module
    return _c_compile(
        builddir   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0/mem_policy/source.c')
        dirname    = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0/mem_policy')
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        modname    = 'mem_policy'
        name       = 'mem_policy'
        source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in _c_compile
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ in build
    subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
        build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0/mem_policy/build')
        cfile      = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0/mem_policy/source.c')
        compile_extra = ['/we4013']
        fid        = <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_owner_is_base0\\mem_policy\\' mode='wt' encoding='UTF-8'>
        include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        includes   = ['-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include', '-ID:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Include']
        libraries  = []
        library_dirs = []
        link_dirs  = []
        link_extra = ['/LIBPATH:D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\libs', '/DEBUG']
        outputfilename = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0/mem_policy/mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd')
        so_name    = 'mem_policy.pypy39-pp73-win_amd64.pyd'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

popenargs = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
kwargs = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0/mem_policy/build')}
retcode = 1, cmd = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']

    def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
        """Run command with arguments.  Wait for command to complete.  If
        the exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
        CalledProcessError.  The CalledProcessError object will have the
        return code in the returncode attribute.
        The arguments are the same as for the call function.  Example:
        check_call(["ls", "-l"])
        retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
        if retcode:
            cmd = kwargs.get("args")
            if cmd is None:
                cmd = popenargs[0]
>           raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
E           subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

cmd        = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..']
kwargs     = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0/mem_policy/build')}
popenargs  = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', '..'],)
retcode    = 1

..\_test_env\Lib\ CalledProcessError

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

tmp_path = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0')

    def get_module(tmp_path):
        """ Add a memory policy that returns a false pointer 64 bytes into the
        actual allocation, and fill the prefix with some text. Then check at each
        memory manipulation that the prefix exists, to make sure all alloc/realloc/
        free/calloc go via the functions here.
        if sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'):
            pytest.skip('link fails on cygwin')
        if IS_WASM:
            pytest.skip("Can't build module inside Wasm")
        functions = [
            ("get_default_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 return PyDataMem_DefaultHandler;
            ("set_secret_data_policy", "METH_NOARGS", """
                 PyObject *secret_data =
                     PyCapsule_New(&secret_data_handler, "mem_handler", NULL);
                 if (secret_data == NULL) {
                     return NULL;
                 PyObject *old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(secret_data);
                 return old;
            ("set_old_policy", "METH_O", """
                 PyObject *old;
                 if (args != NULL && PyCapsule_CheckExact(args)) {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(args);
                 else {
                     old = PyDataMem_SetHandler(NULL);
                 return old;
            ("get_array", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                return PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims, NULL,
                                            buf, NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
            ("set_own", "METH_O", """
                if (!PyArray_Check(args)) {
                                 "need an ndarray");
                    return NULL;
                PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject*)args, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
                // Maybe try this too?
                // PyArray_BASE(PyArrayObject *)args) = NULL;
            ("get_array_with_base", "METH_NOARGS", """
                char *buf = (char *)malloc(20);
                npy_intp dims[1];
                dims[0] = 20;
                PyArray_Descr *descr =  PyArray_DescrNewFromType(NPY_UINT8);
                PyObject *arr = PyArray_NewFromDescr(&PyArray_Type, descr, 1, dims,
                                                     NULL, buf,
                                                     NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE, NULL);
                if (arr == NULL) return NULL;
                PyObject *obj = PyCapsule_New(buf, "buf capsule",
                if (obj == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                if (PyArray_SetBaseObject((PyArrayObject *)arr, obj) < 0) {
                    return NULL;
                return arr;
        prologue = '''
            #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION
            #include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
             * This struct allows the dynamic configuration of the allocator funcs
             * of the `secret_data_allocator`. It is provided here for
             * demonstration purposes, as a valid `ctx` use-case scenario.
            typedef struct {
                void *(*malloc)(size_t);
                void *(*calloc)(size_t, size_t);
                void *(*realloc)(void *, size_t);
                void (*free)(void *);
            } SecretDataAllocatorFuncs;
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_alloc(void *ctx, size_t sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->malloc(sz + 64);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld", (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_zero(void *ctx, size_t sz, size_t cnt) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                char *real = (char *)funcs->calloc(sz + 64, cnt);
                if (real == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated %ld via zero",
                         (unsigned long)sz);
                return (void *)(real + 64);
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void
            shift_free(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p == NULL) {
                    return ;
                char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                    fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free, "
                            "no appropriate prefix\\n");
                    /* Make C runtime crash by calling free on the wrong address */
                    funcs->free((char *)p + 10);
                    /* funcs->free(real); */
                else {
                    npy_uintp i = (npy_uintp)atoi(real +20);
                    if (i != sz) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_free"
                                "(ptr, %ld) but allocated %ld\\n", sz, i);
                        /* This happens in some places, only print */
                    else {
            NPY_NO_EXPORT void *
            shift_realloc(void *ctx, void * p, npy_uintp sz) {
                SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *funcs = (SecretDataAllocatorFuncs *)ctx;
                if (p != NULL) {
                    char *real = (char *)p - 64;
                    if (strncmp(real, "originally allocated", 20) != 0) {
                        fprintf(stdout, "uh-oh, unmatched shift_realloc\\n");
                        return realloc(p, sz);
                    return (void *)((char *)funcs->realloc(real, sz + 64) + 64);
                else {
                    char *real = (char *)funcs->realloc(p, sz + 64);
                    if (real == NULL) {
                        return NULL;
                    snprintf(real, 64, "originally allocated "
                             "%ld  via realloc", (unsigned long)sz);
                    return (void *)(real + 64);
            /* As an example, we use the standard {m|c|re}alloc/free funcs. */
            static SecretDataAllocatorFuncs secret_data_handler_ctx = {
            static PyDataMem_Handler secret_data_handler = {
                    &secret_data_handler_ctx, /* ctx */
                    shift_alloc,              /* malloc */
                    shift_zero,               /* calloc */
                    shift_realloc,            /* realloc */
                    shift_free                /* free */
            void warn_on_free(void *capsule) {
                PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_UserWarning, "in warn_on_free", 1);
                void * obj = PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule,
        more_init = "import_array();"
            import mem_policy
            return mem_policy
        except ImportError:
        # if it does not exist, build and load it
>       return extbuild.build_and_import_extension('mem_policy',

functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
tmp_path   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

modname = 'mem_policy'
functions = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]

    def build_and_import_extension(
            modname, functions, *, prologue="", build_dir=None,
            include_dirs=[], more_init=""):
        Build and imports a c-extension module `modname` from a list of function
        fragments `functions`.
        functions : list of fragments
            Each fragment is a sequence of func_name, calling convention, snippet.
        prologue : string
            Code to precede the rest, usually extra ``#include`` or ``#define``
        build_dir : pathlib.Path
            Where to build the module, usually a temporary directory
        include_dirs : list
            Extra directories to find include files when compiling
        more_init : string
            Code to appear in the module PyMODINIT_FUNC
        out: module
            The module will have been loaded and is ready for use
        >>> functions = [("test_bytes", "METH_O", \"\"\"
            if ( !PyBytesCheck(args)) {
        >>> mod = build_and_import_extension("testme", functions)
        >>> assert not mod.test_bytes(u'abc')
        >>> assert mod.test_bytes(b'abc')
        body = prologue + _make_methods(functions, modname)
        init = """PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
        if not build_dir:
            build_dir = pathlib.Path('.')
        if more_init:
            init += """#define INITERROR return NULL
            init += more_init
        init += "\nreturn mod;"
        source_string = _make_source(modname, init, body)
            mod_so = compile_extension_module(
                modname, build_dir, include_dirs, source_string)
        except Exception as e:
            # shorten the exception chain
>           raise RuntimeError(f"could not compile in {build_dir}:") from e
E           RuntimeError: could not compile in C:\Users\VssAdministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\pytest-0\popen-gw0\test_owner_is_base0:

body       = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...LL,           /* m_doc */\n        -1,             /* m_size */\n        methods,        /* m_methods */\n    };\n    '
build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_owner_is_base0')
functions  = [('get_default_policy', 'METH_NOARGS', '\n             Py_INCREF(PyDataMem_DefaultHandler);\n             return PyDat...\n                Py_DECREF(obj);\n                return NULL;\n            }\n            return arr;\n\n         ')]
include_dirs = ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core\\include']
init       = 'PyObject *mod = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;'
modname    = 'mem_policy'
more_init  = 'import_array();'
prologue   = '\n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION\...                                            PyCapsule_GetName(capsule));\n            free(obj);\n        };\n        '
source_string = '\n    #include <Python.h>\n\n    \n        #define NPY_TARGET_VERSION NPY_1_22_API_VERSION\n        #define NPY_NO_DE...eate(&moduledef);\n           #define INITERROR return NULL\n                import_array();\nreturn mod;\n    }\n    '

..\_test_env\lib\site-packages\numpy\testing\_private\ RuntimeError
Captured stderr setup ----------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "%PREFIX%\Scripts\", line 9, in <module>


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 294, in main

    return run(sys.argv[1:], launcher)

  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 261, in run


  File "%PREFIX%\lib\site-packages\mesonbuild\", line 230, in ensure_stdout_accepts_unicode

    if sys.stdout.encoding and not sys.stdout.encoding.upper().startswith('UTF-'):

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encoding'

================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________________ test_cython _________________________________
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.9.17 %PREFIX%\python.exe

tmp_path = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_cython0')

    @pytest.mark.skipif(IS_WASM, reason="Can't start subprocess")
    @pytest.mark.skipif(cython is None, reason="requires cython")
    def test_cython(tmp_path):
        import glob
        # build the examples in a temporary directory
        srcdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')
        shutil.copytree(srcdir, tmp_path / 'random')
        build_dir = tmp_path / 'random' / '_examples' / 'cython'
        target_dir = build_dir / "build"
        os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True)
        if sys.platform == "win32":
>           subprocess.check_call(["meson", "setup",
                                   "--vsenv", str(build_dir)],

build_dir  = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_cython0/random/_examples/cython')
glob       = <module 'glob' from 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Lib\\'>
srcdir     = 'D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\random\\tests\\..'
target_dir = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_cython0/random/_examples/cython/build')
tmp_path   = WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_cython0')

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

popenargs = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', 'C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_cython0\\random\\_examples\\cython'],)
kwargs = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_cython0/random/_examples/cython/build')}
retcode = 1
cmd = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', 'C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_cython0\\random\\_examples\\cython']

    def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
        """Run command with arguments.  Wait for command to complete.  If
        the exit code was zero then return, otherwise raise
        CalledProcessError.  The CalledProcessError object will have the
        return code in the returncode attribute.
        The arguments are the same as for the call function.  Example:
        check_call(["ls", "-l"])
        retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
        if retcode:
            cmd = kwargs.get("args")
            if cmd is None:
                cmd = popenargs[0]
>           raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
E           subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', 'C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_cython0\\random\\_examples\\cython']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

cmd        = ['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', 'C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_cython0\\random\\_examples\\cython']
kwargs     = {'cwd': WindowsPath('C:/Users/VssAdministrator/AppData/Local/Temp/pytest-of-VssAdministrator/pytest-0/popen-gw0/test_cython0/random/_examples/cython/build')}
popenargs  = (['meson', 'setup', '--buildtype=release', '--vsenv', 'C:\\Users\\VssAdministrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pytest-of-VssAdministrator\\pytest-0\\popen-gw0\\test_cython0\\random\\_examples\\cython'],)
retcode    = 1

..\_test_env\Lib\ CalledProcessError
_________________________________ test_pep338 _________________________________
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.9.17 %PREFIX%\python.exe

    @pytest.mark.skipif(IS_WASM, reason="Cannot start subprocess")
    def test_pep338():
>       stdout = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-mnumpy.f2py', '-v'])

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
..\_test_env\Lib\ in check_output
    return run(*popenargs, stdout=PIPE, timeout=timeout, check=True,
        kwargs     = {}
        popenargs  = (['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\python.exe', '-mnumpy.f2py', '-v'],)
        timeout    = None
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

input = None, capture_output = False, timeout = None, check = True
popenargs = (['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\python.exe', '-mnumpy.f2py', '-v'],)
kwargs = {'stdout': -1}
process = <Popen: returncode: 1 args: ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\pytho...>
stdout = b'Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Lib\\", line 191, in ...3, in <module>\r\n    errmess = sys.stderr.write\r\nAttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'write\'\r\n'
stderr = None, retcode = 1

