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"Belajar Jaringan Komputer untuk Pemula" - Build web server and Configuring NGINX & Apache2 as Reverse Proxy Server

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"Belajar Jaringan Komputer untuk Pemula" - Build web server and Configuring NGINX & Apache2 as Reverse Proxy Server

Node.JS Web Server

In this section, we will set up a web server. Ready? Let's go straight to the steps.

  1. Clone this repository

    $ git clone
  2. Open Project Folder in Linux Terminal

    $ cd a387-jarkom-labs
  3. Install Node.js Locally with Linux Node Version Manager (nvm)

    To install linux nvm, please run the following command.

    $ curl -o- | bash

    Urge! For nvm to work, please exit terminal with the following command.

    $ exit

    Open terminal again. Then, install Node.js with the following command.

    $ nvm install v14.15.4
  4. Install all dependencies in package.json

    $ npm install
  5. Run web server (Node.js)

    $ npm run start
  6. Open URL referencing LocalHost in your browser

    Open http://localhost:8000/ in your browser. And, Yeaay Congratulations. The web app is successfully running on the local server 😉

NGINX Configuration

To configure NGINX as a reverse proxy, follow these steps.

  1. Installing Nginx

    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt-get install nginx -y
  2. Verify Nginx is running

    Now you can verify that Nginx is running:

    $ sudo service nginx status

    If Nginx is not already running, you can run and check again that Nginx is running using the following command.

    $ sudo service nginx start
    $ sudo service nginx status

    NGINX server runs on port 80, which is the default port for the HTTP protocol. To access it, run http://localhost:80/

  3. Configure NGINX as a Reverse Proxy Server

    a. view configuration files default

    $ cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

    b. edit configuration files default

    $ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
    • Changed the NGINX port from 80 to 3000 (not the Node.js web server port)
    • Changed the rate limit configuration to 6 requests per minute, alias one request every 10 seconds.

    c. Save file changes by pressing CTRL+X, then Y, and Enter.

  4. Restart Nginx

    $ sudo service nginx restart
  5. Run web server (Node.js)

    $ npm run start
  6. Open URL referencing LocalHost in your browser

    Open your web browser and navigate to the localhost you set up with Nginx http://localhost:3000/.

    🎉🎉 Yeaay, Congrats. The web server is successfully running. You have successfully installed and configured Nginx reverse proxy on your Linux system 😉.

Apache2 Configuration

To configure Apache2 as a reverse proxy, follow these steps.

  1. Installing Apache2

    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
  2. Verify Apache2 is running

    Now you can verify that Apache2 is running:

    $ sudo service apache2 status

    If Apache2 is not already running, you can run and check again that Apache2 is running using the following command.

    $ sudo service apache2 start
    $ sudo service apache2 status

    Apache2 server runs on port 80, which is the default port for the HTTP protocol. To access it, run http://localhost:80/

  3. Configure Apache2 as a Reverse Proxy Server

    a. view configuration files 000-default.conf

    $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

    b. edit configuration files 000-default.conf

    $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
    • Changed the Apache2 port from 80 to 5000 (not the Node.js web server port)

    c. Save file changes by pressing CTRL+X, then Y, and Enter.

    d. view configuration files ports.conf

    $ cat /etc/apache2/ports.conf

    e. edit configuration files ports.conf

    $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
    • Changed the default port to 5000

    f. Save file changes by pressing CTRL+X, then Y, and Enter.

  4. Enable Apache Modules for Reverse Proxy

    $ sudo a2enmod proxy
    $ sudo a2enmod proxy_http
    $ sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer
    $ sudo a2enmod lbmethod_byrequests
  5. Restart Apache2

    $ sudo service apache2 restart
  6. Run web server (Node.js)

    $ npm run start
  7. Open URL referencing LocalHost in your browser

    Open your web browser and navigate to the localhost you set up with Nginx http://localhost:5000/.

    🎉🎉 Yeaay, Congrats. The web server (reverse proxy) is successfully running. You have successfully installed and configured Nginx reverse proxy on your Linux system 😉.


"Belajar Jaringan Komputer untuk Pemula" - Build web server and Configuring NGINX & Apache2 as Reverse Proxy Server







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