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This is a Max for Live audio effect that wraps the supervp.sourcefilter~ object from IRCAM’s SuperVP for Max v2.18.10. This is in some ways an update of the supervp.sourcefilter~ wrapper included in

Note that SuperVP for Max is licensed under the IRCAM Forum Software License Agreement. To download SuperVP for Max, visit to create an IRCAM Forum account, and then visit

This Max for Live device includes BrowseRouting.maxpat (and the RoutingObjects.maxpat subpatch on which it depends) in a bpatcher. BrowseRouting.maxpat is part of Cycling ’74’s Audio Routes suite of Max for Live devices. The “Audio Routing Example.amxd” device from Audio Routes includes this comment about BrowseRouting: “This subpatcher may be freely copied into any device as a bpatcher…”.