    def run(*popenargs,
            input=None, capture_output=False, timeout=None, check=False, **kwargs):
        """Run command with arguments and return a CompletedProcess instance.
        The returned instance will have attributes args, returncode, stdout and
        stderr. By default, stdout and stderr are not captured, and those attributes
        will be None. Pass stdout=PIPE and/or stderr=PIPE in order to capture them.
        If check is True and the exit code was non-zero, it raises a
        CalledProcessError. The CalledProcessError object will have the return code
        in the returncode attribute, and output & stderr attributes if those streams
        were captured.
        If timeout is given, and the process takes too long, a TimeoutExpired
        exception will be raised.
        There is an optional argument "input", allowing you to
        pass bytes or a string to the subprocess's stdin.  If you use this argument
        you may not also use the Popen constructor's "stdin" argument, as
        it will be used internally.
        By default, all communication is in bytes, and therefore any "input" should
        be bytes, and the stdout and stderr will be bytes. If in text mode, any
        "input" should be a string, and stdout and stderr will be strings decoded
        according to locale encoding, or by "encoding" if set. Text mode is
        triggered by setting any of text, encoding, errors or universal_newlines.
        The other arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor.
        if input is not None:
            if kwargs.get('stdin') is not None:
                raise ValueError('stdin and input arguments may not both be used.')
            kwargs['stdin'] = PIPE
        if capture_output:
            if kwargs.get('stdout') is not None or kwargs.get('stderr') is not None:
                raise ValueError('stdout and stderr arguments may not be used '
                                 'with capture_output.')
            kwargs['stdout'] = PIPE
            kwargs['stderr'] = PIPE
        with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:
                stdout, stderr = process.communicate(input, timeout=timeout)
            except TimeoutExpired as exc:
                if _mswindows:
                    # Windows accumulates the output in a single blocking
                    # read() call run on child threads, with the timeout
                    # being done in a join() on those threads.  communicate()
                    # _after_ kill() is required to collect that and add it
                    # to the exception.
                    exc.stdout, exc.stderr = process.communicate()
                    # POSIX _communicate already populated the output so
                    # far into the TimeoutExpired exception.
            except:  # Including KeyboardInterrupt, communicate handled that.
                # We don't call process.wait() as .__exit__ does that for us.
            retcode = process.poll()
            if check and retcode:
>               raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
                                         output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
E               subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\python.exe', '-mnumpy.f2py', '-v']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

capture_output = False
check      = True
input      = None
kwargs     = {'stdout': -1}
popenargs  = (['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\python.exe', '-mnumpy.f2py', '-v'],)
process    = <Popen: returncode: 1 args: ['D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\pytho...>
retcode    = 1
stderr     = None
stdout     = b'Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File "D:\\bld\\numpy_1694041522631\\_test_env\\Lib\\", line 191, in ...3, in <module>\r\n    errmess = sys.stderr.write\r\nAttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'write\'\r\n'
timeout    = None

..\_test_env\Lib\ CalledProcessError
============================== warnings summary ===============================

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charris commented Sep 7, 2023

Which openblas version are you using?
Which cython version are you using?
Did you build using meson or distutils?

The cholesky error is most likely due to blas.

The only changes in numpy/random were changing the cython binding directive (#24606) and a slight annotation improvement. The wheels we built did not error.

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Contributor Author

Which openblas version are you using?
Which cython version are you using?

I put the details in the issue text (under Runtime information:); it's openblas 0.3.24 and Cython 3.0.2.

Did you build using meson or distutils?

Meson on all platforms.

The cholesky error is most likely due to blas.

Yeah, 0.3.24 came out not too long ago, I can retest with 0.3.23.

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mattip commented Sep 7, 2023

I think the previous 1.26.0b1 may have been using lapack-lite for nmpy.linalg by mistake instead of OpenBLAS

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Contributor Author

Can confirm that aarch passes with openblas 0.3.23.

@martin-frbg, this looks like a regression in 0.3.24. Do you want me to open an issue for OpenBLAS or perhaps you have a possible culprit in mind already based on the error in the cholesky test?

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Which flavor of aarch64 is this ? The only very recent change that made it into 0.3.24 was the ROTG rewrite to use the new "safe" scaling algorithm from the Reference BLAS, most everything else was specific to NeoverseV1.

