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Python package

Azure Runbook utilities

This library is intended to be run within an Azure Runbook using Python 3.

Build instructions

You can create a wheel file by following the below steps

  • Download or clone this repository.
  • Run the below commands to create the package and install using pip.
python sdist bdist_wheel
pip install .


The following packages need to be uploaded to the Azure Automation Account:

  • pytz==2021.1


VM Power Schedule

This utility allows to schedule a power on/off cycle by setting tags on VM instance type resources.

The power cycle will be run if the VM instance is in the correct state, that is if it needs to be powered on, it will run if the instance is in VM deallocated or VM stopped statuses and if it needs to be powered off, it will run if the instance is in VM running status.

If the VM instance is outside the time range and its status is VM running it will be powered off.

You can setup an hourly schedule basis, so it will check every hour for the correct power status of all VMs in the subscription.

Tags implemented

Tag name Value Default Example Description
VMPowerOn number - 23 Set the hour in which the VM should be powered ON
VMPowerOff number - 4 Set the hour in which the VM should be powered OFF
VMPowerDays string 1,2,3,4 1,3,5,7 Set the days (separated by commas, pipes , dashes or spaces) in which the action should be performed
VMPowerSkip any 1 - Skip the VM while this tag is set

Power transitions implemented

Between time range Initial Status Final status Description
Yes VM deallocated VM running You'd be billed for the instance
Yes VM stopped VM running You'd be billed for the instance
No VM running VM deallocated You wouldn't be billed for the instance

Please note that a time range between two days won't trigger any action if the scheduled days don't match.

Example usage

The first step is to upload the utilities package and dependencies to Python packages (under Shared Resources) in the Azure Automation Account.

The next step is to create a Python 3 Runbook with the following code (using default values):

from azure_runbook_util import vm_ops

vm_power_schedule = vm_ops.VmPowerSchedule()

Or using custom values:

from azure_runbook_util import vm_ops

vm_power_tags = vm_ops.VmPowerTags(
vm_power_schedule = vm_ops.VmPowerSchedule(
  power_tags=vm_power_tags,  # An instance of VmPowerTags that holds the name of the tags to lookup
  debug=True, # Set logging level to DEBUG
  dry_run=True, # Perform a trial run with no changes made
  wait_for_action=True # Set to True to perform synchronous power cycle actions


In order to develop your own implementation, you will need: