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sfermigier edited this page May 11, 2011 · 3 revisions

After you installed an ECR application (as explained in Installing ECR), you can start playing with the repository by installing a command line client named the ECR Shell.

The Shell is available either as a command line application (working in any UNIX-like OS or on Windows), or as an Eclipse plugin.

To install the command line application, you can download a release from the Nuxeo maven repository.

For more information about the shellm you can browse the Nuxeo Shell Documentation.

After starting ECR, you can connect to the server by launching the shell and executing the following command:

connect http://localhost:8080/ecr/automation -u admin

You can also install the shell as an Eclipse Plugin (tested on Helios and Indigo) with the following update site:

To launch the ECR Shell view, go to Window > Show View > Other ... and select ECR > ECR Shell.

To connect to a development instance, type connect -u admin. You can also connect to other remote ECR servers by specifying the right automation URL when connecting.

Note: The ECR Shell uses the Content Automation REST API to talk with the server.

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