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Contributor Author

Which flavor of aarch64 is this ?

Since this is running in emulation through QEMU, I'm guessing it's the "most vanilla possible"? Numpy has some CPU feature detection on aarch as well, but doesn't find any CPU features (printed before the test suite run).

NumPy version 1.26.0rc1
NumPy relaxed strides checking option: True
NumPy CPU features:  nothing enabled
bringing up nodes...

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That would be the ARMV8 target, no changes there and nothing on the obvious Cholesky codepath (potrf &friends)

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mattip commented Sep 7, 2023

I wonder what the difference is between this aarch64 test run and the one in the github action on the numpy/numpy repo

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charris commented Sep 8, 2023

What pypy version?

Copy link

Since this is running in emulation through QEMU, I'm guessing it's the "most vanilla possible"? Numpy has some CPU feature detection on aarch as well, but doesn't find any CPU features (printed before the test suite run).

According to the build log:

Test features "NEON" : Unsupported due to Implied feature "NEON_FP16" is not supported
Test features "NEON_FP16" : Unsupported due to Implied feature "NEON_VFPV4" is not supported
Test features "NEON_VFPV4" : Unsupported due to Compiler fails against the test code of "NEON_VFPV4"
Test features "ASIMD" : Unsupported due to Implied feature "NEON" is not supported
Test features "ASIMDHP" : Unsupported due to Implied feature "NEON" is not supported
Test features "ASIMDFHM" : Unsupported due to Implied feature "NEON" is not supported
Configuring npy_cpu_dispatch_config.h using configuration
CPU Optimization Options
    Requested : min
    Enabled   : 
    Requested : max -xop -fma4
    Enabled   : 

The compile-time test for NEON_VFPV4 located at seems to have failed. Is there a way we can access the meson build log to pinpoint the problem? Perhaps by using something like cat build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt?

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Contributor Author

What pypy version?

Also in the OP already: pypy 7.3.12 (for python 3.9, as numpy doesn't support 3.8 anymore, and conda-forge doesn't build pypy for 3.10 yet)

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Contributor Author

The compile-time test for NEON_VFPV4 located at seems to have failed.

I think these are always going to fail because we're cross-compiling on aarch. It sounds conceptually similar to #24414, which where we have to set an explicit value for cross-compilation to pass for osx-arm.

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charris commented Sep 8, 2023

Also in the OP

The hash in the OP didn't agree with the latest pypy release, that is why I asked.

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Contributor Author

h-vetinari commented Sep 8, 2023

Not sure what you mean. It's both the latest available pypy version (7.3.12) and the latest available build for windows in conda-forge (h994e1e7_4)

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seiko2plus commented Sep 9, 2023

I think these are always going to fail because we're cross-compiling on aarch. It sounds conceptually similar to #24414, which where we have to set an explicit value for cross-compilation to pass for osx-arm.

These are only "compile-time tests", and 100% friendly with cross-compiling. Each feature is typically tested against the compiler and assembler before enabling, to ensure the build doesn't break. Would you please provides the meson build log which located at build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt?

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The build log is pretty long (~11k lines 😱), so it didn't fit into a comment; I uploaded it as a gist.

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mattip commented Sep 10, 2023

I think we should separate the two issues: the aarch64 failures are not connected to the PyPy ones.

@rgommers rgommers added this to the 1.26.0 release milestone Sep 13, 2023
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@charris as just discussed, the fix for this should go into 1.26.0 - PR coming.

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Thank you @h-vetinari for the build log, the compile-time tests failures of cpu features caused due to count on build compiler rather than the host, see:

Command line: `$BUILD_PREFIX/bin/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-cc $SRC_DIR/numpy/distutils/checks/cpu_neon_vfpv4.c -o /tmp/tmps4qcrzxi/output.exe -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64` -> 1
$SRC_DIR/numpy/distutils/checks/cpu_neon_vfpv4.c:4:10: fatal error: arm_neon.h: No such file or directory
    4 | #include <arm_neon.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.

and it should be fixed by the following patch:

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Thanks @seiko2plus, that's a simple enough fix:) I'll incorporate it in vendored-meson/meson and we'll include it in 1.26.0

rgommers added a commit to rgommers/numpy that referenced this issue Sep 13, 2023
This resulted in two test failures showing significant accuracy issues
for the 1.26.0rc1 with the Linux aarch64 builds in conda-forge.

Closes numpygh-24660
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gh-24698 should close the important part of this issue, which is the Linux aarch64 accuracy issues.

The PyPy on Windows + memory allocator / Cython / f2py are all the same issue it looks like: sys.stdout not having an "encoding" attribute:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encoding

I'm not sure why sys.stdout is weird under PyPy on Windows there, but it's a test issue only and shouldn't impact anything of interest. We have a PyPy on Windows CI job, but it's running the default (fast) test suite rather than the full test suite. @h-vetinari it should be fine to mark these as broken to get the conda-forge CI to pass I think. We may want to open a follow-up issue here, but it's too low-prio to look at now imho.

charris pushed a commit to charris/numpy that referenced this issue Sep 13, 2023
This resulted in two test failures showing significant accuracy issues
for the 1.26.0rc1 with the Linux aarch64 builds in conda-forge.

Closes numpygh-24660
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h-vetinari commented Sep 13, 2023

and it should be fixed by the following patch:

Thanks a lot @seiko2plus!

Is this going to be upstreamed into meson? Because if I mark the openblas 0.3.24 builds unbroken again on aarch, this would also rebreak the CI on the scipy-feedstock (which, being built by meson, is probably affected by the same issue).

In other words, we'd at least need to patch this into the meson-feedstock, but I'd prefer to do just a backport of an upstream PR, rather than original patches.

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We may want to open a follow-up issue here, but it's too low-prio to look at now imho.

Agreed, issues with pypy on windows would not have kept us from releasing (on the conda-forge side at least)

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rgommers commented Sep 13, 2023

This bug is in code that is not present in Meson and not relevant for SciPy because it doesn't use NEON SIMD.

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Interesting... That means we're still lacking an understanding of what's causing scipy/scipy#19210, and I cannot mark openblas 0.3.24 unbroken again.

In any case, nothing that should be blocking 1.26

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The issues seem to stem from the compiler optimization being disabled by setting the optimize level to 0. Upon inspecting the provided meson log, I noticed that -O0 is specified after both -O3 and -O2, which is unusual.

Check the following command line:

Command line: `$BUILD_PREFIX/bin/aarch64-conda-linux-gnu-cc -L$PREFIX/lib $SRC_DIR/builddir/meson-private/tmp3f10l7c1/testfile.c -o $SRC_DIR/builddir/meson-private/tmp3f10l7c1/output.exe -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt \
-O3 \ # optimization level 3
-pipe -isystem $PREFIX/include -fdebug-prefix-map=$SRC_DIR=/usr/local/src/conda/numpy-1.26.0rc1 -fdebug-prefix-map=$PREFIX=/usr/local/src/conda-prefix -DNDEBUG -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 \
-O2 \ # optimization level 2 overrides the O3
-isystem $PREFIX/include -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 \
-O0 \ # And here the issue ? the compiler optimization is turned off?
-std=c99 \ 
-Wl,-O2 \ # passing O2 to linker? void it.
-Wl,--sort-common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined -Wl,-rpath,$PREFIX/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,$PREFIX/lib` -> 1

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seiko2plus commented Sep 14, 2023

It seems that the Meson build reverses the order of the CFLAGS for somehow and this may explains why we don't observe this issue in the distutils build.

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Conda manages to make things a little messy with a ton of build flags, but I think we can unravel this. We have the following components of the puzzle for a C target:

  1. The default_options in the top-level file: -std=c99 (other relevant flags there get overridden by meson-python, see (2):)
  2. The flags that meson-python adds when building a wheel: -Dbuildtype=release, -Db_ndebug=if_release`
  3. c_args set for a particular build target in the relevant file
  4. CFLAGS and LDFLAGS set in the environment (comes from compiler activation):
$ echo $CFLAGS
-ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fPIE -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -pipe -isystem /Users/rgommers/mambaforge/envs/numpy-dev/include
$ echo $LDFLAGS
-Wl,-pie -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs -Wl,-rpath,/Users/rgommers/mambaforge/envs/numpy-dev/lib -L/Users/rgommers/mambaforge/envs/numpy-dev/lib

It's unclear to me where -O0 comes from, or -Wl,-O2.

To get the compile and link args for a target, you can use meson introspect build --targets -i > tmp.json. Example output in a numpy-dev conda env:

        "filename": [
        "build_by_default": true,
        "target_sources": [
                "language": "c",
                "compiler": [
                "parameters": [
                "sources": [
                "generated_sources": [],
                "unity_sources": []
                "linker": [
                "parameters": [

Comparing that to a non-SIMD compiler feature check and a SIMD feature check from meson-log.txt on macOS arm64:

Called: `/Users/rgommers/mambaforge/envs/numpy-dev/bin/pkg-config --libs python-3.9` -> 0
Run-time dependency python found: YES 3.9
Running compile:
Working directory:  /Users/rgommers/code/numpy/build/meson-private/tmphchev019

        #ifdef __has_include
         #if !__has_include("Python.h")
          #error "Header 'Python.h' could not be found"
         #include <Python.h>
Command line: `arm64-apple-darwin20.0.0-clang -I/Users/rgommers/mambaforge/envs/numpy-dev/include/python3.9 /Users/rgommers/code/numpy/build/meson-private/tmphchev019/testfile.c -E -P -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fPIE -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -pipe -isystem /Users/rgommers/mambaforge/envs/numpy-dev/include -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -isystem /Users/rgommers/mambaforge/envs/numpy-dev/include -P -O0 -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -std=c99` -> 0
Has header "Python.h" with dependency python-3.9: YES
Running compile:
Working directory:  /Users/rgommers/code/numpy/build/meson-private/tmpycxx7zlx
 extern int i;
int i;
Command line: `arm64-apple-darwin20.0.0-clang /Users/rgommers/code/numpy/build/meson-private/tmp1abedxjs/testfile.c -o /Users/rgommers/code/numpy/build/meson-private/tmp1abedxjs/output.obj -c -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fPIE -fstack-protector-strong -O2 -pipe -isystem /Users/rgommers/mambaforge/envs/numpy-dev/include -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -isystem /Users/rgommers/mambaforge/envs/numpy-dev/include -O0 -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -Werror=unknown-warning-option -Werror=unused-command-line-argument -Werror=ignored-optimization-argument -march=armv8.2-a+fp16fml+fp16` -> 0
Running compile:
Working directory:  /var/folders/2m/dk_4hyc90xd2drkbqsbsjfqw0000gn/T/tmp7myl4wt3
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
    #include <Intrin.h>
#include <arm_neon.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    float16_t *src = (float16_t*)argv[argc-1];
    float *src2 = (float*)argv[argc-2];
    float16x8_t vhp  = vdupq_n_f16(src[0]);
    float16x4_t vlhp = vdup_n_f16(src[1]);
    float32x4_t vf   = vdupq_n_f32(src2[0]);
    float32x2_t vlf  = vdup_n_f32(src2[1]);

    int ret  = (int)vget_lane_f32(vfmlal_low_f16(vlf, vlhp, vlhp), 0);
        ret += (int)vgetq_lane_f32(vfmlslq_high_f16(vf, vhp, vhp), 0);

    return ret;

Those do both contain -O0, so I think it's coming from Meson's compiler feature check support. Which I guess makes sense for cc.has_header and the like. But not so much for SIMD checks perhaps.

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@seiko2plus are those actual problems for feature detection? It's working fine in all CI and locally, with -O0 included.

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Those do both contain -O0, so I think it's coming from Meson's compiler feature check support.

Thanks for clarifying. I was under the impression -O0 was applied to all sources, as I couldn't access the ninja debug log via CI.

are those actual problems for feature detection? It's working fine in all CI and locally, with -O0 included.

The presence of -O0 isn't a problem for feature detection. In fact, it's beneficial to include -O0 to prevent the optimization of any instructions pertinent to the test, allowing for direct assessment against the assembler.

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Great, thanks for confirming. Then I think we're all good here.

charris pushed a commit to charris/numpy that referenced this issue Nov 11, 2023
This resulted in two test failures showing significant accuracy issues
for the 1.26.0rc1 with the Linux aarch64 builds in conda-forge.

Closes numpygh-24660
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